Chapter 9//Fake Roses
I slowly opened my eyes and suddenly felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. "Aghh..." I groaned in pain every time I tried to move.
"I-Ib? You're awake!" Garry exclaimed.
"Garry?" I said my voice raspy.
"Does it hurt to move? Do you think you'll be able to walk?" Garry asked frantically.
"Mmph. Oww." Whimpers sounded from my mouth as I tried sitting up. I eventually was able to sit up straight. "Oh.... Ib. I'm sorry, but I had to close your wound. There was nothing I could do." Garry sighed sadly.
"W.... Wound?!" I gasped as I pulled up my shirt and saw stitches closing up a small, red wound on my lower stomach. "How did that happen?!" I asked.
"Y-You don't... Remember??" Garry asked, surprised.
"No!" I exclaimed in response.
"Well... Mary was about to stab me but you stepped in front of me and took the blow. I ran into here and I had to close it up." He explained.
M-Mary... STABBED ME?!?!
I was more than surprised. I thought Mary was my friend. I thought friends weren't supposed to stab you!!
Well I guess I was wrong about her.. how sad.
"Hey, just in case. Let's make some fake roses. I found some red and blue fabric while you were sleeping." Garry suggested.
"Sounds good!" I agreed.
We finished making our roses. They actually looked real! "Wow! These look so real!" I stared at the roses. I admired Garry's rose more. It was just an amazing color, Blue. And it really suited his purple hair and eyes.
I gave his artificial rose to him and I kept mine.
Just then there was a small bang on the door. I gasped and tried to back away but only resulted in pain.
Garry just put up his hand and silently walked over to the door.
He opened it and nothing was there. "I guess it walked away." He said. "But we should probably get moving."
"But I can't move..."
"I wasn't planning for you to move." He said as he picked me up. I winced slightly at the subtle pain. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--"
"No it's ok." I interrupted him, putting a finger over his lips and smiling sweetly at him.
He was holding me bridal style and I thought maybe if I wrapped my arms around his neck that it would stop most of the pain.
So I did exactly that and it helped. Although, I was getting pretty tired.
I nuzzled my head against his chest and fell asleep.
I hadn't even noticed Ib fell asleep until I almost tripped over something and she bounced up in the air. She made the cutest little noise ever.
But I had to prevent myself from being distracted.
Once I thought we were safe I looked around. I saw a couch and decided I could lay Ib down there.
Once Ib was safely on the couch I walked around making sure we were completely alone.
I walked back to where I left Ib and found her sitting up playing with one of her roses. "Hey, feeling better?" I asked her.
She smiled and nodded. "Can you stand?" I asked.
She amazed me by standing up perfectly fine and walking over to me. She smiled that beautiful smile of hers. I pulled her in and hugged her. I rested my head on top of hers, since she's 3 inches shorter than me.
"Awwww, you two are hugging. That's disgusting." I heard Mary say behind us.
"Wh-- How did you find us?" I asked as I turned around and stood in front of Ib, this time making sure she doesn't do anything to put herself in danger.
"Ib.... I thought we were best friends. Why, why do you want to go with him?"
Ib just stayed silent. "You know.... earlier, I found a painting that looked a lot like you, Mary." I said.
I was walking past all the paintings and I found one that caught my interest.
"Hey. This looks exactly like Mary." I said while staring at the girl wearing a green dress with long blonde hair. She was smiling, she looked so happy.
Could Mary be.... a Painting..?
I saw Mary's face grow curious, "Oh, did you now?" She asked curiously while gripping onto her screwdriver tighter.
Oooooh cliffhangerrrr XD
It's not much but whatever.
Lol, hope you enjoyed! x
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