"Phoenix, are you implying-"
"No! No, no, absolutely not! A-And I thought I told you to quit calling me 'Phoenix' - I'm 'Wright' to you!" At this point, Phoenix Wright had magically conjured up a skin colour so unnaturally red that the prosecutor was considerably concerned for his health - not that he wasn't continuously in a state of being concerned for the defence attorney's health already, though.
"You've done so much for me over the years; you helped me out of my fixated, stiff way of life, you made me realise that there is a point to living and I've brought us here so that I can apologise."
"I'm sorry for every single time I've wronged you. I'm sorry for leaving you behind, and letting you think I was dead, I'm sorry letting you think that I didn't care about you and... I'm sorry for yesterday," A shaky hand reached out in a clammy act of persistence - one that was not denied by its companion despite whatever had previously been voiced. Phoenix tightly shut his eyes as it continued.
"You are the most handsome, talented, selfless, compassionate and annoying man that I have ever met." One of those oddly shaped eyebrows quirked when accompanied by an equally indignant outburst;
"Annoying?" Edgeworth simply chuckled.
"Over the years, you have appeared to hold our relationship incredibly close to heart on countless occasions, always provocative, a continuous trail of breadcrumbs - each more tasty than its predecessor - for me to follow with nothing but disappointment lying in wait at the end." Trees rustled in the distance as a slight disturbance swept atop the pair's heads, ruffling whatever deformed versions of their usual hairstyles they'd been displaying.
"You changed your entire career to meet me, risked everything to defend me, forgave me despite all odds - even when I wasn't there for you in your times of need..." Squeezed hand.
"But you continuously protested, insisted that it was all down to friendship."
"I... Edgeworth..." Bright blue eyes reopened, filled with promising light - glittering with an added sheen, perhaps from a manmade source of precipitation.
"And then, yesterday, I finally thought you'd caved in. That you'd realised you felt something for me. That you'd been lying to yourself."
"I-I'm so sorry..." Edgeworth turned to Phoenix with scrunched up eyes - some form of twisted, forced smile accompanying them;
"The despair eats away at you after a while, you know?"
That was when the precipitation took over.
Beautiful cascading tears, a heavy and pelting storm, falling down defined and angular curvature onto thirsty and welcoming proof of nature's interlacing forestry, grass. And the other did not know what to do, for it was not a matter of knowledge this time - or any time, for that matter - but a matter of perennialism. So, being the being that they were, they smiled and wept along, with wilted stature, willing the other's threatening exulansis to become extinct.
"Miles?" The sound crept out from wherever it had been residing with consideration, finally released into the cool evening air, but doing little to stir the drowning crimson wreck beside it.
"I-I'm no good at romance, but..." Phoenix tilted his head back, not even flinching as the wind caught his steadily drying tears, and sucked in a vat of air before releasing it, calming his trembling nerves;
"You... Have always meant more to me than a friendship, Miles. I'd be sent to Hell if I claimed otherwise for any longer." Silence.
"You're perfect in every single way. You look great, you have intelligence to die for, you... Have a nice... Smirk," Edgeworth snorted in a rather un-Edgeworthlike manner.
"There is no need to shower me in compliments out of pity, it's alright. I understand that you don't love m-"
"No! I mean it." Phoenix gently brushed a few of Edgeworth's concealing strands of shiny silver hair away from his face, partially dismantling the protective barrier, discreetly biting the sensitive insides of his lip.
"I'm just not very good when I'm nervous."
"You can't be telling me you've never been nervous in court?"
"You're always good in court. You must never be nervous." Phoenix sheepishly laughed in response.
"You give me too much credit, Miles." Another stolen intake of air;
"I just... Kept denying my feelings for so long. I didn't want to like you," Pause.
"E-Ever since you pretended you were dead, I think... I think I lost a lot of trust in you. I think I felt as though you'd-" Phoenix blinked back a few more threatening proofs of his sleepless nights as he reluctantly ploughed on.
"-you'd break my heart. I was scared you'd leave me all alone again, and it had been bad enough the first time - when we were just friends. I couldn't imagine how it would be as lovers."
"Oh, god, I'm sorry, I had no idea-"
"So I decided that it would be better, safer, if I just kept my distance." Edgeworth looked up at Phoenix meaningfully.
"When you came back alive to see me in hospital, I was ecstatic. And then you left again."
"I'm so sorry..."
"I had to earn money somehow, even if I had lost my badge. I had nowhere to turn, Edgeworth," Phoenix stared back at him with panicked eyes.
"I had nowhere to turn! I had an adopted kid to feed - she needed a good future, I wanted her to make something of herself; to become successful, unlike me.." Phoenix broke eye contact, his violently trembling hands attached to his face in sheer desperation, cold sweat, his body slowly wilting once again. A quiet voice.
"I am revolting, Edgeworth. I am no good for you."
"Those are lies, Phoenix, and you know it." Phoenix slowly shook his head;
"Then you don't understand what I'm telling you."
Ugly, transparent smears streaked across pale skin, glistening under distant flames, the original candle-lights, gradually being erased by an array of matching fingers. They were close, in proximity. An arm around another does wonders.
"Then what are you trying to convey?"
"I don't want to say it."
"You can trust me, Phoenix," Edgeworth coaxed his companion's body closer to his chest, the soft grip around the other's waist tightening slightly. Dizzying eye-contact.
"I-I sold myself." The prosecutor blankly stared at Phoenix, who despairingly looked away, a large blush contrasting starkly with the ongoing flood of salty water.
"Y-You know what I mean!"
"I... Understand." Concern settled in those cloudy grey eyes; worry, guilt, concern.
"Nobody else was there to financially help me, so I had to," Pointed comment.
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea that you'd... Lose everything,"
"I-I'm not blaming you. If there's anyone to blame, it's me."
"No. It's Kristoph. He's the one who got you into that mess."
"No, I should never have earned money the way that I did." Phoenix stared out into the dazzlingly lit distance, his lips revealing emotions of their own accord. He, too, was simply a listener - blissfully unaware of what next would be procured in a human tongue.
"Now you could never like me. I'm... I'm tainted by other people. I'm a slut. Nobody should associate with me." Edgeworth coolly gazed at Phoenix for a few brief moments, brushed aside some of his endlessly forming raindrops, before allowing a fond smile to play upon his features - which glowed with emotion.
"Phoenix Wright, you are an idiot," Phoenix cocked an eyebrow at Edgeworth's nearing face;
"And I love you."
Crushed faces.
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