Chapter 30: Going, going...
"Can't he just let him go?"
Tayce's attention is drawn to Max, who had begun to vocalise in protest. Max is looking at Tayce, the fear is evident. "OK..OK. Frank I choose you. I choose you ok? Just let him go!"
Frank smiles but doesn't move. Tayce again repeats himself. "Frank, I said I chose you...let him go!" Tayce's voice is distressed and he hates every aspect of this. Whereas Frank was loving it. Thriving on it even. The control. This wasn't even about love to him. This was all about being in control.
"I think you are misunderstanding baby." Frank responds in a sadistic chuckle. "Do you think I'm gonna just go and untie him and let him go? No...In order for your lover boy to be set free, we need to make an exchange."
"Exchange... what do you mean?" Tayce doesn't understand but it seems Max does as he begins to shake his head furiously, earning him a sharp pull of his arm.
"Get up here." Frank says with a calm smile. "You replace Max, here next to me, where I can hold you...if he decides to be a hero, you may just accidentally fall."
Max is now shouting through the gag in his mouth, tears in his eyes, but Tayce cannot see another way. This was the only way to get Max safe and whatever came after, he'd figure out when it happened. He slowly walks towards the wall, his eyes now stinging with tears. He can hear Max's protests but he tries to block them out. His legs feel wobbly as he crawls on all fours onto the wall's ledge, he sees and hears the river rushing below him as he slowly gets to standing. Frank grabs Tayce in a chokehold with his other arm before pushing Max off the wall and down onto the ground.
Max falls onto his side, not being able to support himself as he looks up at Tayce. "I'm sorry." Tayce just about manages to say through the tears and his restricted windpipe as he looks at Max, who is equally upset. Tayce tries to pull at the arm around his neck, but it's too strong to budge.
Frank looks at the exchange, in annoyance. "Enough of that! It's over, you're coming home with me." Frank goes to lower himself from the bridge, when he hears something in the distance. Everyone then looks up to see the faint blue lights of two police cars approach.
"You fucking telltale." Frank says through gritted teeth as the cars pull up alongside Jerry's Kia, with two police officers getting out.
Max slowly pushes himself away from the bridge with his feet, still laying on the ground, whilst Frank is distracted.
"Mr Jackson." We have you surrounded." One of the officers shouts.
Tayce can hardly see with all the lights shining in his face. But he feels the hold around his throat getting stronger.
"Please get down from the bridge so we can talk about this rationally."
"We don't need to talk. My boyfriend and I have already talked. He chooses me!" Frank leans over to Tayce's ear. "You are gonna pay for this."
"Then let's do the sensible thing and come down from the bridge." The officer's voice says softly, trying their best to coax Frank down.
In the meantime, Max has managed to get to his feet and heads to the kia. Jerry instantly gets out of the car and hurriedly undoes the ties around Max's wrists and from around his mouth. Max inhales the fresh air, coughing slightly..."I have to get him away from Frank." He says, still gasping for breath.
Jerry holds Max's shoulders, steadying him a little, they give eye contact. "How? If you get any closer, you could put him in danger."
"I don't know?" Max looks at Tayce. He feels helpless. He watches from afar the exchange of words as the grip on Tayce from Frank seems to get tighter and tighter.
Frank again whispers in Tayce's ear. "You brought this on yourself. If I'm going down, you're coming with me." He suddenly edges further back, making everyone who is looking on, hitch a breath.
Jerry feels completely helpless as he looks on. "Can't he just let him go?" Jerry says with a pained expression, his heart in his mouth.
Max's eyes suddenly widen. "That's it Jerry. You've got it!"
"Got what?....Hey." Jerry watches as Max leaves his side and steps precariously closer to the wall. Not too close, but close enough to be heard.
"The button!" Max shouts, catching both Tayce and Frank's attention.
Frank side glances at Tayce. "Button? What's he saying?"
Tayce stops pulling at the stronghold and slowly reaches for the small device around his neck. He manages to find the button and presses down as hard as he can with his thumb.
The noise is high pitched and shrill and has an instant effect on Frank. He grits his teeth and instantly weakens his hold. "Come on!" Max shouts as Tayce realises that he has an opportunity, he can get dowm from the wall!
Frank suddenly notices that Tayce is making his escape. He reaches forward, attempting to grab at Tayce's clothes but cannot quite get a grip.
He suddenly loses his balance, arms circling backwards as Frank tries to regain his footing. It all happens so quickly as the noise of the alarm continues to scream out, as Tayce turns to see Frank disappear.
Tayce leans across and looks over the edge to see Frank looking up at him as he falling towards the water, his body hitting the surface with a loud smack, before it disappears beneath.
Tayce pulls the continuous alarm from around his neck and throws it over the bridge and into the water. It suddenly becomes very calm.
Max is the first to approach Tayce, followed by Jerry. Max pulls him close and hugs him tight. "Are you ok?"
Tayce is in a state of shock. He can't seem to tear his eyes from the water. "I...I killed him." He utters under his breath.
"No you didn't." Jerry says, now stepping forward. "Frank, he brought all of this on himself... he was gonna take you with him."
Tayce now breaks down on Max's shoulder, he pulls at Max's jacket as he sobs loudly into Max's clothes.
"Shhh, it's ok." Max whispers, stroking Tayce's hair. The three friends slowly walk away from the bridge towards one of the police cars. He knew Tayce would need time to get over this and he would give him all the time in the world.
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