l u k e
"A camp during a camp, really?"
"Stop complaining," coach said as he clapped his hands to silence the bus the whole team were seated in, "It's a camp run by the best psychologists within sport and also the best personal trainers. We'll be there for three days and each day will be built up differently with different trainers"
I pursed my lips as I listened to the coaches talking. I really wanted to get out of the original camp for just a few days, it was more than needed. Even though we would still be working out, it would still be a new place.
We had been on the camp for 5 weeks and would be for 5 more weeks, so a break from it was more than needed.
"It will be a good change for all of you. The school needs a break from all of you anyway" the coaches spoke and chuckled as us players just rolled our eyes.
"And I swear to god, if I see a single x-box or play station packed in your bags, you'll have to run 5 miles on a specific time" coach added.
"Damn it" was heard from the back of the buss. Everyone's heads were turned and eyes were placed on Adam who was whining miserably. I scoffed and laughed at him before turning back around in my seat.
"I only packed the most necessary," Ashton said from the seat beside me. Ashton and I had accidentally slept too long and had been the last on the bus, making us have to sit next to each other. Neither of us were very happy about it.
"Okay?" I asked and raised an eyebrow, knowing by his smirk that what he would say next would be idiotic.
"Lube and condoms that is" Ashton whispered quietly into my ear before pulling back again and smirking big.
"You're such a fucking douchebag" I said and shook my head while rolling my eyes, "I'm gonna start punching you each time you say something douchebag-y"
"Deal," Ashton said and held out his hand, "But I have to be able to do it to you too"
I looked at his hand before glancing up at him. "Fine" I said and scoffed quietly before glancing away.
"Aren't you gonna shake on it?" Ashton asked.
"I'd rather not touch you more than needed. Who knows what kind of trash that hand has been in" I mumbled.
A strong pain shot through my arm as Ashton had punched my nerve a few inches down from my shoulder. I gasped and placed a hand over the hurt spot before glaring at Ashton.
"What, it's the game?" he said and smirked big, "And by the way, you're right. The last thing I touched with this hand was trash; your dick specifically"
I gritted my teeth and raised my fist and placed a good punch on Ashton's arm, on the exact spot he placed his punch on mine. Ashton breathed in through gritted teeth and flexed his arm muscles.
"You hit like a bitch" he mumbled and I hit him again on the same spot.
"You look like a fucking bitch" I said through a clenched jaw and Ashton turned slightly in his seat and delivered another punch to my arm.
It was a real fucking pathetic bitch fight all together, but whatever Ashton said or did riled me up so badly and I just always wanted to punch him in some way.
"Wow, great comeback Barbie" he said and I punched him again, making him glare at me. "That wasn't even bad! Are you gonna hit me for everything I say?"
"Yeah, because everything you say is douchebag-y since you are a big fucking douchebag" I said. Ashton rolled his eyes at me and instead of delivering a punch, he pushed me hard in the chest, making me fly back and fall out of my seat.
Heads turned at the slight thump as I fell to the floor in the small alleyway of the bus. Ashton started laughing loudly, making the others laugh as well. I held up both my middle fingers in the air while still lying on the floor.
"Hemming, just get back in your seat" coach sighed out and I waved a hand in dismissal before standing up and climbing into my seat again. Ashton was still laughing so I gritted my teeth together.
"You're such an embarrassment" Ashton said between chuckles and I scoffed before gripping his shirt and pulling him over my lap and down to the floor. Everyone turned again at the second thump.
I grinned down at Ashton but it didn't last long as Ashton tugged me down as well and hit my arm hard with his pointy knuckles.
"Is this WWA or something, or what have I missed?" Sean asked from a few seats away, making people laugh.
I punched Ashton back as he tried to stand up. He turned to me and glared before we both stopped as cold water was poured down on us. All the other guys on the bus were quiet except from very silent whispers and murmurs.
I gasped at the cold water soaking my clothes and shook my head to get water away from my hair and eyes before lifting my head and seeing coach looking down at us with tired eyes.
"We're on the bus. Sit. Down" he said in a frighteningly calm voice.
"We're arriving to our destination in about 15 minutes. While us others go and eat lunch, you'll have time to change before the first exercise" he said before walking back to his seat in the front of the bus.
Ashton sent me an irritated glare before standing up and sitting down on his seat while being drenched in the ice cold water. I did the same, childishly mumbling how it was all Ashton's fault.
"The rooms are divided into eight in each one, you can decide what room you want to sleep in. Leave your bags in your room and then go to the lunch room"
As coach had finished talking, all guys rushed into the cabin-looking motel and dashed for the best rooms. I found Calum right away and he dragged me with him the the room furthest away, calling dips on a bunk bed.
I lazily and uncomfortably walked over and placed my bag on the lower bunk before opening my bag and taking out some trainings clothes. I grimaced at my wet sweatpants were clinging to my legs as I walked.
"I'll see you later?" Calum asked from the top bunk as I was about to walk out of the room. I nodded and gave him a quick wave before walking towards the shared showers and toilets down the hall.
I walked in and looked around at the relatively nice looking restroom before walking over to the sinks and placed my dry clothes on the counter. I sighed and looked into the mirror, frowning slightly when seeing my damp hair being a big mess of blond tussled hair and some curls mixed in it.
"Staring at yourself won't make you anymore attractive. You have to actually do something if you want something to happen" I rolled my eyes at the voice and didn't even spare Ashton a glance as he walked over and placed his own dry clothes on the counter.
"I wouldn't worry though, I mean, there's nothing you can do to get attractive. Some on this planet have to be the unattractive ones" he said again and shrugged. I looked at him through the mirror and scoffed.
"It's that why you get hard at the thought of me and fuck me once or twice a week?" I asked and Ashton chuckled humorlessly. He didn't answer my question though, so I smirked smugly.
"What?" he shot at me but I just kept my smug look on, shrugging my shoulders.
I moved my eyes away from the mirror and let them travel to Ashton's body, inspecting his chest through the white t-shirt that was clinging to his body as it was still wet. I unconsciously licked my lips but was pulled away from my own thoughts when hearing Ashton's cocky laugh.
"And you say I'm the one getting hard at the thought of you" he mumbled as he looked at me through the mirror, now wearing a smug look himself.
I looked down to my pants and cursed myself quietly for letting my thoughts go too far. I wasn't too hard, my hard-on could easily disappear with the right thoughts, but it was still visible.
"You want to relieve yourself by sucking me off? You know, since you get off just by blowing me" Ashton said cockily and I scoffed, sending a glare his way.
"No, but you can suck me off," I said and turned to him while crossing my arms over my chest, "I seem to suck you off rather often but you never return the favor"
Ashton raised one eyebrow and looked me up and down before scoffing. "I don't suck dicks"
I raised my eyebrows up and chuckled softly. "You do a lot of other stuff though"
"I know, I just don't suck dick" he said before taking his wet shirt off and threw it on the counter.
"Why? You scared?" I asked and he rolled his eyes, "Are you bad at it or something?"
Ashton snorted and started to take off his pants. "No," he said simply and shrugged his shoulders.
"What do you mean with 'no'?" I asked and mimicked his words and movements, "Have you never done it?"
Ashton didn't answer my question, only undressing himself out of his pants and never looked at me. I furrowed my eyebrows before smirking again.
"Wait," I said and held one hand up, "You've never sucked a dick?"
"Well," Ashton said and turned to look at me again, an annoyed look was spread on his face, "Not all people are çock sluts like you, Barbie"
I gave him the finger before smirking smugly again. I didn't even take offense to those comments anymore, since Ashton repeated them day in and day out.
"So we've finally found something Ashton Irwin is bad at; sucking dick" I said and threw my hands up dramatically, making Ashton roll his eyes again.
"How do you know I'm bad at it?" he asked.
"Because you've never done it before? You can never be good at blowing someone the first three times"
"Yeah well," Ashton said and stepped closer to me, "Since it seems like I'm talking to the biggest çock slut in the world, I have to prove your facts wrong"
I furrowed my eyebrows before Ashton grabbed my shoulders and backed me into one of the showers, closing the door behind us and locking it.
"Oh okay," I said in an amused tone, "Good luck with that"
Ashton didn't speak as he backed me up against the wall before starting to undress my shirt. He threw the damp garment on the floor before hooking his fingers into my sweats, pulling them down.
I stepped out of them as Ashton got down on his knees and hooked his fingers into my boxer briefs. He stayed like that for a few seconds, only licking his lips and looking at my lower stomach.
"Are you gonna do something or not? Because if you don't, the moment will die" I said.
Ashton looked up at me, his eyes showing off how irritated he was, before he tugged my boxers down. I took in a deep breath as my member hit the cold air. Ashton wrapped one hand around me and worked me up while I panted quietly against the wall.
"See? I already got you squirming" Ashton said and moved his hand up and down teasingly.
"T-This is the easy part," I spoke, a bit of stutter breaking my words, "Everyone with a brain can work their hand up and down"
Ashton cocked his head to the side daringly before leaning his head closer to my member and breathed hotly against it. I bit my tongue to hold in all my whimpers.
I heard him take a deep breath before he leaned in fully and licked my tip with the tip of his tongue. He started with small licks but soon ended up circling his tongue around my slit.
I gasped loud enough for Ashton to hear when he laid his tongue flat against the underside of my çock. He ran his tongue against the base of my dįck over and over again, making me bite my lip.
"Is it bad yet?" Ashton asked and raised a cocky eyebrow up in the air.
"You haven't even sucked me yet. You're only licking, kitty cat" I said and smirked down at him when he grimaced.
"Don't fucking call me that" he said and gripped my member tightly in his hand before leaning in and sucking on the top. The fierce sucking made me let out a breathless whine.
"Fuck, don't suck my dick off" I breathed out and Ashton pulled away to look up at me with burning eyes before going back to his previous doings. This time sucking more gently though.
He flicked his tongue over my slit a few times before taking more than my top into his mouth, making me let out a quiet enough moan. Ashton hummed contently at the sound and I moaned again due to the vibrations going through my çock.
My hand blindly found Ashton's head and I gripped his hair before tugging slightly. I pushed his head down further, but he didn't go as far as I'd liked as he gripped my hips and held me and himself still.
As I had relaxed the grip in his hair, Ashton pulled back and frowned up at me.
"Chill" he mumbled.
"Shut up and suck my dick like you're supposed to" I said and pushed his head down again. He rolled his eyes before taking me in his mouth again.
"Go deeper" I mumbled. Ashton pulled off again and I sighed frustratedly.
"Do you want me to choke on your dick?" he asks and I scoffed.
"It's not a good fucking blowjob if the only thing you do is suck on the tip"
Ashton gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw before going back at it again. He slowly went deeper, his movements careful and frightened, making me almost sigh out in frustration again.
"Move" I ordered and Ashton held up a middle finger in the air before starting to move his head up and down. He grabbed the part that he didn't have in his mouth with his hand, following the movements.
He went up to the tip again, licking and circling his tongue while pumping my whole lengths. I soon felt the familiar warmth erupt in my lower stomach.
"I'm coming" I breathed out and Ashton pulled his head away as he kept pumping me, making me soon come into his hand. I breathed heavily and caught my breath as Ashton started the shower to clean his hand.
"So?" he asked with a smirk as he turned back to me.
"It was fine" I said and shrugged.
"Fine?" he scoffed, "I think it was more than 'fine'"
"It was okay, but you pulled away in the end, that's weak" I spoke and Ashton rolled his eyes.
"Then go ahead and show me how it's done, Barbie" Ashton said and took off his boxers and threw them at me. I swatted them away and glared at him before going down on my knees.
I pumped him a few times, seeing as he was already rock hard, before taking him in my mouth with ease.
"There we have him, the famous çock slut" Ashton spoke smugly and gripped my hair harshly.
"I fucking hate you, Irwin" I mumbled as I had pulled away just an inch from Ashton's member. He only grinned down at me.
"Sorry, Hemmings? I couldn't hear you there, my dick was in your mouth"
there's gonna happen some real shit on this camp-during-camp camp(???) so get ready
btw can i just say that i'm overwhelmed by all the amazing comments i've gotten on all my books telling me that my writing is really good?? it makes me so happy because, you know, I got a big fat F as final grade in english
that's why i'm now a school dropout :-)
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