Chapter 19: Words and kisses
"Are you sure you can handle it?"
It had been a strange day. Max usually had other plans on his days off. Sleeping in for starters, then working on his writing, with the odd coffee and nap inbetween.
Instead he had spent his day being woken up at 6 in the morning, playing an infuriating card game, burning two of his fingers and oh, realising he may just have a little thing for Tayce.
He was now sat up in bed scribbling some ideas for a possible chapter on his notepad. Anything to keep his mind from thinking about his bed buddy who had been on Max's phone to Jerry for over an hour.
Tayce finally enteres the bedroom in a pair of borrowed pyjamas from Donny, (Max didn't have a full set!) And pulls back the covers, now getting into what he had already referred to as 'his side of the bed,' like they were already an old married couple.
Tayce hands back the phone, only one bar remaining. "You've drained it." Max says, rather annoyed as he reaches across to his charger. Tayce settles on his side, resting his head on an upturned hand.
"I'm sorry. It's just I miss Jerry. He says Frank has been calling him lots, which means it's not really safe for him to visit. He might get followed." Tayce lets out a heavy sigh. "God. This guy is messing with all our lives."
Max glances across to Tayce as he again picks up his pen. "He's only gonna ruin your life if you let him."
"I know." Tayce sighs, his mind now thinking about Frank and Jerry. "I think Frank never minded me hanging out with Jerry because he didn't see him as a threat and if that's the case, he probably thinks Jerry can't stop him if he were to try and get to me." Tayce chuckles to himself. "Jerry might be short, but he's solid. He could whip Frank's butt if needed."
Max laughs at the image. "I'd like to see that. Though I can't really imagine Jerry whipping anyones butt... not in that way anyway."
The comment earns Max a slap. "That's my best friend, don't give me that image!" Tayce laughs. He then notices the words scribbled on the notepad resting on Max's lap. "What's this?" He asks.
Max lets the pen rest on the bed as he lifts up the pad slightly. "Just some ideas for my book." He says. "I'm not sure about them though."
"Read it to me." Tayce says, looking up at Max.
This makes Max come over all shy. He didn't really share his ideas, not even with Donny, until he felt he'd got it nearly right. "I don't know?" He says feeling the apprehension.
"Ah go on. I wanna hear what your brain is telling you." Tayce wriggles slightly on his side of the bed in anticipation.
"Ok, but don't be too harsh, ok?" Max says, looking down at Tayce who looked like he was about to burst with excitement.
Max looks back at the page and clears his throat...."Ok, so this is what I've got so far...
"Rowan drops the note on to the bed. He looks stunned, he didn't see this coming. "I don't understand. What's happening? Is he gone? W...where's he gone?"
John lifts up the note again and looks at it. "Our dad. He came to see us, Jamie and I. He offered to take us with him. To convert to full vampire, live in the shadows."
"What? But why? Why would Jamie want to do that? I don't understand. I told him I'd be there for him!" Rowan collapses into the chair, head in hands."
(A/N Taken from my Sweet Blood boyxboy story)
Max suddenly stops when he can feel the bed wobble. He looks down at Tayce to see he is bawling his eyes out. "That's so sad." He wails. "It's like you've written my life on paper."
"Hey, it's actually my life." Max chuckles, trying to lighten the sudden dip in mood.
Tayce wipes his face on his sleeve. "It's good Max, it's really you have any more?"
"Are you sure you can handle it?" Max jests, earning yet another light slap on the arm by Tayce.
"I like hearing your voice." Tayce compliments as he now rests the side of his head on the pillow.
Max lets a small smile show on his face from the compliment. He didn't want Tayce to see how he really felt inside, like he was bursting with joy. He flicks through to another page and begins to read.
Only a short time has passed, when Max realises that Tayce has gone quiet. He looks down to see him fast asleep, head almost wedged between both of their pillows.
Max carefully puts his notebook on the side and dims the lamp light so a faint glow now fills the room. Slowly, he burrows into the sheets, facing Tayce, still fast asleep, their faces just a few inches apart. The shirt of Donny's pyjama top is exposing part of Tayce's neck. Max looks at the bare skin, noticing the bruised finger marks put there by Frank. Max then looks at Tayce's face. It was so peaceful, so innocent, so handsome.
Why would anyone want to do this to him? Especially someone you were meant to love and care for.
Without really thinking, Max pulls out a hand from inside the covers. The hand makes its way to Tayce's face. The palm lightly cupping the soft skin beneth it.
It causes Tayce to stir, humming slightly, but doesn't wake him.
Max notices how Tayce's lips begin to part, just slightly, his two top teeth slightly on show. He feels an overwhelming pull towards those lips. He wants to feel them on his as he slowly edges closer...closer. His eyes fluttering closed as he resists no more.
So gently, Max's lips press a feather light kiss against Tayce's. Max slowly pulls away, a sudden fear washing over him. He shouldn't have done that. He shouldn't have crossed the line.
He is grateful to see that Tayce hasn't moved, possibly unaware of his ill timed transgression. Max pulls his hand away and as carefully as he can, turns to face the other way. He now switches off the bedside light completly. Max is now bathed in darkness. He is unaware of Tayce opening his eyes, looking at the back of Max's head.
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