"I was talking to someone from the Atmey's Law Firm," Phoenix innocently smiled, clearly planning to elaborate on the subject in great deal before Edgeworth curtly cut that line of friendly dialogue off;
"I know; I heard,"
"You heard?" The defence attorney rose his peculiarly shaped eyebrows, his gorgeous, glimmering, sapphire-blue eyes - those addictive blue eyes - appearing rather perplexed.
"I was over there," The prosecutor flamboyantly gestured towards the nearest of the many grandly emblazoned banquet tables, with their miniature mountainous scenery of exquisitely crafted confectionary piled atop their elegant, pastel-pink, lacy table-cloths, upon which he had leant whilst eavesdropping on his favourite man to ever have walked upon the Earth.
"I was ruminating,"
"Ruminating, my ass!" Phoenix snorted light-heartedly, obliviously blundering into extremely realistic territory - of course the silvery-haired man had been ruminating about his ass; That was one of his top priorities, after all.
"After I introduced you to everyone and everything..."
"Oh, shut up. You're a better companion to talk to than all of them combined."
"Still not keen on socialising?"
"Of course not." The taller man paused for a moment before hastily adding;
"Unless it's with you."
Was he being too obvious? Edgeworth grimaced.
The prosecutor decided that he probably sounded like he practically wanted his best friend's dick at this point.
Oh dear.
"I guess we should stick together, then." The spiky-haired man shyly grinned up at the prosecutor, a faint dusting of pink flushing his rosy, irresistibly soft, cheeks.
Oh lord.
If Phoenix was blushing, then he'd definitely been too obv-
"Have you got any new cases coming up?" Edgeworth blurted out his sentence before thinking, eager to find out about his companion's future timetable in order to continue stalk- no, watching over, him.
"Well, yeah," The defence attorney smiled coyly;
"But I thought you'd already know all about my next case, since you're the one prosecuting,"
"Wait... You're the defence attorney on that one?"
"There's no need to be so cryptic, y'know," Phoenix playfully jostled the taller man, interrupting Edgeworth's wistful train of thought.
Thank goodness Phoenix was defending. The prosecutor had been planning on feigning ill out of boredom and stress from that wretched case about some woman and her 'money issues', but his crush would certainly be able to fix that with his innocent smile and rich voice.
"Cryptic?" The silvery-haired man blinked in confusion, his matching brows furrowed in contemplation.
"'That one'," The defence attorney snorted, flailing his blue-swathed arms about his torso, his fingers scrunched up into look-a-like quotation marks, in a most ungentlemanly - or, rather, Phoenix-like - manner.
"You could've just said 'the Robovski case',"
"Quit trifling me about such trivial matters, Wright." Edgeworth smirked, stifling a laugh in order to maintain his dignity, as he placed the tip of his index finger atop his best friend's head, as if to wordlessly discipline him. Unsurprisingly Phoenix didn't care much for discipline and, instead, continued his 'smart' remarks:
"Did someone mention trifle?"
"Aw, come on, lighten up a bit! Are my jokes really that bad?"
"Yes." Edgeworth smugly retaliated, trying his best to sound as though he was definitely engaging in the conversation, but being cautious enough to stop himself from speaking out of turn for fear of him blurting something revealing - something that was not for the defence attorney's astute ears.
Wait. Perhaps that was it.
Phoenix needed to be dulled so that his ears wouldn't be so astute.
It didn't take long for the prosecutor to form a plan.
"But how about we have some wine instead?" The spiky-haired man blankly stared at the prosecutor in response to the question presented to him.
"That's... Pretty random." Phoenix chuckled softly, his eyebrows quirked slightly, forming a curious expression.
"I thought you liked wine."
"Well I- Wait, hold on! If you're talking about before, that was grape juice! Grape juice! Why is it so hard for everyone to understand that I wasn't an alco-"
"Shut up. It was wine." Phoenix was silenced by the taller man's smug 'tsking' - which the defence attorney wasn't entirely sure what to call, even after all these years (was it perhaps some form of demonic laughter?) -, briefly opening his mouth as if he had more to say on the subject in his defence before abruptly closing it after, pausing, and moving on from his 'grape juice' argument;
"Well, anyway, I guess a glass wouldn't hurt. If you want to drink that badly,"
"So now I'm the alcoholic?" Edgeworth remarked, clearly enjoying slandering his best friend far too much for Phoenix's liking, as he swiftly strode over towards one of the elegantly decorated tables in the corner of the room which held the euphoric liquid hostage. The defence attorney obediently followed, grimacing as he faintly heard the prosecutor's snarky accompaniment to his previous comment.
"That's rich."
Once the pair arrived at their nearby destination of the alcohol-covered table, their eyes captivated by the alluringly glimmering bottles, mottled with various shades of green, Phoenix was quick to interrogate the prosecutor on which wine they should drink, hastily cutting off the prosecutor's chance to catch him out on his own inferior knowledge of alcohol by asking him the very same thing, casually leaning upon the item of furniture.
"So what will it be, connoisseur Edgeworth?" The spiky-haired man grinned up at the prosecutor with those dopey, gorgeous blue eyes that always seemed to glitter regardless of whether or not there was any light reflected upon their glossy membranes-
Edgeworth swiftly shut down that train of thought, prompting himself to stay on task and delve into delicious details later.
The prosecutor audibly hummed for effect, his slender, pale, hands hovering above the various bottles as he mentally forced himself not to 'hover' above his companion - whom was peering over with interest in order to see which bottle would be selected. His hand then acrobatically snatched up the largest of the bottles;
"Red wine."
"What a narcissist," Phoenix snorted, deciding that he wasn't going to let the taller man have all of the fun in their banter-filled conversations.
"It's not my fault that I'm the favourite of the courtroom and I therefore get an alcoholic drink named after the colour that I wear," The defence attorney gaped in shock, burning his eyes into the back of the taller man's head as he watched him skilfully pour out the contents of the bottle into 2 pristine wine glasses;
"You are so not the favourite of the courtroom! And it was not named 'red' because of you!" Edgeworth confidently shrugged.
"You're the one who said I was a narcissist,"
"Yeah - and you're the one proving it true!"
"I am not proving it true."
"You so are-"
Edgeworth eventually lost track of why they were arguing in the first place, but that didn't matter.
It was just nice to be in Phoenix Wright's company.
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