Chapter 9: Taxi!
"He doesn't like it when I drink...he says I get too flirty..."
It's gone 2am, way past Max's bedtime. He was desperate for his bed, but instead, here he was, propping up a wasted Tayce in the queue for a taxi.
"Sssseriosky Maxi I'll be absolutely pop h...home." Tayce attempts to pat Max on the shoulder, but ends up just brushing the sleeve of his jacket.
"As much as I hate anyone calling me 'Maxi' and I don't care whether you live or die right now, my moral compass is activated." Max sighs. "I should at least get you safely home."
"Ahh you're so sweet." Tayce pinches one of Max's cheeks grinning with his eyes half closed.
"Get off me!" Max pushes the hand away from his face. "You are so annoying, you know that?"
"Yeah... I know." Tayce's body slumping a little at the comment.
Max now has a slither of remorse within him as he looks at Tayce being all pitiful. "I'm getting used to it though." He says, half smiling.
"Does this mean I can tickle you now?" Tayce says, a cheeky grin spreading across his lips, fingers wriggling in the direction of Max's sides.
"Don't push it!" Max moves back slightly, nearly making Tayce lose his balance. He kind of wished Jerry was here to deal with this. Neither Tayce nor Max had seen him since the text...
Project D is about to commence 🍆.
Max side glances Tayce who was swaying from side to side, eyes closed. "Do you always get this wasted?" He asks, he's pretty sure they'd had the same amount.
"Ah sometimes...Frank's gonna kill me." Tayce begins to giggle like a naughty school kid.
"He'd better not." Max says, taking the words rather literal.
"He doesn't like it when I drink...he says I get too you think I'm flirty Maxi?" Tayce is now attempting to give Max come to bed eyes. Max wants to get into his own bed right now, not anyone else's.
"Let's just get you home before you pass out." Max says, as a taxi finally pulls up for them to get into. He manages to push Tayce into the back seat and sits next to him. "Where do you live?" Max asks.
"That way." Tayce points out the front of the taxi.
"You need to be more specific than that." Max sighs. The taxi driver now beginning to look impatient.
"A big brick house...with a blue door." Tayce says, thinking this was genuinely helping.
"East gate please." Max ends up saying, Tayce would have to sleep it off at his.
A few minutes into the ride and Max looks over at Tayce tugging at the seatbelt trying to adjust it to allow a better rest, finally feeling the sleep wanting to kick in. "Hey." He says. Tayce looks across to his right at Max. He taps his left shoulder. "Rest your head on here."
Tayce looks at Max for a minute, possibly deliberating whether to take him up on the offer. Tayce thought Max wasn't really the cuddle to sleep type, he didn't want to get shouted at.
But right now, all he wanted to do was rest his intoxicated head before they reached whatever destination they were heading to.
He scooches across to Max as far as his seatbelt will allow and places his head on the padded shoulder of Max's leather jacket. Tayce was surprised as to how comfortable the shoulder was and finds himself nestling in a little more before his eyes cannot stay open. Tayce is asleep within minutes.
The taxi is now very peaceful, with Max happy to gaze throught the window at the night time scenery passing by. But then it happens...
Max isn't too aware of it at first, but he can feel a shift on his shoulder. He looks across slightly, to see Tayce's head slowly making it's way from his shoulder and down his arm. Max is frozen. Tayce obviously out for the count, too tired to even notice his head rolling slowly down his co worker's body.
The taxi driver now glances in the rear view mirror to see Max paralysed with a drooling Tayce on his upper arm. "Are you ok? He's not gonna be sick is he?"
"I...I don't think so, I just can't move." Max replies.
"Just stay still." The taxi driver chuckles. "He's bound to wake up in a minute." Max can feel Tayce's head move again, this time, making it's way to the bend in his elbow. Max again looks down at Tayce, surely he would come around now, but no. He just opens his mouth and lets out a snore.
The taxi driver is now trying to hold in a laugh. Max looks reasonably stressed at this point. What can he do? Tayce is inches from his crotch!
Thankfully, Tayce's head stays where it is for a good 5 minutes, allowing Max to relax a little as he resumes his gaze out of the window. That is until the taxi turns a corner.
Tayce's head now falls on the place Max fears the most. Right in the centre of his legs, on his crotch! It makes Max jump slightly at the sudden pressure of something heavy falling onto that sensitive part. A tear even forms in one of his eyes.
"Jesus." Max mutters under his breath, as Tayce is now rubbing his head up and down in that area to make himself more comfortable and making Max more uncomfortable in the process.
Max can feel beads of sweat now forming on his brow. Tayce was giving him a semi and he couldn't take this, not for another 5 whole minutes! He tries his best to think of anything other than Tayce's head bouncing on his balls. Cold showers, cleaning the oven. Tayce was warm on his crotch and seemed to nestle right into his hardening dick.
By the time the taxi reached Max's place,, Max was rock hard and very flustered.
Tayce opens his eyes, realising that he is not where he started. And soon is all to aware of the firm length under his face. He sits bolt upright and just stares at Max, who looks back. "Uh..s...sorry, I was..."
"That's ok." Max replies with a half smile, clearing his throat. "Glad you got a good rest."
"That's £25" The taxi driver says, waiting to be paid.
Max taps the machine and hurries out of the taxi, followed by a stumbling Tayce.
"This isn't my house?" Tayce looks at the apartment block in front of him.
"'re staying here tonight." Max says, trying to keep his distance and ignore his active crotch.
"Frank won't like that I'm here...he'll..."
"Enough of Frank!" Max shouts. Before entering the pass key and pushing the door open.
Tayce, rather shocked, by Max's outburst, quickly ambles inside the apartment block behind him.
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