A/N Hey ya'll! Please note these story's are not completed nor being worked on since I am working to much and cant afford a working computer -_- but hey its a start! Sorry if they suck i'm still working on learning to write better and it would help if I had a friggin "w" key >.>
I knew I something was wrong with my emotions... That I should be feeling something different after what I had witnessed my fellow classmates do. That my first notation should have been to either try to help or get the police but true to my nature I was a coward with snot and tears running down my face as I allowed them to beat, hang and dismember the new student at my school all the while I hid in a far corner behind junk that had long been abandoned in my use-to-be sanctuary aka The Mcnelson farm house. The old Mcnelsons farm house had been abandoned after Mr. Mcnelson supposedly murder his wife and two children on his youngest son's 8th birthday after that news spread no one could sell it and the bloody prints and smears that seemed to never come out of the wood or paint didn't help any so here it stood abandoned by all on the very outskirts of town, Becoming the scene of a new massacre. I watched as Mitch Rolland, the lead jock screamed for his lackeys to "Clean up this shit." And "Burn the shithole place to the ground" as he cleaned his hands and ran out.
I felt the ping of sadness at the loss that was to come after the farm house was gone. It had provided 11 years of secret reprieves and had more than once saved me from bullies and those who would just do me harm. The old blood never bothered me and neither did the strange shadows that moved when I was not looking directly in that direction on the contrary gave me a sense that I was not alone and that maybe whatever or whoever was looking out for me. And now I would have this lovely disembowel prince to look after me. Or I would if they didn't burn the place to the ground. I despised them, The "In" crowd, the jocks, the beautiful ones. They had never done anything more than hurt and tease or in this case kill someone and for what? Because he had shown me the outcast sympathy and love, the one person I had ever loved. No they did it because he was better. Better at football better at getting ladies better at just being cool no matter what went on. He showed them all up and it got under their skin and after feeding them dirt for beating on me they set out to get back at him. But I knew a secret about him that no one else new or would live to tell. I smiled as I watched the remaining jocks collect old tables and such to set the place on fire and then the screams started. Maybe I would get to keep my hiding place after all, with a few new additions to the shadows.
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