Chapter 10: Did we...
"I'd rather you didn't talk about that."
Tayce didn't want to move from his current position. He felt so warm and comfortable in bed and he knew that if he moved his head just a fraction, it would begin to throb.
The pillow felt extra puffy for some reason, he must have never noticed it before and the teddy bear fleece felt so warm...wait, teddy bear fleece? He and Frank don't have a fleece throw on their bed, Frank prefers silk and satin.
Tayce's eyes ping open. Where is he? He forces himself to sit up, the dizziness hitting him like a bat.
The room is alien to him. It definitely wasn't Jerry's bedroom. He screws his eyes closed, trying to remember his last footsteps. He remembers Jerry going with the guy at the club, he remembers standing outside, waiting for a taxi. Why does he remember Max's legs?"
"You're awake."
The words make Tayce jump out of his skin and instantly start his head pounding. Stood in the doorway was Max, wearing some grey sweatpants, his hair a mop, shielding his eyes, which were sporting some prescription glasses. Tayce briefly thinks he's gone home with a stranger, until he realises it's Max behind the spectacles.
"Yeah...I...w...what's going on?" Tayce is so confused, his mind flooding with so much information that he just can't seem to process any of it.
"Coffee?" Max asks his unexpected guest. Tayce nods in reply. Max leaves the doorway of the bedroom and heads into the kitchen. He pours Tayce a coffee and a second one for himself. He now settles at the couch, waiting for Tayce to come out of the bedroom.
A moment later he surfaces in last night's clothes and heads over to the couch to sit next to Max, who hands him a mug as he sits.
It's quiet for a few moments, it's as if Max is waiting for Tayce to speak first, but Tayce doesn't know where to begin. "This morning...was I in your bed?" He begins with.
"Yes." Max replies. Tayce cannot tell much from the tone.
"Did we?"
"No." Max says, sounding more definite this time. "I slept here." He adds, gesturing to the couch they were sitting on.
"But, in the taxi...I kind of remember you had a..."
"I'd rather you didn't talk about that." Max cuts Tayce off, still feeling a slight embarrassment about not being able to keep his body parts in check.
", why do I feel like something's up?" Tayce says, a little confused.
"Do you not remember?" Max asks, now with more concern behind his voice.
"I remember bits and...shit, Frank! He's literally gonna actually kill me." Tayce goes to get up from the seat to locate his phone, but Max grabs at one of his wrists, nearly spilling the coffee over the couch.
"Please...just, sit down... please." Max insists.
"I need to check my phone, he'll be so worried." Tayce feels restless, itching to get up from his seat.
"Do you know why I slept on the couch?" Max says, now feeling a little angry.
"You were being a good host? I'm sorry if I made you do that."
"Shit Tayce, will you stop saying sorry all the time! I slept on the couch because..." Max stops himself from continuing.
"Why?" Tayce now stills.
"Look, I just think you should stay here, ok?" Max insists, but Tayce shakes his head.
"No I need to get back, I need to explain..."
"Explain why you're here with me and not with Jerry, like you told him you would be? Why you stayed at a strange man's house?" Max interrupts.
"What?"...Tayce puts on a nervous laugh. "Why would Frank be upset about that?" Though deep down, he knew he would be kicking off. Tayce knew the rules and he had broken them.
Max sighs before speaking. "I heard the conversation, last night."
Max now places his mug on the coffee table, leaning forwards slightly towards Tayce. "Tayce, you were scared. I mean real scared and now I'm scared for you."
"I...I think you are just worrying too much Max." Tayce finally gets up from his seat, Max not stopping him this time. He heads into the bedroom and grabs his phone from the side. Sure enough there were a barrage of texts from Frank.
Tayce scrolls through them, his eyes beginning to trickle with tears. They were cruel and savage. What had he gone and done?"
Max was right. He was scared to go home, but at the same time, deep down, he knew he shouldn't be feeling this way. Tayce hadn't technically done anything wrong. He had simply been out with friends and had a good time.
Maybe now it was morning, Frank would have cooled off. He'd not sent any more messages since the early hours.
Tayce grabs his boots from the foot of the bed, turning to look at the comfort of it before he leaves. He then notices the slight dip in the pillow next to the one he had been resting on. The covers a little crumpled. Had Max been truthful about sleeping on the couch? Had something really happened between them?
He wanted to know, but at the same time didn't. Right now, igrorace seemed like bliss. As he heads out to the living area, he sees Max scribbling something on a post-it note. He goes over to Tayce and pushes it into his hand. "My number." Is all he says, with Tayce looking down at the scrunched up pink note sitting in the palm of his hand.
Tayce shoves the paper into the back of his pocket, choosing not to comment on why exactly he had been given it, though he could hazard a guess. "You worry too much, I promise I'll be fine!" Tayce says, plastering on one of his trademark smiles.
Yes...he's sure everything will be fine...just fine.
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