l u k e
"Are you sick?" Philip asked me as I kept coughing loudly. I shook my head as the coughing had gone down.
"No, my throat is just a bit weird this morning" I said while thinking back to the night before.
I still had no idea what happened or how it happened. I, in some way, wish it was all a wet dream I could keep for myself but unfortunately it wasn't and Ashton knew all about it.
He acted like nothing though. He made some rude and mocking comments this morning about my thick and hoarse voice, but nothing about the things we did last night.
I don't know if I should be relieved or not about it, but I knew for sure I had to talk to him in private before the day ends.
"Okay, just don't get sick now, there's a week until our first game and we all wanna be in the first eleven" Philip said, grinning excitedly.
I smiled as well and nodded. I had to be picked for the first game, I needed to. To be able to play the first game of them all would not only raise your respect, but your self esteem.
"Yeah, no. I'm fine, just need something to drink" I said before jogging over to the water bottles.
I walked over to the energy table and dropped some dextro in my water, shaking it so it would dissolve into the water.
Just when I was about to take a gulp, the bottle was ripped from my hands, making me open my eyes to see where it went.
"Fuck off Irwin" I said as I saw Ashton taking a big gulp of my drink, grimacing at the taste.
"You need to reframe that sentence. You're using it too much, it's getting old" he said and rolled his eyes at me.
"I hate you" I said and Ashton snorted.
"That's better, keep it going Barbie" he said and took another gulp of my drink to grimace once again.
"What the fuck is this shit?" he asked and looked at the bottle.
"It's an energy drink" I sighed, annoyed.
"Well it tastes like shit" Ashton said and closed the bottle.
"Then there was no use of you taking it and drinking it. Give it back, asshole" I said, glaring at him.
He scoffed before throwing the bottle back to me. He threw it fast and hard but I managed to catch it, luckily.
"By the way, coach wanted to talk to us after this practice" Ashton mumbled as he picked up another water bottle for himself.
"What does he want?"
"How am I supposed to know, do I look like a psychic to you?" he snapped, making me furrow my eyebrows in irritation.
"No, you look like a fucking dįck" I grumbled back.
"So you still have my dįck in your mind? Jeez Hemmings, you need to calm down, you're coming off as a slut" he said in a mocking tone.
"God, you're so fucking full of yourself, aren't you? You're the one getting hard having my face between your legs" I shot back, talking in a reasonable tone so only me and him could hear.
"You're the one sucking my dįck though" he chuckled dryly and I gritted my teeth.
"Because you told me to"
"I didn't told you to, I just didn't stop you" he defended himself, making me roll my eyes.
"That's the same thing" I scoffed.
"No it's not. I didn't say anything about it. You're the one taking the initiative. You're the one wanting to get me off. You're the one coming by just sucking me off" he laughed and I clenched my fists.
"There's no words to describe just how fucking much you annoy me" I seethed and Ashton smirked.
"I'm glad to hear that Barbie" he said and patted me on my shoulder. I cringed at his touch and pushed him away, making him raise his eyebrows.
"Don't touch me" I grumbled, faking a gag at him, making him roll his eyes.
"You can suck my dįck but I can't even lay a hand on you? What are you, a prostitute?" he asked and I glared at him.
"If you're expecting me to pay you, I won't. That blowjob wasn't worth any money" he said and I scoffed.
"Shit, you're such a fucking asshole, your mom must be so proud of you huh? For making such a fucking mental idiot"
Ashton turned to fully face me, his eyes burning and his jaw locked.
"Don't fucking talk about my mother. You are not allowed to mention my family" he seethed.
I chuckled and scoffed. "Why? If they are as dumb as you-"
I was cut off by Ashton punching me in my face.
I groaned at the strong fist colliding with my cheek before I lost balance and stumbled into the table holding up all the different drinks and energy stuff.
The table wasn't stable at all, so when I fell, it fell as well.
Everything fell with a crash and I was in the middle of it, drenched in all kinds of drinks, holding my aching cheek.
"You're pathetic" Ashton said as he stood over me, looking down.
Words couldn't describe just how fucking tired I was of this boy. He was like a nail getting hammered into my head and I just wanted him gone.
I still held my cheek as I looked up at him, shaking my head slightly.
"You're the pathetic one Ashton. You think you're so fucking amazing and good when in reality you are nothing. You are nothing more than a fucking train wreck and I hope you realize just what a fucking psycho you really are" I seethed.
"I'm not a psycho, you idiot. You don't even know what that is"
"Yes you fucking are. Whatever I do or say you try to fucking kill me for it. You're a mental weirdo and I'll let everyone know about it"
"Oh? Then go ahead, stand up from there and go tell everyone then Barbie. Don't just lie there in your self pity and cry about it. Go act on it if you're so fucking tough" Ashton challenged and I did as told.
I stood up, keeping my eyes locked with his. I didn't walk away though, something in me kept me standing.
"I knew you wouldn't do it, you're a pussy" Ashton said and smirked triumphantly.
I felt the anger inside me boil so I grabbed the collar of his shirt and lifted my fist in a threatening way. Ashton looked at me with challenging eyes so I made a move.
Before my fist could reach Ashton's face, both Ashton and I were grabbed my the collar and turned to the side. Both our eyes landed on coach who was holding us in a death grip.
He looked fucking furious as he breathed in and out to keep himself collected. His eyes went back and forth between us and he soon let out a frustrated sigh.
"Office, now" he said and pushed us away from him.
We both stood still for a while, but Ashton soon started walking to coach's office after giving me a deadly glare.
I looked down at my feel and saw the puddles of water and other drinks just like the ones I was drenched in. I clenched my jaw before walking after Ashton, my anger still boiling inside of me.
The silence in the office was unbearable until coach slammed his fist down on the desk, making me jump in my chair.
"You boys are the most childish pair of players I have ever seen in my entire life" he said and looked it us sternly.
"You are extremely stupid and extremely careless, but not mostly extremely spoiled to think you can do this and get away with it.
"I thought I made myself clear the first time this happened and that was that it wouldn't happen again. But here you are, again in the middle of a practice, and you throw punches like some wild animals.
"You destroy not only our payed equipment and refreshments, but you destroy for all the other guys in your team" he said, his voice loud and stern making me stiffen in my chair.
"The first thing you get to know when starting to play football is the work of a team; how you should behave against teammates and opponents.
"It seems like you two have never heard of this, am I right?" he asked and I bit the inside of me cheek.
"No, coach" Both Ashton and I mumbled.
"Then why am I forced to sit here in this fucking office for the second time to explain rules about simple human rights and team spirit?" coach almost yelled and I closed my eyes because this was probably it, I'm going home.
"Coach, he was insulting my family" Ashton said and I scoffed quietly.
"He was calling me names" I said back and Ashton sent me a glare.
"I don't care!" coach said and slammed his fist down again, making us both sit quiet.
"Do you want to go back home to Australia? Because we can easily get plane tickets home and find two other guys who would happily want to be here, and also behave" he said and looked at both of us.
"So, is that what you want?" he asked again.
Both of us shook our heads. I shook mine in shame because I was embarrassed.
"Then act like you want to be here! I'm not giving you any more chances. You either step up now or you go home.
"I don't care if you hate each other, you are teammates now and on my team. In my team we play together, and that is what you are going to do without any problems, you hear me?"
We nodded.
"Then I have made myself clear" he said and sighed out frustratedly. I sighed as well, but in shame and anger.
"You will not come out empty handed from this" coach started again, making me look up at him with questioning eyes.
"You will not play the first game, don't even bother to wear your uniforms. You will sit up on the bleacher and that's final" he said and both Ashton and I opened our mouths to protest, but coach interrupted us.
"You will not play a single game until you show me that you are doing as I say. When I see commitment in the team and between each other, I will let you play, but until then, you will not" he said, his voice so determined that we had nothing to say back.
"Go clean the table you knocked over before and then go showering, you will not be attending the rest of the practice" he said and stood up from his chair. We did the same, walking out of the office speechless and small.
Ashton and I walked in silence with coach back to the pitch and watched the boys play. Calum looked up and gave me a worried face but I looked away and ignored him, not feeling like getting any sympathy right now.
"Get to work boys" coach said before walking over the the practice again.
I stormed into the room and slammed the door after me, knowing very well Ashton was right behind me.
The door opened again and a furious Ashton stepped in.
"I fucking hate you" Ashton seethed as he strode over to me.
"It's all your fault. All this shit from the beginning, is all you, asshole" I said back, turning to look at him as he walked closer.
"It's just as much you as me Barbie, if you weren't such a fucking twink then maybe I'd let you be alone" he said and I scoffed out loudly.
"You let me suck your fucking dįck last night! Stop fucking thinking you'll win with your stupid gay ass harassments because you are just the same" I spat.
"Well maybe I should stuck my dįck in your mouth again because that seem to be the only way to shut you the fuck up" he said, his voice intimidating but I wasn't scared of him, not now.
"Yeah, because counting from your moans it did not really sound like it was to shut me up" I scoffed, chuckling dryly.
"You're right Barbie, I was actually trying to choke you for real that time" he said, smirking without any emotions.
"Well, strike 2 on that one, what's your third attempt? Putting a rope around my throat and pulling?" I asked and I could see Ashton stiffen in front of me.
"Shut the fuck up" he said before shaking his head, looking at me with dark eyes.
"Make me" I challenged. The words just slid out of my mouth and I didn't know how I meant them.
Ashton was looking at me intensely, probably thinking about which way to take my words.
He breathed heavily and so did I. I stood close to him, keeping my eyes locked with his in a threatening matter.
Ashton suddenly walked a step closer, our noses almost touching as he was so close.
"Fine, Barbie" he said and his hot breath hit my lips. I bit the inside of my cheek and stood still, waiting for him to do something.
He soon placed his hand on my throat, just like he had done the first time. This time it was just lying over my fading bruises.
"If you make a word, I'll start putting pressure on it" he said, still close to my face. His left hand was calmly wrapped around my throat and his right hand traveled down to my shorts.
I gulped and Ashton felt it against his hand, smirking as he knew what he was doing to me.
As his right hand reached the hem of my shorts, he didn't waste any time before slipping the hand in, keeping his palm pressed against my boxer clad crotch.
My breathing started to get heavier but I was determined to not let out a word. My throat was still sore and I didn't want to experience that incident again.
Ashton started to palm me and I sucked in my lips as I kept all the noises down.
I watched Ashton as he was watching me, smirking all the time as he enjoyed every second of what he did. He thought he was going to win but I wouldn't let him.
"How does that feel for you, huh? Does it feel good?" Ashton asked in a husky whisper, puffing out hot air against my lips. He squeezed and palmed my çock, making me harder and harder.
I didn't do or say anything, I just stood still and watched his annoying smirk. Ashton licked his lips before ever so slowly letting his hand slip into my boxers.
I fought all the desperate moans that were about to come out but when Ashton grasped my member in his big warm hand, I couldn't help but let out a small whine.
Ashton instantly tightened his hold around my throat. Not much, but I could still feel it, before he started to move his other hand up and down my now rock hard member.
I was struggling in his hold, squirming a bit but that only made him tighten his choke-hold on me even more.
I stood still and breathed hard as Ashton's hand moved up and down quickly. I tried to think about something else so it would help me not get choked to death, but it all felt so good I couldn't think of anything other than this.
As Ashton got up to my tip he circled his thumb around it and swiped it over my slit. I gasped and Ashton gave me a pointed look before tightening his hold even further.
It wasn't hard enough for making me not get any air, but it was still uncomfortable.
"You're so hard for me Barbie, you like this? You like this submissiveness you have around me?" he asked and I only panted quietly, watching him while I bit my lip hard.
"Yes you do. Because you are a little slut and you get so turned on by having my fingers wrapped around you" he said and moved his head to the side and leaned in so he placed his lips on my jaw and left openmouthed kisses on it.
His hold around my throat was hard and his pace on his hand around my çock was fast.
I felt my legs wanting to give out and the burning feeling in my lower stomach was about to take over my whole body. I whimpered and Ashton tightened his hold, as usual.
"What did you say Barbie?" he hummed and moved away from my jaw to look me in the eyes.
I was whimpering quietly because of the pleasure but also because of the pain.
Ashton's thumb was pressed on the exact spot it had been a few days before, pressing down a still sore bruise.
He noticed my quick breathing and chuckled lowly, keeping that smirk on his face.
"You wanna come? You wanna come in my hand?" he asked but, of course, I didn't answer. Ashton smirked though because he knew the answer and tightened both the hold on my throat and member before picking up the pace.
I gasped and let out a moan, not caring about the face that his tight grip was now making me have a hard time breathing well.
"Come on then Barbie" he whispered into my ear and I moaned loudly as I released into his hand. I panted loudly and closed my eyes as he pumped the last out of me.
He pulled his hand away from my boxers and shorts and brought the hand up to my mouth.
His hand around my throat was still tight and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow as he held his çum-filled hand by my mouth.
I looked as him for some time before understanding what he wanted. I started licking his hand clean from most of the liquid it held, cringing in my head at the taste of myself.
Ashton brought the hand back down and gave my throat one last squeeze before releasing it and pushing me back on my bed, making me gasp and cough to catch my breath.
"I win" he said smugly before taking off his shirt and walking in to the bathroom to shower.
haha what
i have both chapter one's for erotic and EGL posted. i also posted a new story called fatherhood, so check them out if you want? maybe??
vote and comment, bye ily
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