Chapter 37
Amber eyes sparking with lust, Rosa echoed, "Now?"
In response, he gave her a definitive smirk.
Then, Cristiano dropped a kiss on her shoulder and asked in hushed tones, "Where is the gift I bought you?"
Did he mean—
Realization of what he might be suggesting drew a delicious pulse of heat between her legs.
Was she ready, though, to give herself to the bastard, fully, for a whole fucking week?
Would Cristiano push her to her limits?
Rosa didn't know what to expect from him, but curiosity and desire fueled her courage, her recklessness.
"In my luggage," she replied.
Cristiano watched Rosa. His devil-black gaze remained steady on her face.
He ordered quietly, "Bring it to me."
Slowly, she rose from his lap. Rosa strode over to her suitcase, unzipped it, and rummaged through her belongings until she found the, hum, particular item he had requested. The small, black egg-shaped device fit snugly in the palm of her hand.
She brought it back to Cristiano.
He held out his palm.
Approval shone in Cristiano's eyes as Rosa dropped the toy into his hand. He nodded towards the empty chair beside him.
"Now, sit."
The Afrodita saleswoman's words came back to taunt her.
This model is one of my favorites.
It can be controlled through a phone.
You are a lucky woman.
I believe your man is about to show you a very good time.
Anticipation ran high, bursting through her veins, as she lowered herself into the adjacent leather seat with a graceful sliding motion. Like a lady, Rosa crossed her legs as she sat down.
"Lift your skirt," he instructed through a hooded gaze, "and spread your legs."
Indignation flared slightly.
She understood Cristiano was supposed to be charge at the moment, but—
Who did this bastard think he was?
Ordering her around as though she was his whore?
Yet, something innately depraved and inwardly naughty compelled her to obey him. Because Rosa knew that they would be taking turns at this little game. She decided to start keeping score. Tit for tat, tally after tally, she would remember every moment of this power play between them and pay him back tenfold once he handed over the reins next week.
Once it was her week, karma was going to be a bitch.
Or an angel.
It would all depend on how he treated her this week.
Their gazes locked.
A combative mix of desire and tension seethed in the air.
Not breaking eye contact from Cristiano, Rosa's chin jutted out in defiance, but her hands, ever so hypocritically, moved to the hem of her bright orange-red vermillion-dyed skirt. Centimeter by centimeter, she drew the light, airy fabric up her bare thighs.
"Keep going, baby," he urged.
In an unhurried manner, Rosa splayed her legs wide open.
Until her knees hit both sides of the armrests.
Until she revealed a clear view of her lacy teal panties to Cristiano's hungry eyes.
Rosa cocked an eyebrow. "Happy, now?"
He leered at her covered sex. "Very."
Still gripping the egg in hand, Cristiano stood up from his chair. His considerable mass unfolded to full height in the small cabin, swallowing much of the space. Then, to Rosa's surprise, in one swift motion, he dropped to knees before her. Like a knight kneeling before his queen. Yet, there was nothing submissive about the way he was eyeing her panties.
He growled, "Take it off."
Mesmerized by the power in his voice, Rosa's hands seemed to move on their own. Seconds later, the lace slipped away from her long, shapely legs. Cool air kissed the sensitive flesh of her core. Cristiano leaned forward and placed a light kiss upon her mound.
"Bellissima," he muttered.
Her eyes widened as she realized what he was about to do.
She could hear Marcello's voice just beyond the door. Quiet conversations were flowing outside of their cabin. The jet's engine continued to drone on in the background.
Rosa shot Cristiano a wary glance.
Had this man no shame—
Rosa gasped as the tip of Cristiano's tongue slipped out to trace her slit. Delicately. Lightly. From the bottom up, then, again, from the top down. She sighed in contentment. Soon, his tongue thrust inside her pussy, fucking her like a makeshift cock. Her gasps quickened into panting breaths. The voices outside and the engine's rumble faded away. Rosa could no longer concentrate on anything around her. She could only give into the luscious sensations he was pulling from her body.
She could already feel herself growing wet and ready for more. Rosa dug her fingers into Cristiano's thick, black hair, grasping his head, attempting to maneuver him where she needed it most: Her poor, throbbing, neglected clit. The bastard paid her no mind, though, resisting her insistent tugs and pulls and whimpers, choosing to pleasure her at his own tortuous pace.
So fucking slowly, Cristiano nipped at her folds, lapped at the folds within her folds, and, a seeming lifetime of maddening minutes later, finally, finally, finally, kissed her clit, sucking the nub into his mouth until she was writhing hotly against his mouth.
Passion and pleasure flooded her senses. Her pussy pulsated on the brink of climax. This man was making her lose her goddamn mind.
In the midst of her euphoric desperation, Cristiano's face brimmed with unmasked male satisfaction. "Do you need to come, baby?"
Squeezing her eyes shut, Rosa found herself begging, "Oui, mon beau! Please, please, please help me come..."
Suddenly, she felt something smooth and round graze the outside of her pussy lips. Her eyes shot open. She glanced down and saw that Cristiano was now dragging the egg along her sex, dipping it inside her wetness for a few toe-curling moments, using it to rub her clit for another few heavenly moments.
Then, he slipped it inside of her and stood up. "Put your underwear back on, Rosa."
She scoffed in disbelief. "What?"
"Do as I say, baby," insisted Cristiano, "I promise I will make this good for you."
Glaring at him, she reached for her discarded panties with a petulant expression.
Was the bastard going to deny her another orgasm?
Was this going to be the first of his power plays this week?
Rosa's excitement died down by a fraction. Her need for release was slipping away by the second. Mentally, she tallied up a mark against him.
The moment her underwear was properly in place again, a suspicious-looking smirk pulled on Cristiano's mouth. He retrieved his phone from his blazer. He started swiping and tapping the screen.
What was he doing now?
A second later, her inquiry received an answer. Rosa drew in a sharp breath as the egg buzzed alive, pulsing lushly against her inner walls, stirring up her excitement once more.
She groaned faintly, "Oh, Dieu..."
He tapped on the screen again. The vibrations within her grew stronger. Rosa's face flushed with delight. Her pussy sang with it as well. Cristiano took a seat beside her again. The self-satisfied smirk had yet to fall away from his handsome face.
"Come," he beckoned, "sit with me."
Glassy-eyed and lightheaded, Rosa shuffled onto Cristiano's lap once more. Under her ass, his cock felt hard as a rock. She reached down and wrapped her fingers around him, playing with his solid length over his trousers. With a grunt of appreciation, he started thrusting into her fist. It didn't take long for Cristiano to return the favor. His hands rose to cup her breasts, caressing and massaging the generous mounds. He thumbed Rosa's nipples over her dress until they hardened into pebbled tips, adding two more pleasure points to her mounting wave of ecstasy. She moaned happily. Cristiano leaned over to catch her lips with his mouth, kissing her sweetly as they fondled each other's bodies with sinful abandon.
All the while, the egg purred away inside Rosa's core.
But her pussy needed more.
His cock obviously needed more as well.
Right as Rosa's fingers wandered over to loosen Cristiano's pants, a polite tap-tap-tap sounded at the cabin door.
Her hand froze over the clasp of his trousers.
"Putain de merde!" Rosa cursed under her breath.
For fuck's sake!
A grimace tightened Cristiano's mouth.
He growled at the door, "What do you want?"
Her head snapped towards him, hissing, "Wait, take it out of me first!"
Rosa was, of course, referring to the humming black egg tucked within her most intimate folds.
"No," Cristiano replied calmly, "leave it in. This will only take a minute."
She protested in a disgruntled whisper, "But it is very distracting—"
"I have faith," he countered, "that you will be able to sit still and stay focused."
Rosa huffed, "Easy for you to say!"
Before she could argue any further, Marcello's voice responded through the door, "Signorina Lenoir's phone has been fixed."
"One moment, Marcello."
Cristiano cast a wry, challenging look in Rosa's direction as he nudged her off of his lap to unlock the door.
Marcello walked into their cabin. He set Rosa's phone on a small table in the middle of the cabin.
Cristiano returned to sit at Rosa's side.
The egg continued to torment her.
Gesturing to Rosa's phone, Cristiano prompted the brown-eyed man. "So, it is done?"
Marcello confirmed, "It is done."
The sweet, steady humming persisted.
Anxiously, Rosa crossed her legs and squeezed her thighs together, willing herself to calm the fuck down. She drew in several deep breaths.
Cristiano glimpsed knowingly at Rosa and reached over to clasp her hand.
He praised Marcello in a pleasant manner, "That was quick."
At the same time, Cristiano started to caress her wrist with his thumb in a very distracting manner.
Rosa side-eyed him sharply.
The bastard knew exactly what he was doing.
To distract herself from the distractions between her legs and on her wrist, Rosa added another tally against Cristiano.
Karma was starting to look like a real bitch.
Marcello cleared his throat. "I lucked out. The spyware program they installed on Signorina Lenoir's phone was familiar to me."
Rosa struggled to sit still and stay focused as she inquired, "My phone is safe to use, then?"
"Sì, I have rerouted what Mesrine can see or hear to a burner phone. I was discreet with my hacking. It should take him a while to realize what I have done. If ever."
Rosa winced as she tried to carry on a normal conversation, "You are amazing, Marcello. Truly."
Marcello coughed. "I am happy to help."
"Where is this burner phone?" demanded Cristiano.
"Outside," Marcello answered. "Giorgio is guarding it right now."
"Everyone is aware that they need to keep their mouths shut around that burner, right?"
The man kept talking. Rosa's senses were reeling, but, from the corner of her eye, she noticed Cristiano swipe a sly, discreet finger over his phone.
Immediately, the buzzing inside Rosa intensified. The little egg was practically thrusting against her now like a tiny piston. Her thighs clenched helplessly in response. Rosa bit back a moan as she glared in Cristiano's direction.
This fucker!
He wasn't even looking at her.
"Good," Cristiano grunted to Marcello with an infuriatingly composed expression. "Once we are back in Catanzaro, I want you to find a way to hack into Mesrine's phone or computer. Payback is going to be a bitch."
The brown-eyed man frowned. "That may not be as easy as you think, Massera..."
Tersely, Cristiano reminded him, "You were able to do something similar when you worked for the Vitale's. It is what you told me, and it is why I hired you, no?"
"I mean—"
Cristiano's eyes tightened into perceptive slits. "What was it that you hacked for them? A box of sorts?"
The other man supplied, "It was a music box."
Against her will, Rosa's breaths were beginning to fall out far too quickly. Her skin burned with need. Fucking hell, she already could feel the familiar tremors of an orgasm mounting within her. Rosa had never tested out this voyeuristic side of her sexuality, but, now, in this very unexpected way, she found there was something shockingly titillating about giving full control of her body to Cristiano in front of others.
Dieu, she was so fucked up.
Luckily, Marcello seemed to be none the wiser. His entire attention was focused on Cristiano. The poor man looked so eager to please his unsmiling boss.
Completely unbothered by her state of dissolution, Cristiano continued to talk shop, "Either way, I want to have access to Mesrine's every move. Make it happen."
Marcello nodded and gulped. "Very well, I will not let you down."
Pleased with his answer, Cristiano dismissed him, "You may go now."
At last, the man took his leave. The door opened and closed behind him.
"Go lock the door, Rosa," Cristiano commanded with an unruly gleam in his dark eyes, "and come back to me."
After releasing an indignant snort, Rosa did as she was told. Cristiano chuckled and pulled her back onto his lap.
He kissed her gently, murmuring against her cheek, "Poor baby, how bad do you need to come right now?"
"You should know," she snapped, "you are the one who made me suffer this way!"
Without wasting another second, his large hand ghosted down her waist, grazed her thighs, and slipped inside her panties. He found her clit right away, rubbing and circling her sweetest, slickest spot with two fingers all while the egg pulsed and pleasured and propelled her towards—
Whimpering loudly, her eyes rolled back. Rosa climaxed right then and there with his hand wreaking perfect havoc between her legs. Tide after tide of the most explosive gratification rolled through her core. The force of it all caught her by surprise.
She swore in ecstasy, "Oh, fuck!"
Cristiano groaned in seeming reverence at the wanton sight of her. "Dio, if you could see yourself right now. I want you to come like this for me. Always."
Raining soft kisses all over her face, he held Rosa through the rise and fall of her pleasure. He held her through the afterglow as she laid limp and boneless in his arms. Her cheek fell upon his muscled chest. In this position, she could hear his heartbeat. It was a calming sound.
A small, sleepy smile appeared on her face.
With only a fraction of her usual sass, Rosa mumbled, "Have I proven myself to you yet, mon beau? I did everything you asked me to just now."
He eyed her with amusement. "I hate to break this to you, but..."
Something in the smugness of his tone caught her ear. Her chin lifted up.
She stared at him curiously. "But... what?"
Cristiano grinned as he drew her even closer to his chest. "But what just happened between us had nothing to do with our agreement."
Rosa's amber eyes grew large and round. "What the hell!"
He asserted with a cavalier shrug, "It was only for my enjoyment."
Rosa gaped at the mischievous, boyish smirk on his face before scowling deeply. "You must be joking!"
"I am not joking. I am very serious. In truth, you looked so tense earlier," Cristiano murmured. "I wanted to help you... relax... before..."
Within an instant, his demeanor shifted in a noticeable way.
Rosa's nerves prickled slightly. "Before what?"
Was he about to ask her to "jump?"
If so, "how high?"
He shot her a pointed look that made it clear that playtime was over. "Before you tell me everything else that I need to know about what has happened between you and Mesrine."
Rosa observed Cristiano's face closely. "I thought you were already aware of everything there is to know about Mesrine and me?"
"No, I am not. I need to know what you have been keeping from me, Rosa."
His request was framed as an open-ended one, and it sent a flurry of doubts running through her mind.
How much did Cristiano know about Mesrine?
About Nijah?
Was the bastard withholding his knowledge again, like before, to test her loyalty?
Or was he actually oblivious about the full extent of her past?
Rosa didn't know how to respond. She didn't know whether to answer as she pleased or answer with the full, soul-crushing truth. His angle remained unclear, and the not-knowing set her on edge. Everything, it seemed, boiled down to a matter of trust. Rosa wanted Cristiano to trust her so that she might, in turn, uncover a thing or two about his murky past.
But did she trust this man enough to bare her soul to him?
Surely, Cristiano wouldn't use this trust to crush her spirit like Mesrine.
Would he?
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