Chapter 16//Nightmare
Am I the only one obsessed about Vocaloid?? I just wanna know :L ...
I'm 15 weeks pregnant and my baby bump has started to show. Garry got a job, so I'm alone most of the time. But when he comes home, it's the best feeling ever.
"Garry!!!" I exclaimed happily as I ran up and tackled him to the ground. "Hey! Be careful, you're pregnant." He laughed and hugged back.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just missed you so much!" I said back happily and he helped us both up.
He bent down and kissed my small bump. "Dude, we're not in a movie." I laughed and blushed a little. "Can't help it. I have to be corny, y'know." He laughed and got up.
"I found a new anime, I really like it. Wanna watch it with me?" I asked.
"Sure, what's it called?" He asked as we went to the bedroom where I left the laptop.
"Shingeki No Kyojin." I replied, "It means Attack On Titan."
"Hmm... I heard of that before. I was gonna watch it but you got pregnant and I needed more money for the baby."
"Tch. Yea right, you were just distracted because of how damn sexy I am!" I shot a wink at him.
We sat down on the bed and I played the first episode. I had only gotten a few minutes in, but I could tell it had potential. I dragged the bar thingy to the beginning.
"Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jäger!" The opening played out.
After the first episode was done, I was in tears. It was totally tragic, I was latching onto Garry's arm.
"It's ok, Ib, it's ok.." He said while stroking my hair and rubbing my back.
After I finished crying, I had gotten a strong craving for chocolate ice cream. "Garry, I want some chocolate ice cream." I said as I closed my eyes and nuzzled against him arm like a cat.
"Well, lucky for you, we still have rocky road ice cream."
My mouth started to water at the thought. "Mmmmm... Sound good~!" I said happily as I got up and walked to the kitchen quite quickly.
I had finished almost half of the carton of ice cream. "Well, someone was hungry." Garry playfully teased while washing my bowl. "Well I AM eating for two." I replied back while putting my hands over the small bump on my stomach.
"Do you think it'll be a girl or a boy?" I asked while smiling.
"If it's a girl or a boy, it wouldn't matter because they're both gonna look like their mother." He smiled as he walked over to me and kissed me.
The day passed by quickly and it was soon nighttime. I yawned and cuddled with Garry on the couch, we were watching "Kill Bill". And, of course, being me I fell asleep. Hey, I can't help it! I'm pregnant!
That night.... I had a nightmare that I would NEVER forget....
Holding my precious baby boy when a small, blonde haired blue eyed child walked up to me. "Hey! Are you the girl mommy always talks about?" She asked with a high pitched voice.
"Hm? Who's your mother?" I asked curiously.
She pointed over to a girl who I instantly recognized, Mary. She was grinning and she looked at me with eyes that said "I found you~". I was too terrified to move, I thought.... I-I thought she was d-dead....
I woke up with a jolt. "Hey, you ok? What happened?" Garry asked almost immediately.
"I-I... I saw her...." I murmured loud enough for him to hear me.
"Saw...? Saw who?" He asked
"......M-Mar-ry......" I said, my voice shaky as I grabbed Garry's shirt tightly.
I felt his protective grip tighten around my small frame. Mary's face appeared in my mind once again, that look in her eyes. It brought tears to my eyes. It wasn't long before they fell and soaked Garry's shirt.
Well... Okay then....
H-Hope you enjoyed..? x
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