Chapter 19//The Nightmare
Gonna be a short little chapter on why Ib punched Garry's face last chapter ^3^
~Ib~ (Dreaming)
I was hiding behind the corner when I saw Mary's stupid face. She was meeting up with a new person. A girl with pink hair and pink eyes walked up and greeted Mary. "So, what did you need me for?" She asked with a newfound excitement in her eyes. It mixed with insanity and bloodlust.
"Yes. I need you to kill someone." Mary replied bluntly. "His name is Garry. He has purple hair, it's easy to spot him because he's always with a girl with brown hair and red eyes. Currently the girl is impregnanted with his child without my knowing. Her name is Ib. She was once my best friend. But she chose Garry instead." Mary explained and took a deep breath before continuing.
"Believe me, I tried and tried and TRIED! But she instead chooses to go with that man... I miss her so much... That's why I want him gone. So maybe, just maybe, she'll come back to me." She finished with a grim look on her face. It was soon replaced with an evil grin. "What do ya say?" She asked while holding out her hand to the pinkette.
"Alright, I have experience in killing people. Many people call me Gasai, my last name, but you can call me Yuno, my first name, just because I think we have a lot in common." The girl named Yuno said and shook Mary's hand.
"Oh and also, could you maybe take the baby out of Ib? I don't want to have her give birth to that atrocity." Mary said with an emotionless look.
"Yes, of course. Pain is my specialty." Yuno replied with a dead look in her eyes.
I was shaking at this point. I got up and tried to run but Yuno had tackled me down. "Let's see... brown hair.... red eyes..... obviously pregnant...... you're Ib, aren't you?" She asked with an emotion in her eyes I couldn't tell.
"N... No.." I denied as best as I could, but she just laughed and pulled out a knife.
She lifted up my shirt and laughed right before plunging the sharp object deep into my pregnant belly, not caring if she stabbed my precious little ray of sunshine.
I writhed in agony as she dragged the knife along the lines of my stomach. Cutting me open.
She then used her own two hands to rip open the large incision she made. I was in so much pain I couldn't scream. When I tried, though, all that came out were whimpers, like a dog.
She laughed at this reaction and picked up her knife once more, I felt her drag something out. My baby! I thought in pure panic and anger.
She began to cut it out of me and when she was done she brought my unborn baby to my face. "What an ugly little thing it is.... let me put it to rest. Ahahahahaha!!" She laughed as she stood up and threw my child onto the ground with full force. Obviously destroying my baby and killing it.
"Now since killing you wasn't my-" Yuno started but was cut off by Mary saying, "No. It's ok. I changed my mind about her. She's just a slut now. I don't want her breathing anymore, she doesn't deserve the sweet luxury of life." She growled and left.
"Alright! Change of plans! Yes!!" She exclaimed happily.
"I.... pity yo-ou..." I spat out as blood streamed out of my mouth.
"Oh? How come? I love my life! As long as whores, like you, stay away from my Yukki then no one needs to get hurt back at my town." She said while holding the knife to my throat.
"You're s-sick..... how could..... you.... get...." Before I could finish she slashed the blade across my neck. I tried to gasp for air from pure instinct but, obviously, it wouldn't work so I flailed my arms around until I hit her face with full force, I hit her once, but then soon died from blood loss.
Hehehe xD These scene are easy for me to write XD is that bad??
Hope you enjoyed anyway!!!
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