Chapter 62
Hysteria crept up her throat.
Could this be the beginning of her end?
The hallway was littered with the blood and fallen forms of Mesrine's bodyguards. With a gun lodged against her throat and another locked on Mesrine, Rosa's wild-eyed gaze stretched between the two men who now held her fate in their hands. One had let her sink a bullet in his flesh. Just to win back her trust. The other had murdered their daughter in cold blood. Just to prove a point.
Was Cristiano about to walk away?
More than anything, Rosa wished to believe that he'd stay and fight for her. Within such proximity, the contrast between Cristiano and Mesrine was jarring. Mesrine was the terrifying abyss that had always threatened to swallow her whole, and Cristiano was the closest she'd ever get to paradise and purgatory before drawing her final breath.
Gold locked on devil-black.
For a fleeting second, Mesrine's presence faded to nothingness even with his body shoved against hers, gripping her in an immovable vice. Rosa only had eyes for Cristiano. Her heart clenched with desperation as she sought out its owner. Love grew more and more potent with every fluttering beat. Just in case the next pulse might be her last.
Je t'aime, mon beau.
I love you, my beautiful one.
Battered and bruised in more ways than one, her adrenaline was soon replaced by exhaustion. She felt weary of fighting. Her soul weighed too much for mere flesh and bone to carry.
Puissions-nous nous revoir dans la prochaine vie.
May we meet again in the next life.
A sting hit the back of her eyes.
Si nous ne sommes pas censés être dans celui-ci.
If we are not meant to be in this one.
No matter how hard she tried to make things right, happiness and peace always seemed far out of reach. Despite her meticulous preparations and fierce resolve to fight until the bitter end, defeat now felt closer than victory. Mesrine wasn't going to let her live. Not after everything she'd done to sabotage his authority. The fucker's God complex simply couldn't live it down.
Emotions brimmed and swelled in Rosa's chest, threatening to overspill. She refused to shatter, though. Not now. Not in front of Mesrine. He didn't deserve to see her tears.
Tension coiled around the three of them like serpents, binding their destinies as one. Rosa tried to stay calm and vigilant, awaiting an opportunity to break free from her blue-eyed captor. Her survival would depend on how these next few seconds played out.
Even if luck was on her side, however, would she escape this wedding unscathed?
The barrel of the gun felt like death on her skin. The end seemed closer than ever. Her gaze snapped back to Cristiano, scrutinizing him sharply. It suddenly occurred to Rosa that she was very much like Eve. Not Eve Davies. But the very first one. From Eden. And Cristiano was her Adam. Together, they'd become trapped in this nightmare where their love was being tested against Mesrine's offer. Demons whispered doubts into her heart. She was tempted to believe in the worst of Cristiano. The bastard had resisted temptation once.
Walk away now, Massera, and leave her with me.
But could he do it again?
Then, you will be given the address to find your sister and niece, and everyone will be happy.
Or was the bastard about to sink his teeth into the fucking apple and hand her over to Mesrine?
Come what may, Rosa noted darkly, at least, she'd finally find some clarity to her conflicting feelings for him.
Even if his decision broke her heart. Rosa's gaze lingered on him for a second longer.
Do not disappoint me, mon beau, I beg of you.
For once, Rosa didn't want to be a realist. She wanted to believe in love. Hope trembled and rose. Rosa held onto it with all her might. Cristiano wouldn't dare to entertain Mesrine's offer. She was almost sure of it. He'd find another way to save his family.
Surely, the bastard wouldn't forsake her after the promises he whispered in the dark?
If hell ever takes you, I burn, too.
Without even glancing at her, Cristiano took a step toward them. He inquired quietly, "Where are they?"
Her hope sank with those three words. Cristiano wouldn't ask unless he was considering Mesrine's offer.
"Not so fast," Mesrine chided. "First, agree to my terms. Or Sienna and Angelina will not live to see the light of tomorrow."
Anguish twisted her lovely features as she studied Cristiano obsessively.
How was Cristiano going to respond now that Mesrine had threatened the lives of his flesh and blood?
Rosa wanted to cry out in protest, but her throat felt parched. Dry as sand. Words felt meaningless, anyway. She was too proud to beg for her life.
If Cristiano wanted her dead?
So be it.
She didn't need him to unfuck her way out of this precarious predicament. As always, she was ready to do anything for survival's sake. Or die trying. But Rosa didn't want to leap into action. Not yet. For a while longer, she wanted to see what Cristiano might do without her interference. Thoughts of Sienna and Angelina plagued her. Admittedly, it had to be tempting as fuck. To choose them over her. Just like he'd planned from the very start.
Blood was thicker than water, non?
Rosa struggled not to panic. The romantic in her prayed, though, that mon beau's vows of loyalty and love would ring true when it mattered most.
Perhaps, Rosa theorized desperately, he was only humoring Mesrine to turn the tables in their favor.
A calculating look passed over Cristiano's handsome face. But, then, she blinked and all emotion was wiped away.
Perhaps, she yearned with her whole fucking heart, he was simply biding his time—like her—for the perfect opportunity to strike.
Donning a mask-like expression, he surrendered with no resistance, "Very well. I accept your terms. Do whatever you want with your little Inés. I will gladly trade her life to save my family."
Mesrine examined him with a touch of suspicion. "I am surprised at how readily you have agreed to my terms. I thought you cared for my little Inés?"
Rosa balked with annoyance. The next man to call her little was going to end up with the tip of her stiletto inside his eyeball.
Cristiano shrugged with a crooked smile. "I care for her in the way I regard everything else. They matter. Until they stand in the way of something I want more. Then, they mean nothing to me."
Rosa glowered at Cristiano. This bastard better be lying his ass off right now! The daggers she sent his way didn't seem to bother him at all.
Mesrine chuckled as though he was delighted. "In this aspect, it seems you and I are very much the same."
Cristiano smiled back. Like a fucking psychopathe. "It is the only way to get everything we want, no?"
Amber eyes grew sharp and thin. To Rosa's dismay, however, she didn't know whether to weep or celebrate upon witnessing this exchange.
What she would give to be a mind reader. Her left arm. Her right tit.
Was the bastard fucking over Mesrine?
Or her?
Mesrine certainly seemed to believe that Cristiano was on his side. He looked beyond pleased. "I could not agree more."
She tried not to spiral. But—oh, oh, oh—how the room began to spin.
Had the bastard just agreed to save Sienna and Angelina at her expense?
Or was this still a ruse to throw off Mesrine?
Either way, there was no more time to wait around like a damsel in distress. Rage and heartbreak ignited something inside her. Rosa grew tense, realizing that she'd have to save herself. She kept waiting for Mesrine's grip to ease around her arms, readying her reflexes to snatch the gun. She'd steal it back the next time Mesrine showed a lapse in attention.
Cristiano began to lower his weapon, shuffling closer and closer as Mesrine relaxed his guard. "Now that we have reached an agreement, tell me, where are you keeping my sister and niece?"
"Close enough."
"That means nothing to me."
"Patience is a virtue, Massera."
"If I am to uphold my end of the bargain," Cristiano warned, "you must provide something of substance. Right fucking now. Or else our deal is off."
"What if you fuck me over once I give you what you want?"
This entire time, Cristiano hadn't stopped moving closer. It was barely noticeable. Yet, his feet continually inched forward, closing the distance between them. He was now standing near enough to touch them. "What if I blow your brains out as my patience runs out?"
Releasing an exasperated sigh, Mesrine rattled off an address as though Cristiano was acting like an unruly child, "Via Mariano Stabile. 241. That is where you will find them."
The fucker could be lying, of course, but Rosa took care to memorize every syllable.
Via Mariano Stabile.
"Give me the room key," Cristiano demanded coolly.
Mesrine reached inside his pocket to pull out a small, flat rectangular key card. He flung it in Cristiano's direction.
The bastard caught it with one hand, grunting, "Grazie."
Mesrine continued, beaming, "I knew you were not stupid enough to let this bitch come between u—"
Before he could finish, Cristiano's right arm shot out in a blur. His finger closed around Mesrine's wrist, snapping the bones in half while grabbing his gun. Mesrine howled in pain as pure rage warped his delicate features. It was like watching a villain shred the canvas of a Monet.
Before Rosa could process this sudden turn, Cristiano's left arm slid around her waist, tearing her away from Mesrine's grasp. Piece by piece, the reality of what was happening clicked into place. She was free from Mesrine. He'd chosen to save her over them.
Cristiano smirked at Rosa's awestruck expression. "If you doubted me for even one second, baby, fuck you."
Not knowing whether to kiss him or kick him in the balls for fraying the last threads of her sanity over the past five minutes, Rosa gasped, "You asshole."
"How dare you play me, Massera!" Mesrine snarled, lunging for them with murder in his pale eyes. "I will fucking end you!"
Instantly, Cristiano's attention snapped away from Rosa back to Mesrine. The two men began to wrestle and fight like wild beasts. Cristiano slammed his knuckles into Mesrine's jaw, dislocating it with a painful-sounding crunch. Mesrine kneed Cristiano in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain. Rosa's heart jumped. Resenting the limits of her slighter, weaker frame, Rosa knew she was no match for either of them in hand-to-hand combat, so she dove for one of the discarded weapons on the floor.
Right then, one of Mesrine's men began to stir. He groaned and tried to crawl toward the same gun that Rosa was eyeing. She kicked him again on her way over, knocking the man out cold for a second time, and closed her hand around the pistol.
Arm steady and straight, Rosa raised the gun, aiming for Mesrine's head. Cristiano kept getting in the way of a clear shot, though. His movements were too quick and unpredictable, and she had no intention of shooting him again. She settled on taking out Mesrine's left foot. It was a far safer target. With a pull of the trigger, her bullet pierced his ankle.
He shrieked in agony. Still conscious but too injured to stand, Mesrine slumped to the ground. Cristiano rose to his feet as the victor. Finally, the fight appeared to be over.
Weakly, Mesrine protested, "This is not over."
They both turned to him and snapped, "Shut up before we shoot you again."
Mesrine's mouth quickly sealed itself.
"Allez," Rosa beckoned to Cristiano. "We must go find your sister and niece."
"I cannot go yet."
"This again?" she growled in frustration.
He glanced down at Mesrine. "You know my work here is not done."
"Then I will stay, too."
"If you stay," he warned, "I will never forgive you."
She glanced at Mesrine. "But what if this fucker—"
"This fucker has a busted wrist and a bloody stump for a foot. His men are gone, and the Vitales are on our side. I will be fine."
This was true. The Vitales were an asset. On his own, Mesrine didn't seem to be much of a threat anymore. Physically, anyway.
Still, Rosa tilted her head as she stared down Cristiano. Worry thrummed through her veins. "Will you, though?"
"Do you remember when I asked for your help earlier?"
"Oui," she replied with a nod. "But we never got a chance to discuss the details."
"I will tell you now."
"I need you to go in my place."
"What do you mean?"
He pulled out Mesrine's key card and offered it to her. "Go save Sienna and Angelina for me. Per favore. I only trust you with this task."
She stared at the card. Rosa felt torn. The bastard had sacrificed everything he wanted for her just now. He was risking it all to stay here and ensure that Mesrine wouldn't be able to massacre the masses at this wedding. The thought of leaving him, however, felt unacceptable. It actually nauseated her. But she didn't know how to say non to the one thing he'd wanted for decades.
To avenge his family and save Sienna and Angelina.
"If I choose to go," she warned, "this is not goodbye. You must come for me after you take care of the pale-faced fucker."
"I am not that pale," Mesrine protested feebly.
They ignored him.
Cristiano swore to her, "I will."
Rosa threw his words back at him, "Do not forget, mon beau. If hell ever takes you, I burn, too."
"In that case, I better live."
"I swear it." He placed his hand over his heart, near his shoulder. "Ti amo."
She whispered back, "Je t'aime."
Rosa reached for his hand and grasped the card, taking it from his at last. The gesture felt symbolic. Like the passing of a torch.
Nothing but love burned in his devil-dark eyes when Cristiano rasped with a faint smile, "Now, go. Whatever you do. Live. So I can come for you after I take care of the pale-faced fucker."
She gave him one last lingering look, memorizing every little detail about him.
Ce n'est pas un au revoir, mon beau.
This isn't goodbye, my beautiful one.
Then, with steely resolve, Rosa turned to leave. Sienna and Angelina were waiting. She felt as though a void had hollowed out her chest. Because she'd left her heart with him. She dragged both feet at first. Reluctance and distress slowed her down. But she knew better than to let emotion cloud her judgment.
She saw herself in Sienna.
She saw Nijah in Angelina.
Within a few steps, Rosa found her stride and her strength. She started to run.
As Cristiano watched her go, his hand fell away from his chest, and Rosa was no longer there to see the crimson that stained his palm.
It was fresh.
These cliffies are fun, right? We're getting pretty close to the end! I CAN FEEL IT!
Follow me on Wattpad @uxecila or on Instagram @tafanwrites for more updates.
Thanks to everyone who voted! Your feedback is so helpful. Based on the Instagram polling results for June's writing schedule, I won't be doing bi-weekly updates between Rosa and Toxic. But I know my Toxic readers have been waiting patiently and eagerly for months, so I'll be taking a short break from Rosa to update one chapter of Toxic. Then, I'll get back to regular Rosa updates until it's completed.
Also, I have some exciting announcements to share in July about Diavolo for those of you who have read the Vitales' story. Stay tuned. <3
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