Questions and Answers
After a pause, Rose looked at the man who's hand held her's and she spoke hesitantly, "I need to talk to.... other you... alone, for a moment." She didn't ask him when she said this. Her Doctor begrudgingly released her hand and walked off.
The remaining Doctor stood and gave a weak but genuine smile as he looked at his Rose, he couldn't help but fell slightly odd, his younger self was taller and now he didn't quite have to angle his face as far to look at her.
"Rory, a moment? " the boy scurried off without argument.
"Am I allowed to ask questions?" Rose asked trying to offer a comforting smile, she saw all the pain in is eyes and it leaked through his smile. Over all she hoped to get answers to the dozens of unsettling thoughts swarming her mind. She also NEEDED to help this man, to give him peace or comfort or a moment of love, SOMETHING to take the sadness and form it into a work of art painted across the universe as she watched him and helped him save lives just like she had with the Doctor that brought her here. She needed to help him.
"Yes, you are. Whether or not I answer is a different tale." The Doctor told her shifting his glare to the floor waiting for the unbearable question of , what happened to their forever?
"O.K," Rose punctuated the two letter word and bit her lip. She started with simple questions, basics, "You've regenerated. How long's it been? Who are you travelin' with?"
"Oh, its been a while i suppose," he replied avoiding the true answer, "I'm traveling with a wonderful couple, Amelia and Rory."
Rose now asked what she was truly dying to know,"Where am I? For you,where am I? What happened to me?" the crack in her voice was evident as she asked, terrified to know the truth.
"I can't tell you that I'm afraid," his voice broke as memories of the day flooded his mind's eye.
"Just tell me something. Anything. Why you are SO sad, what happened to me, how you've been," her eyes and voice filled with a level of concern and worry he hadn't realized till this moment was possible, she was desperate for answers he clearly saw.
Desperate to know how this had happened. How her Doctor had ended up without her, how he'd regenerated. What made the sight of her so painful. She was going to be with him forever, and she now saw the wretched reality that she was wrong. And then, for a moment a flash of a memory, a nearly remembered thought appeared from nothing. A horrendous moment from when she had the universe inside her head. She shoved it away instantly and then looked back to man before her. His eyes had aged so much. They were much deeper and sadder and had seen far more loss than they should have. She wondered again just how long 'a while' had been.
She watched him blink away a pool of tears as he spoke, big beautiful grin lighting his face, ever so contradictory to his eyes. Yet both were genuine.
"My Rose Tyler," he declared with a long sigh following, hoping he could tell her all the emotion in his next words but fearing it would fail no matter how he tried, " I can't tell you your fate. I can't change what happened by warning you now. I can promise you it will all end well eventually. I can tell you that not a day has gone by that i haven't thought about you. I was avoiding admitting this, it's been centuries-" she stopped him after hearing that.
"Centuries? And you haven't just forgotten me?"
"Rose Tyler, I could never forget you even I tried, and believe me I have," his face grew grim once again as he continued his speech of heartfelt emotion, "I hope you've figured it out by now and if not I'm finally telling you. All those times I'd call you Fantastic, tell you that you are Brilliant, it always means I love you. I've missed you with both my hearts since, well.." he trailed off a bit there, "If you want to know why I'm sad, Rose, you broke both my hearts in two. It's alright though, I never really minded being broken by you."
He looked over to see his younger self and Rory talking, he turned back to Rose and spoke again, "He's not gonna remember this. Usually running into yourself isn't a big deal, but factor in you and all the emotion, his mind will dark space it. I'd say a few hours before he passes out and doesn't remember today so explain it how you like, make up whatever tale."
His younger self grew more wary. He walked to his future self and current love, "Rose, I'm sorry but we oughta leave." The statement however was directed to the both of them.
The older looked to himself and asked, "Let me say one last thing." He looked back to Rose, "I can finally say what I was destined not to," he paused and took a deep breathe, "ROSE TYLER I LOVE YOU," he shouted and laughed with joy, his eyes no longer a work of pain but an exclamation of joy beyond measure as he watched her eyes fill with tears and she flung herself into an embrace. His final chance to hold Rose Tyler before he would lose her again. Soon his face was streamed with tears as was there a damp area over his chest where her face has lay. He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead as he whispered softly in her ear, tucking away her hair, "Rose Tyler you are absolutely fantastic."
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