l u k e
"You're so pretty" Ashton mumbled against my skin as he kissed down my chest. I smiled at his words and hummed when feeling his hot lips against my skin.
"You're complimenting me so much," I breathed out with a soft laugh, "Never thought that would happen at the start of this camp"
"I know, my bad" Ashton whispered and kissed the skin over my heart, blowing light air over it and making me laugh lightly.
Ashton breathed out a hot laugh and kept leaving kisses along my chest and neck before running his hand down my waist and along my leg that was hooked around him, placing his hand on my knee.
His warm and soft palm ran over my skin and sent shivers all over my body, making him hum out in content.
"You really are pretty though" he murmured again, raising his head from the crook of my neck to look at me sincerely. I smiled and licked my lips as I brought my hand up to run my fingers through his hair, smiling wider when watching him close his eyes in content.
"Thank you" I breathed out and bit my lip as I studied Ashton's relaxed face. He was also pretty. Or actually, he was more beautiful than pretty. He had these features that made him look graceful, and he had those muscles that gave him almost the ideal body. He was extremely attractive, hot, sexy, but the soft features in his face made him look gentle.
It made him look beautiful.
"You're welcome" Ashton whispered and ran his hand up and down my thigh before opening his eyes and smiling softly at me.
His softly colored eyes roamed my face, nearly making me blush. To avoid him seeing my reddening cheeks, I placed both my hands on face and pushed him away, making him laugh lightly.
Ashton grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands away from his face, holding them down to the mattress over my head. He grinned down at me, making me roll my eyes.
"Oh don't be like that, Barbie. You can blush around me, it's cute" Ashton whispered with a smirk as he leaned down to kiss my jaw.
"Stop it, shut up" I mumbled but made no effort to push him away again because his lips against my skin felt so good.
"You don't really want that" Ashton whispered teasingly as he kissed up to the corner of my mouth before placing his lips on mine.
My hands gently found their way to the back of Ashton's neck as I tightened my hold I had around him with my leg. Ashton's hand on my leg stopped moving and now only gripped my thigh tightly, almost enough for his fingertips to leave bruises.
I parted my lips slightly and started to nibble on his bottom lip, pulling him closer to myself as he let out a low moan.
He rolled on top of me, hooking my other leg around him as well, never once breaking the kiss. One of my hands stayed at the back of his neck while the other traveled down his back, caressing the smooth skin softly.
"I love it when you touch me" Ashton murmured against my lips, making me smile small.
"I love touching you" I whispered back as I started to draw lines and patterns along his spine.
"You know what else I love?" Ashton asked, leaving small kisses along my jaw up to my ear, licking and biting the skin.
His question made my stomach turn and flutter. It was just a normal question in the heat of the - literally heated - moment, but it still made me quite hopeful.
It shouldn't though. Ashton told me just a few days ago that he wasn't in love with me. He needed time if he were to fall in love, and we didn't have time. We had 5 days left of the camp, so he didn't love me.
"No, what?" I finally whispered back, holding him close to my body as I heard him breathe hotly by my ear.
"I love it when you speak to me. It doesn't matter what you say, just hearing you speak does stuff to me, baby" he breathed out.
Even though the answer he gave made me slightly disappointed, it still made me smile bashfully. Because I affected him. A lot, that is.
"You're quite obsessed with me, aren't you?" I asked with a smirk on my face, making Ashton scoff as he pulled away to look at my whole face.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" he asked and caressed my cheek gently. I looked up at him with big eyes, locking them with his.
"I'd love having you as my fan" I spoke and grinned up at him.
"Then I'm your number one fan" Ashton whispered before he leaned down to attach our lips again.
I sighed contently into it as I wrapped my arms and legs around his body, holding him as close as possible. He chuckled against my lips as I clung to him like a needy baby, making me smile once again.
"Stop smiling, I can't kiss you properly when you're smiling" Ashton mumbled against my lips, making me let out a childish and high pitched giggle.
"Oh my god, what the hell was that?" Ashton said and laughed as I placed my hands over my mouth and face. I only groaned in response to Ashton's question, making him laugh louder.
"That was the best thing I have ever heard in my entire life," he said and grinned down at me with an amused expression, "What do I have to do to hear that again?"
"Fuck off, Ash" I mumbled under my hands, only for Ashton to try and pry them away again. I fought him this time, making him laugh and shake his head.
"Fine, I'll stop. Let me see your face" Ashton whispered and released his hold on my hands to lower himself down and place light kisses on them instead.
"You're being cheesy again" I grumbled under my hands before taking them away from my face and locking eyes with him again. He was grinning, showing off those dimples on his cheeks, making me bite my lip at the perfect sight.
"It's all your fault, Barbie," Ashton said and let out an exaggerated sigh, "You're turning me into one of those dudes in those fucking sappy romance movies"
"Okay, sure. Blame it all on me" I said and rolled my eyes playfully, making Ashton snort at me.
"It is your fault. Before you I was an asshole" Ashton spoke and dipped his head down to peck my lips a few times.
"Yeah, and you should thank me for making you human" I spoke and smirked up at him, this time making him roll his eyes.
"You're thinking too highly of yourself"
"Only because what I'm saying is the truth" I whispered out and grinned while running a hand through Ashton's hair.
"Fine, maybe you're-"
Ashton was cut off in the middle of his sentence when a knock on the door was heard. The sudden noise made me jump a bit, causing Ashton to chuckle.
"Not now" Ashton called out and mumbled something about Michael and Calum before dipping his head down to engage yet another kiss.
"Luke?" was heard from outside the door, and I immediately pushed Ashton off of me to look at him with wide eyes.
"What? Who is it?" Ashton asked in a whisper, staring back at me with equally wide eyes.
"Fuck, it's my dad" I cursed before getting out of the bed and hurriedly started to dress myself.
"Luke?" my father called again, his voice more stern now, causing me to grit my teeth together.
"Yeah, I'm coming" I called back as I struggled to put on a t-shirt. I ran over to my own bed and tussled the sheets and pillow so it would look like I had just gotten out of bed - mine and not Ashton's - before turning to the mentioned boy.
"I think you need to calm down a bit, Luke-"
"You need to hide" I cut him off and looked at him with sincere eyes.
"What? Why?" he asked and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Because I swear to god, you don't want to meet my father. Go take a shower and I'll have him out of here before you're done" I rushed to say, making Ashton raise one eyebrow.
"You want me to hide for your dad?" he asked and chuckled, "Why would I? This isn't some Romeo and Juliet shit, I'm not scared of some adult"
Ashton was left seated in his bed in only boxers, smiling contently at me. I looked at him hesitantly, thinking about what he had said.
I knew for a fact my father was a impossible to deal with, but Ashton didn't. He had no need to run and hide from my dad when this room was his as well. It was my dad who was the intruder in me and Ashton's room, so Ashton didn't have to leave.
"Fine, just-" I said and pursed my lips as I backed towards the door, "Just don't let him get to you, alright?"
"Calm down, Barbie. I'm gonna be fine" Ashton spoke and I nodded my head hesitantly before turning to the door and opened it while biting the inside of my cheek.
I was met with those familiar harsh blue eyes and stern facial expression I had learned was always planted on my father's face. A proud look still made an appearance as he eyed me up and down and nodded his head.
"Luke," he greeted and patted my shoulder, "You're looking like you're still in shape"
I gritted my teeth and nodded my head, trying to keep all my anger against that man to myself.
"Dad," I said and gave him a tight smile, standing still in the doorway to keep him out of the room, "When you said you'd get here earlier I didn't think you meant 4 days before the game"
"Well, son, take it as an early Christmas gift. I'm here to make you into the best you can get before the game. You know there's no one who knows you better than your own father. I can't trust these coaches, they haven't focused on you enough with all these other boys around you"
"Dad," I sighed through gritted teeth, "Just leave this alone please. I want this to be my own thing, okay? Just sit back and watch the game, and don't bother my coaches. Please don't"
"Luke-" my father started but stopped when the door was opened wider and Ashton was standing close by my side, wearing nothing but sweatpants hanging low, while his hair was tussled on his head.
"Mr. Hemmings, isn't it?" Ashton asked with a cocky grin on his face. I subtly elbowed him in his ribs, only for him to grip my arm and hold it tightly behind my back.
"Yes" my father spoke and straightened up his posture, making him look quite intimidating. I only rolled my eyes though.
"I'm Ashton, Ashton Irwin," Ashton spoke and looked even more content as he threw an arm around my shoulders, "But we've met before so I think you knew that already"
"Yeah" my father responded shortly as he eyed Ashton with a dark glare.
I wanted to speak up and tell him to leave, but the way Ashton's arm tightened around me and how he grinned up at my father with a satisfied look, was enough for me to stay quiet and watch it all play out.
"Where's mom?" I asked as I kicked the ball over to my father.
"At the hotel. She's tired, you know she's not well with jet lag" dad said before kicking the ball back. He kicked it exaggeratedly hard, making the ball hit my leg and bounce away. He gave me a pointed look, making me grit my teeth.
"And you're fine, I see" I mumbled, but dad heard me.
"Being tired isn't an excuse for me" dad spoke and I scoffed to myself while shaking my head.
We kept kicking the ball back and forth. My father gave me a stern look each time I did something wrong. I was tired of it, but I knew better than to try and speak back to him. I knew I'd never win, so there was no point in trying.
"So, Ashton Irwin" dad spoke after a while, making me purse my lips.
"Yeah," I mumbled and nodded my head, "What about him?"
"You didn't mention in our weekly phone calls that he was your roommate" dad spoke in a stern voice.
"You didn't ask" I spoke shortly as I crouched down to tie my shoe.
"Don't act smart with me," dad spoke as he walked over to look down at me, "I don't like his attitude. He's playing around and he's bringing you down with him"
"Literally," I breathed out to myself before standing up to look at my father, "Why do you even care about him?"
"Because he's taking you off your focus. He seem to take this as a joke, and you let him"
"Dad, I don't give a fuck about what he decides to do while being here. If he wants to have fun, he is more than welcome to do so. If I was allowed to have fun, I'd have so as well" I said and started to roll the ball under my foot.
"To have a set future is fun, to succeed is fun, Luke. I'm making sure you are living your dream, and you are very bad at thanking me for it" dad spoke back, making me roll my eyes.
"Yeah, thanks dad," I mumbled and kicked the ball up to catch it in my hands, "Now, can you please just let me do this on my own? You have been nosing in my business ever since I left for this camp-"
"I would hardly call it 'nosing in your business', son. I'm the reason why you're here today" dad spoke and I gritted my teeth, ignoring him before starting continue from where I ended.
"Ever since I left from the camp I've been alone and I just want you to let me be alone so I can make you proud at the game instead. You know, so you can see what I've been working on. I've made huge progress, believe me"
I nearly pleaded now to get my father to understand, but the look he gave me made me understand he would probably ignore it.
"You better make an outstanding game. I'm not in the mood to have to talk you into a team. I've already done it once, I shouldn't need to be doing it again. You're 18, you should be able to get yourself a contract by now" dad spoke.
"Dad, I was 7 years old. I would have been fine on the team in the first place if you hadn't talked shit about the rest of the team and making the coaches drop me," I spoke and scoffed, "It wasn't because I was a bad player, it was because you were a bad father"
I gave him one last irritated look before starting to walk off. He stopped me though when he called after me.
"Luke, you come back and explain why you are suddenly acting like some ungrateful brat and not my son"
"Not now, dad," I spoke and gave him a sarcastic smile, "I'm gonna go and have some fun with Ashton"
you know something is deeply fucked up with this world when you can't even feel safe any hour of the day.
to whoever thought it was a good idea to create terrorism; fuck you.
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