a s h t o n
"Okay boys, I want no commotion on the bus. You are playing a game in two hours and I want you all ready for warmups as soon as we get there"
"It fucking sucks that you won't play today" Michael sighed after the coach had ended his informative speech.
"I know" I mumbled and looked out of the window. The landscapes of Liverpool were playing out in front of me and I let my eyes trace it all.
We were on a bus off to who knows where to play the first game of the summer. Or I wasn't, the other were. All thanks to Hemmings.
"You'll be back in no time" Michael assured me but I only scoffed at that.
"As long as Hemmings is in the picture, I won't. He ruins everything for me" I said, saying the last part a little bit louder just to annoy Luke who was sitting two rows in front of me and Michael.
"I can hear you Irwin" I heard Luke mutter from the front and I rolled my eyes.
"That was the point Hemmings" I called back, making some of the guys laugh.
Though, what Luke and I had between us was serious matter and could eventually send us home, it was still a bit of action for the guys. I didn't know if I liked it or not but I did like the fact that I had some people on my side.
"Please just shut up" Calum called to both me and Luke. I gave him a burning glare through the seats before Michael flicked my cheek and moved my head to the side so he could place his head on my shoulder.
"No, Michael" I huffed, feeling him place his whole body weight on my one shoulder.
"You're not playing today so that's why you're assigned to be my pillow for the bus ride. Now shut up and let me sleep" he said and moved his head until he found a comfortable position.
"Okay bitch" I mumbled under my breath.
"Fuck off" Michael said between a heavy yawn.
The bus ride took about an hour before we drove into a nice looking stadium. It was quite small but it was a nice looking arena and the bleachers could probably take a few thousand people. Of course there wouldn't be thousands of people watching the teams play today, but maybe some important people would take a look.
"This looks professional" Michael said as he leaned over me a bit to look out the window. I nodded and hummed, not really feeling like talking because Michael would be able to hear the disappointment laced in my words.
"You'll play the next game Ash, don't worry about it" Michael said and squeezed my shoulder in assurance. "Just show coach that you are still a part of the team and he'll take it to thought. He told you himself that he would"
"Yeah," I mumbled and ran my hand through my hair, "but that also contained a better relationship with Barbie over there" I said and nodded towards Luke.
"Then pull yourself together and do it. You just have to get through the summer. You don't need to be best friends, just get over yourselves and you will both help each other on this camp" Michael said as he sat up and looked at me. "I just don't want you to go home, that's all"
I nodded and Michael patted my leg before the bus stopped and started letting people step off.
"Hemmings and Irwin, stay on the bus. I'd like to have a word with you two" coach called out. Michael gave me an assuring smile before walking off the bus with all the other guys.
I sighed before sliding out from my seat and slowly walked up to the front to meet with coach. I could hear Luke walk behind me and I clenched my jaw slightly.
"Okay boys, I expect you two to help me and the team out today. You'll be sat on the bleachers through the game but before and after I want you to help your team out. You need to work together, I won't let you guys divide the work" coach told us, making both Luke and I nod our heads.
I was groaning loudly in my head. All I wanted to do was to be able to warm up with the guys and then play a really fucking great game to show everyone on this camp why I was picked to be here. But no, there had to be a blonde boy getting on my nerves every second of the day to stop me from shining.
"You hear my words?" coach asked and we both nodded again. "Good, now go help the crew with the different bags. Find the uniforms and hand them out to each player according to the list" he said and gave me a list filled with names and their numbers.
Without anything else said, Luke and I walked out of the bus in silence and walked over to the crew to find the bag with the uniforms.
"Are you going to carry anything or what?" Luke asked as he picked up the big bag and put the strap over his shoulder.
"I'm carrying the list" I said and shrugged my shoulders, making Luke roll his eyes and mumble some obscene words under his breath.
"You better hurry Barbie, the boys haven't got all day" I said as I was already at the door by the locker rooms. I watched Luke walk not so far away from me but struggling to keep the bag on his shoulder.
"Shut the fuck up Irwin, it will please us both" he said back, finally getting to the door I was waiting at.
"I think I can please you in other ways than that" I whispered close to his ear before opening the door and walking in, not even bothering to hold it up for Luke.
The locker room was filled with the guys talking excitingly and all pepped for what was to come. Luke came in just after me and dropped the bag onto the floor. He bumped his shoulder against mine as he walked past me to stand by my side. I rolled my eyes before clearing my throat.
"Okay so, we're gonna give you guys your game uniforms" I sighed out and started reading up the numbers and names while Luke gave the right uniform to the right player while wearing a bored expression.
"Come on guys, your grumpiness is starting to get contagious" the blonde boy Luke and Calum use to be with said. He clapped his hands and pepped the team while they got dressed and I felt myself getting really fucking annoyed at the blonde.
I already had one annoying blonde, I couldn't take another.
The guys got dressed and all three coaches came in to talk to everyone.
"First game and we all take this as a practice. We all know you want to win, but we want to remind you that you win a lot more if you play great. If you play beautiful, you will win. I want to see a team out there" coach said and looked at Luke and I when he spoke those last words.
"I'm not playing so I won't be able to fucking show you" I mumbled and Luke snorted.
"Anything you'd like to add, Hemmings and Irwin?" coach said and all heads were turned to us.
"No, just hoping for a great game sir. Wishing the team all the luck" Luke said.
"Fucking kiss ass" I mumbled under my breath and I could see Luke's fist clench by my side.
"Great, let's go out and start warmups then boys" coach said and everyone stood up to go out, Luke and I as well. We didn't get far though as coach stopped us.
"I want you to stay here and tidy this locker room up a bit because all you boys may be great players, but you can't keep it clean for dear life" he said and motioned his hand around the room, showing off his point.
"After you've done that you can fill the water bottles and get the other refreshments out, okay?" he asked and we both nodded, knowing we had no other choice.
"Okay, good. You've got 40 minutes before the game starts and I want you out there by then. I wouldn't let you miss the game, you will learn just as much on the bleachers as on the field" he said before giving us both a pat on the back and walked out, leaving us in the messy and quiet locker room.
"This is just what I wanted on this camp; while the other ones are playing the first game I'm in the locker room cleaning up after them. My dream has come true" Luke said before angrily picking up a shirt that was lying on the floor.
"Well congrats to you Barbie, I'd rather be out there playing but you know, we all have different opinions" I said and sat down on the bench and watched Luke clean.
"Ha-ha, funny" he said and gave me a hard glare. "Don't just fucking sit there, clean so we can get this over with and we can watch the game"
"I'd rather not" I said and leaned my head back against the wall.
"Fine, I'll just go tell coach then and get you in trouble, I wouldn't mind that" he huffed.
"Oh here we go again. Go ahead and do that Barbie, I'm not worried since you seem to be more words than action, and all you say is pure bullshit" I said and cocked my head to the side while looking at him.
He snorted before turning around and kept picking up random things the guys had just thrown to the ground. I watched him intensely and decided to have some fun. I liked playing with the blonde.
"Do you remember Trayway Cup last summer" I spoke up, a big smirk playing on my lips. I watched Luke tense up but he pretended like what I brought up didn't affect him.
"Yeah, what about it?" Luke spoke as nonchalantly as he could. I almost laughed.
"How's Nate doing?" I asked and Luke tensed even more, slowly turning to look at me.
"Oh yeah right, I walked in on you guys while you were getting a bit intimate" I said, acting like I told him information I should have told him months ago.
"You don't know anything" Luke said quietly and I smirked, standing up from my seat to walk over to him.
"I heard a lot to know a lot, Luke" I said and stopped walking when I was close enough to him. Luke didn't answer, he just looked at me with clear blue eyes and a locked jaw.
"How did he take you Luke? What did he do to make you moan so loud through the locker room?" I whispered hotly as I leaned closer to his ear.
"I'm not fucking telling you that. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Luke snapped, but his voice was still low, almost like a whisper, so his words didn't come out harsh at all.
"But I want to know," I said and leaned even further in to him and breathed hotly into his neck, "I'd love for you to enlighten me" I whispered.
I heard Luke's breathing pick up and I smirked into his skin and I stayed close to him, letting my lips brush against his skin once in a while.
"Why?" Luke whispered out through heavy breaths. He stood still and never made a move to touch me even though I knew his fingertips itched for some other skin.
"Because I want to know what he did so I could tell tell you what I could do better" I mumbled against his skin before biting down on it and licking it right after. I didn't miss the small gasp Luke let out and I smirked in victory.
"So, how did he start it?" I asked and placed my hand on his hip to slowly slide it up under his shirt, feeling his skin filled with goosebumps. I had this boy wrapped around my finger.
"He touched me" Luke breathed out and I hummed.
"How did he touch you Luke?" I asked and gripped the skin on his waist.
"He kissed me and touched where it was needed" he said and cleared his throat when my hand inched up to his chest under his shirt.
"Where it was needed? Well, I'd touch you on the most sensitive places. Like here;" I said and pinched his nipple gently between my thumb and pointer finger, "And here;" I said and kissed his lower neck, moving up and down until I found his sweet spot right under his ear.
Luke gasped at the touches and I knew I had succeeded.
"What did he do next Luke?"
"He undressed me," Luke panted slightly, "Quickly"
"Quickly? That's not pleasurable. I'd take it slow. I'd take off your shirt," I said and did as said, taking off his white t-shirt before throwing it to the side, "and then I'd explore every inch of your skin to find those sensitive places you enjoy"
I let my hands roam his chest and let the palm of my hands feel his skin.
"How did he take you Luke? How did he fuck you?" I spoke hotly into his jaw.
"On the floor, in the shower" Luke almost moaned now and I was so proud of myself.
"See, I wouldn't do that. I'd take you on the wall" I said and gripped Luke's hips before walking him backwards until his bare back hit the wall. Luke gasped at the cold wall and kept breathing hard.
"I'd pin you up on it and feel you up before I thrusted into you, hard" I said and thrusted my clothed crotch forward to meet his. Luke bit his lip but a muffled moan still escaped, and I smirked.
"I'd fuck you so good against the wall Luke, I'd make you scream in pleasure and it would all echo through the shower. Your moans and your whines, the skin slapping when I fucked into you hard would be so loud for the people outside to hear"
Luke was moaning quietly in a kept rhythm as I slightly kept grinding my crotch against his while holding him pinned against the wall.
"Then I'd turn on the shower and I'd let the burning hot water fall down on our bodies as we fucked. The water would hit your hair and it would run down your naked chest while my çock would move in and out of your tight hole quickly" I whispered and let my lips grace his sweet spot teasingly.
Luke whined and moaned before placing his hands on my ass, bringing my lower region closer and harder against his.
"Please" he moaned and I smirked, chuckling lowly against his skin.
"Then I'd make you come Luke. I'd make you come so fucking hard that you wouldn't be able to have energy to stand up for hours. I would have fucked you so good and hard you wouldn't be able to walk for days" I breathed out and Luke was almost shaking beneath me.
"Then after I'd made you come, I would ride your high out so far that you'd clench around me and your body would be shaking thanks to the pleasure. You'd scream my name until I finally pulled out if you and pumped myself until I came all over your face and chest.
"Your pink lips would be covered in white and you'd lick it up and you'd moan at the taste because that's what you do Luke, you enjoy everything I give you" I whispered before thrusting and grinding hard once more before stopping and stepping back to watch the blonde boy panting against the wall.
His chest moved fast and his eyes were closed as his body was shaking lightly because he was so close to his release.
"I'll go out and let you finish by yourself," I said and caressed the very visible bulge in his jeans, "I'll meet you outside Barbie" I whispered and Luke whined and moaned at every word and touch.
I gave him one last wet kiss on his sweet spot before walking away and stepped out of the locker room. I took a deep breath and smirked to myself as I walked out to the field, not even caring about the messy locker room, the water bottles or my hard-on.
I only cared about the blonde boy left in the locker room jacking himself off at the thought of me.
this is shit, i am sorry
would you guys want the first chapter of fatherhood or ego? i have them both done written so comment which one and maybe i'll post it
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