l u k e
"What's with the smile, Hemmings?" Philip asked with a teasing smirk on his face as we lazily kicked the ball back and forth, waiting for practice to start.
"Nothing, I'm just feeling good today" I said and shrugged before kicking the ball over to Philip again.
"Yeah?" he asked and chuckled lightly before kicking the ball back, making it fall down perfectly at my feet.
"Yeah," I spoke and gave him a smile before kicking the ball back again.
"I'm glad you're on top of the world today. I'm really nervous, I heard we're going to get to know the teams for the final games today" Philip said, making me look up at him with raised eyebrows, ignoring the ball the ran past my feet.
"Really? Already?" I asked.
"It's only two and a half weeks left until the games. We need to know our teams so we can practice with them and all of that. You'll practice with your team half the time and the rest of the time you practice with everyone else"
"How do you know all of this?" I asked and furrowed my eyebrows as I walked closer to him.
"My brother was on this camp 4 years ago. I have no idea if they've changed the plans on this camp, but everything has been pretty much the same as he told me" Philip spoke and shrugged.
"Your brother was here? How did it go for him?"
"Really good. He got a contract and everything. He played for about 1 and a half years after the camp before his knee fucked up and after that he can barely run" Philip said.
"What happened?" I asked and looked at him with curious eyes.
"Got a foot right in the knee in high force, making the knee bend back," Philip said and grimaced slightly, "It was gross"
I scrunched my face up as well. Only hearing about it made my own knee ache, making me bend it to make sure it was actually fine.
"Shit, that sucks," I spoke and Philip nodded in agreement, "But he can still walk though, right?"
"Yeah, he's been going to rehab for years and that did some good for him at least. He's just pissed that everything had to end so early, you know?" he said and smiled a crooked smile.
"Yeah, I get that. I'm sorry" I said, not really knowing what else to say.
Philip laughed softly though and shook his head before starting to walk over to coach who had just arrived. I followed just behind him.
"It's cool. I mean, it's not me it happened to, and I really fucking hope it won't be happening ever" he said and I nodded my head before turning my attention to coach who was starting with a clipboard in his hands.
Everyone formed a circle around him and we stood quietly. The look on coach's face made everyone know that it was something serious that was about to be announced.
I furrowed my eyebrows slightly as I glanced at coach before my eyes found Ashton across from me. Within seconds Ashton looked back, grinning at me before coach cleared his throat and got everyone's attention again.
"Today will be a different practice," coach started and glanced around in the circle of players, "We'll be dividing you into four different groups today. Those groups will create your teams for the final games"
Those words made everyone murmur to each other in either anxiousness or excitement. I bit my lip as I glanced around, eyeing all the other guys, and felt nervousness build up.
This was the real thing. It's actually getting to me that this camp is soon over and after we'd all go home, or to wherever soccer would take us.
And these last games will be everything. I had some teams at home, even in Europe, but they weren't any safe cards. That's why I needed to make this game the best one I've ever played to show all the teams that they needed me.
I need to make up for the shitty start I had on the camp. Both Ashton and I did.
Especially Ashton now with his press conference being held soon. If that makes him drop for the scouts, he'll have to play really fucking good to hide those 'flaws'.
"So," coach spoke again, making me shake my head to get away from my thoughts, "I will call up the teams in order and then the names of the guys in that specific team. Each team is headed with different coaches. I will walk between every team, since I will not be coaching you during the actual games"
"What? Where will you be?" Felix asked out loudly, a question everyone had on their minds, while frowning slightly.
"I will be seated on the bleachers with the scouts and other coaches that will be there to see you" coach spoke and gave Felix a nod to see if he understood. Felix still frowned a bit but nodded his head as well.
"Okay, so team 1 will be going to field 5. Team 2 will be going to field 2. Team 3 will be going to the gym, and team 4 will be going to the conference room" coach said and looked at all the guys, "You'll stay until your whole team is called up and I have dismissed you. Have I made myself clear?"
Everyone mumbled a small 'yes sir' in return. I shifted around in my spot a bit, feeling the nerves grow as I patiently waited for coach to start announcing the teams.
"So! Team 1," coach spoke and started calling up the names. I watched the boy's gather around, Michael and Niall being two of them, before coach was done and dismissed them, making them head off to field 5.
And that's how it continued. Team 2 had none of Ashton, Calum or myself, but Sean, Adam and Philip were a part of it.
"Team 3; Ashton, Adam H., Sam, Hugo, Neo, Luca, Calum,-" coach trailed off and I was slightly bummed over the fact that I wouldn't be playing with my best friend. Or Ashton.
It just felt weird being away from Ashton now when we had suddenly grown so close. He was like some kind of comfort around me, and it shouldn't be so tough to be held apart, but it was.
"Team 3, you follow Alejo to the gym" coach spoke and the guys did as told. Before they left though, Ashton's eyes met mine and he sent me a reassuring smile before walking off with the team.
"The rest of you are team 4, and you'll be going to the conference room with me" coach spoke and I looked around to study the guys in my team, smiling contently when seeing both Felix and Emil in my team.
I was content with the whole team really. I had gotten to know all the guys throughout these 7 - nearly 8 - weeks, and they were all good guys. Not to mention talented, so it didn't matter what team you ended up with, they all contained amazing players.
As we started walking up to the school building, I ran up to Felix and put my hands on his shoulders, grinning when he turned around to look at me.
"Fuck yes," Felix spoke and grinned as he faced me, "Now we're gonna win this shit"
I laughed at his comment before dropping my hands from his shoulders and walked beside him. Not even seconds later was Emil joining us by our side.
"I'm nervous" he spoke, making both Felix and I turn to look at him.
"Already? We haven't even started this thing yet?" Felix spoke, making Emil shake his head.
"No, I mean everything around it. It's gonna be so tense the last couple of days before the games. You won't talk to the people outside your team and now when you've grown so close to these guys, you'll basically end up trying to crush them" Emil spoke with a light chuckle, though his words were so true.
Everyone would become so trapped in their own worlds and in their own teams. You don't and can't say too much to the people from the other teams because that's your opponents, and you don't hang out with your opponents.
And even though I didn't want to, I was worried. Because, I didn't want to bring the past back with Ashton.
With a heavy sigh I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes shut. We had been seated in the conference room for 2 hours while going through the different types of tactics we wanted to go through with in the games.
The unfamiliar feeling of only sitting instead of moving was tiring for me, causing me to lie completely decked out on my bed.
A soft chuckle was the one thing that made me open my eyes and glance at Ashton who was walking through the door while looking at me. His hair was damp from sweat and his t-shirt was clinging to his chest from the heavy workout they had just done.
"Shit, what did you guys have to go?" I asked and laughed a bit as Ashton threw himself down on his own bed.
"Remember those tests we did at that camp a few weeks ago?" Ashton asked and I nodded my head with furrowed eyebrows, "Yeah, we put those results up to test"
"Oh" I spoke and grimaced, almost being able to imagine just how strenuous it must have been.
"Yeah, 'oh'" Ashton chuckled before sighing heavily and buried his face down in his sheets.
"What did you do?" Ashton asked, his voice muffled by the sheets.
"Coach held some kind of lecture and went through all different types of tactics and then we had to pick one to build up out team from that" I spoke as I played with the hem of my t-shirt.
Ashton groaned into the mattress before turning his head and looked at me, "Are you serious? We do death-strenuous exercises and you just get to sit and talk?"
"I'm pretty sure we'll do what you did and you'll do what we did" I said and chuckled slightly before closing my eyes again.
"Coach just talked to me, by the way" Ashton spoke, making me open my eyes to look at him with raised eyebrows.
"Yeah?" I asked and Ashton nodded.
"Yeah. He said that my press conference will be held on Thursday"
"That's in three days" I noted, making Ashton sigh and nod his head again.
"I'm gonna go shower," Ashton spoke and got up from his bed and stretched his arms over his head. He walked over to me and leaned down to press his lips against my own.
After he pulled away he circled the tip of his nose around mine, making me breathe out a small chuckle.
"Join me" Ashton whispered before pulling away and smirked down at me. I watched him with one eyebrow raised as he walked into the bathroom and left the door open, just like the last time.
This time I didn't fight it though. This time I knew I wanted to join him, so I crawled off my bed and walked into the bathroom, and I didn't at all feel bad about it.
I closed the door and locked it just in case, before walking over to Ashton who was turning on the shower before turning around and smirking at me.
"You do that too much" I spoke before walking over to him and curled my arms around his neck.
"Do what?" Ashton asked as he inched his face closer to mine and breathed hotly against my lips.
"You smirk too much" I whispered, only making Ashton smirk once again.
"You like it though, Barbie" he murmured before softly pressing his lips against mine. I huffed before kissing back, pressing my lips against his to add more pressure before moving them slowly.
The kiss gradually became deeper, and soon tongues moved with each other as Ashton ran his hand up under my shirt and lifted it. He broke away from the kiss to slowly undress me from my shirt, me doing the same with him.
As shirts were off, I leaned back in and attached my lips with his again. It still wasn't too heated though, it was soft and nice, and it felt good to not stress through the whole thing.
Ashton breathed heavily into the kiss as he brought his hands to the waistband of my shorts, tugging them down along with my boxers so they fell down to my feet.
I slowly did the same, except I let my fingertips linger inside the waistband of Ashton's boxers and shorts for a while before tugging them down as well.
Ashton pulled away from the kiss and ran a hand through my hair as we stepped out of our shorts lying at our feet. He gently grabbed my hand and walked me backwards into the shower, closing the sliding door, and pushed me inside until both our bodies met the hot water.
I gasped at the feeling of my muscles relaxing but was cut off by Ashton placing his lips on mine once again.
My hands found their way up to his neck and I intertwined my fingers at the back of it as Ashton placed his hands on my waist, holding us both up.
My hair was lying flat over my forehead as the water kept falling down on us like heavy rain. I didn't notice the water though, and I barely noticed the fact that it was hard to breathe, because all my focus was on how good it felt to kiss Ashton and feel our hard-ons move against each other once in a while.
"Fuck," Ashton breathed out as I pressed my hips against his, "It's okay if I fuck you, right?"
"When hasn't it been?" I breathed out and left wet kisses along his cheekbone and jaw.
"Just checking," Ashton whispered before pressing my whole body closer to him, "Consent is the key"
With that, he placed his lips on mine again before reaching down to grab the back of my thighs and pick me up. As an instinct, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked me back until my back was pressed against the cool tile.
"Hold on, baby" Ashton whispered against my lips before releasing one of my legs and brought his fingers to my hole.
I gasped as one finger circled my entrance and shivered at the pet name Ashton just had given me. I bit down on my bottom lip, tightened the hold I had around Ashton's neck and shoulders, and buried my nose into his cheek as he carefully entered one finger inside of me.
As Ashton moved his finger in and out, after some time adding more and stretching me out, he kept moving his lips with mine in a calm and sweet rhythm that made the whole scene so relaxed.
"I-I'm ready. Please" I whispered breathlessly as Ashton had worked his fingers in me for a few good minutes.
Without answering Ashton nodded his head and slowly pulled his fingers out of me before gripping his member and steered it up to me.
"This is okay, right?" Ashton asked and I impatiently nodded my head, not understanding why he suddenly had gotten so caring and careful of me.
I didn't complain though. I didn't dislike it.
In one slow thrust, Ashton entered me and took his time to make sure I was fully ready, before he entered fully, making his hips press against my ass.
Ashton hummed in satisfaction as I moaned into the hot water pouring down on us. He soon started to move, thrusting in and out gently while pressing me harder against the wall.
The grip I had on his shoulders tightened as he started to pick up the pace, making him moan and me doing the same just after. The soft echoing sounds made the shower feel even hotter than before, making me pant and throw my head back to lean it against the wall.
"You're always so good" Ashton mumbled out before burying his face in my neck, still moving his hips in a pleasurable rhythm.
"You too. Fuck, you too" I panted out and leaned my head down, nudging my nose against his forehead before he lifted his head and connected our lips again.
Ashton repeatedly ran his tongue over my bottom lip before biting down on it gently, making my whole body shudder from the pleasure.
As time went on, Ashton started to go harder, but still keeping his calm rhythm. As his thrusts grew harder, he went further and deeper, making me moan out when he finally found my prostate and worked against it.
"Oh my god" I breathed out and fisted Ashton's wet hair as our skin slapped against each other because of the strength in his thrusts.
"You're really fucking pretty" he suddenly spoke through throaty moans and heavy pants.
I never answered the compliment as Ashton kept repeatedly hitting my prostate, making it hard for me to release anything else but moans.
As if the pleasure wasn't already enough, Ashton grabbed my own member and moved his hand up and down in the same pace as his thrusts. I gasped at the feeling before biting down on my bottom lip and placed my forehead against Ashton.
"Tell me when you're close" Ashton said almost too breathlessly for me hear, while he picked up his pace on his thrusts.
I whined and moaned out because of the double pleasure of Ashton fast and hard thrusts and his hand around my dick, his thumb flicking over my head repeatedly.
"I'm really close, Luke" Ashton nearly whined out, almost surprising me in how vulnerable he sounded. I didn't point it out though as I was so close as well.
"Me too" I breathed out as I felt my whole body work up in pure euphoria.
I leaned my head down against Ashton's shoulder and bit down on his neck when feeling myself grow closer and closer until the pleasure was almost unbearable.
Ashton's thrusts soon grew sloppy and out of rhythm as his arms started to lose their strength. I thought he was gonna drop me several times but he kept holding me up and picked up his pace even further until he came inside of me, making me feel his hot release filling me up.
The feeling made me trip over the edge as well, and I came with a throaty moan as I pained Ashton's chest white, for it to quickly be washed away from the falling water.
With heavy breaths and closed eyes, Ashton put me down on the floor again before wrapping his arms around me. I did the same, making us both help each other to stay standing.
After a while of catching our breaths, Ashton started caressing my back with his big hands and hummed into my hair as my head was resting on his shoulder and my face was buried into his neck.
It was silent for a while, only water falling from the shower head was heard and gentle touches as we held each other up on our feet were the only things being felts.
"I really like you, Barbie" Ashton suddenly breathed into my ear.
I tightened my hold around him and smiled as I buried my face further into his neck, breathing in his smell before speaking up as well,
"I really like you too, Ash"
sounds good feels good is out!!!!
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