"Listen, I get the impression that you know a lot," Edgeworth eventually snapped, cutting the other man's sentence short before his entire body decided to commit suicide of its own volition once again.
"Could you just tell me what you saw yesterday when I arrived?"
"Oh, so that's what you're int'rested in, are you? Nothin' spectacular, then."
"No. Sorry to disappoint." Came a stern response through gritted teeth.
"You was a right nutcase, I ain't ever seen nothin' like it! They didn't know what'a do with you, all jumpin' about like monkeys with notepads, they was. Woke me right up from me nap, you did."
"What did I look like?"
"I dunno. You was all covered in pink or somefink 'n you were dead as a dodo - no movement, no nothin'. I thought they'd brought a corpse in, myself. You gave 'em all a right scare, you did! Even some funny little man looked concerned, an' I ain't seen 'im 'ere before."
"Funny little man?"
"Yeah. Short, blue with weird squiggly black 'air. 'E looked like more of a weirdo than you do-" Edgeworth's eyes bulged as the description reached his expectant ears, suddenly subconsciously leaning forwards upon his stiff hospital bed, craning his body to face the man talking eye-to-eye;
"What was he doing."
"Whaddaya mean?"
"The beaut- 'funny' little man." The funny little man opposite the prosecutor rose an eyebrow at that.
"He was beggin' the doctors to let 'im stay with you whilst 'e was squeezin' your 'and. 'E looked the most worried out of 'em." A secretive smile played across the prosecutor's thin lips, an overwhelming sensation of warmth enveloping his body from head-to-toe.
Oh, Phoenix, you beautiful bastard.
"Oh? And did they?"
"Well 'e was so insistent, they 'ad to! 'E looked like 'e was gonna cry! I couldn't 'elp but laugh at 'im, 'e looked so stupid - mind you-"
"Refrain from calling him 'stupid' again." The silvery-haired man reflexively snapped in defence of his favourite funny little man.
"Ooh, defensive, aren't we? You an' 'im got somethin' goin' on?"
"My, aren't you the local gossip?" Conversation involving that incredibly compelling, rich, familiar voice from another room began to become more and more audible, with occasional clacking sound-effects echoing within the pale room that the pair were situated in.
"As a matter of fact, I am! An' I expect answers,"
"Did the 'blue man' do anything else?"
"'E didn't kiss you or 'ave sex with you, if that's what you mean." The bawdy informer's lips curled upwards lopsidedly into a definitive smirk. Edgeworth eyed him coolly.
"Perhaps our conversation is finished, then."
"No! Oh, please, no. You know 'ow it is; I'm only 'avin a bit of a laugh. Besides," A subtle gesture towards the mute woman in the opposing hospital bed was made;
"She don't talk. I'll get ever so bored."
"Then perhaps you should actually answer my questions."
"Yeah but you don't answer none of mine!"
"What?" The prosecutor suddenly spread a wide, cheshire-cat, grin and stopped leaning towards the other man, extending his partition so that neither party could interact for the time being.
The voices were near.
It was time.
"Yes, but he looked so helpless! H-He had flowers scattered around him and... And... Blood.." The silvery-haired man eavesdropped on his favourite voice's conversation with intent, awaiting those much-desired rosy lips and savouring in the scattered panic of the birds'-nest-of-hair-for-a-trademark man's concerned outpour. He couldn't wait to be reunited with silky hair that looked more like shrubbery and glistening sky-blue eyes that gently held hands with all of the yellowing sunlight in the world.
"You can't expect me not to be worried,"
"I understand, Mr Wright, but you can't be all jumpy and panicky around him when he's awake; you'll only make the situation worse." Edgeworth scoffed at that. Stupid staff setting out to ruin his fun.
"I'll try, but-"
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