Chapter 6//I'm Scared
We all decided to sleep, so I rested on Garry's shoulder when he have me his jacket.
I woke up to a loud noise. I was alone. All I had was Garry's jacket and my rose.
"..? G-Garry?" I called out, my voice shaky.
I got no response which made me worry.
"G-Garry!" I called out again a bit louder.
Still no response.
I stood up and grabbed Garry's jacket.
I walked around for a while, passing by locked doors, empty paintings, and headless mannequins.
But I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a loud sound of breaking glass and ripping fabric. "..! Hello??" I called out softly. Once again, no reply.
I continued to walk until I saw it. It was a lady wearing a red shirt her top half of her torso was out of the picture frame. I started to shake as it crawled it's way towards me, dragging the paintings frame along with it. "O-Oh..... my..... God...." I gasped as I shook more.
I walked backwards as I thought it was too close. Suddenly I bumped into something.... someone.... and it wrapped it's arms around me, holding me.
"H-Hey!!" I screeched trying to pry the arms away.
I tried kicking their shins but all I heard was hollow wood.
I looked from the corner of my eye and saw a bright yellow dress. The.... person.... had smooth, pitch black skin.
Wait no....
This wasn't skin....
It was wood..... or something like that.
I looked upwards and saw it was headless. Like the mannequins.
"M-Mannequ-uin?!" I screamed, "N-No...."
I heard a small growl coming from in front of me. I turned and looked at the woman from before. She was so close.
"....heh...heheheh.....hahhaha....ahahahaha..." I heard a girl laughing from down the hall. Then I heard small footsteps.
As the person made theirselves visible, I saw Mary.
"M-Mary!!! Help m-me! P-Please!!!" I pleaded while screaming when I saw the painting woman inch closer towards my ankles.
"Tch..." Was all Mary said.
"Why... Why should I help you when all you want to do is be with HIM!" She yelled at me, pulling a man out from the shadows.
His limp body fell down to her feet and I could see his face.
"Oh.... Oh my.... GARRY!!!" I shouted as my entire body shook with fear.
I saw him open his eyes a little. His eyes, from what I could see, were full of pain and sorrow. "G-Garry..?" I whimpered.
"It's useless... He's not gonna make it." Mary said looking down at him with pity. "It's your fault." She added.
"No..... No it's.... it's not!!" I stuttered.
"Yes Ib, yes it is. If only you hadn't gone into the library then maybe, just maybe, poor Garry would be alive." She explained, giving me a death glare.
I felt a sudden sharp pain on my ankles. I looked down to see the painting lady gnawing at my ankles, tearing and ripping the flesh right off of them. "AGH!!" I screamed in agony.
My eyes flashed open and I was in Garry's jacket, leaning on his shoulder.
I could feel my heart pounding and my breath was heavy. I looked up to see Garry, alive and still breathing.
I quietly sighed in relief. I looked over at Mary, and she noticed me right away. She smiled brightly, "Hey, let's play!" She said excitedly.
"I..... don't think that's a safe idea.." Garry disapproved.
"Oh.... come on, it's just to get our minds off this scary place!" She pouted.
Garry finally agreed, and seeing how persistent she is, I did too.
So we all stood up and followed Mary to her super awesome play place. "Uhhh.... THIS WAY!!" She exclaimed pointing right.
"Are you sure you know where we're going?" Garry asked.
"Of course I do." Mary responded, "Ahh... right here." She added opening to big doors.
I looked, horrified.
It was the library.
"Oh no... This can't be good...." I thought to myself.
I started to shake slightly, remembering the dream I had. I grabbed onto Garry's arm tightly.
I felt a hand on my head and I looked up to see it was Garry with a small smile on his face, "It's ok, Ib. I'll protect you, there's nothing to be afraid of." He said, trying to make me calm down. But that only brought tears to my eyes as I remembered the pained look on his face in my dream.
I squeezed onto his arm tighter and buried my face into his sleeve. "H-Hey, what's wrong?" He asked with concern.
I shook my head and whispered into his ear, "I don't want Mary to hear.."
He nodded his head, "Hey, Mary. In and I are gonna talk alone. Is that ok with you?" He asked
"Sure." She said cheerfully.
We walked back out into the hallway, "Alright, now tell me. What's wrong?" He asked.
I grabbed his hand as more tears soaked my cheeks. "I had.... a dream..... no, a nightmare." I started.
After explaining everything to him he said, "Well, I can assure you that will never happen. I'll never leave you, Ib, that I can promise."
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