a s h t o n
"I didn't even get time to show off my sweet sweet shower vocals and the musical I'm working on every time I step into the bathroom"
I turned around with raised eyebrows as I looked at my roommate -now ex-roommate- with an amused expression.
"Are you serious?" I asked and stopped what I was doing to put all attention on Sean who was sitting on his bed.
"Yeah, if I wasn't here I'd be selling out arenas at this very moment"
I scoffed and threw a sock at him before turning around again to gather my bags.
"What's the reason coach made you and that blonde roommates?" Sean asked. I shrugged.
"He thought it would help our problem but I seriously doubt it. Within a few days that boy will be fucking dead" I seethed.
"What if he kills you first?" Sean chuckled.
"He, kill me? Have you seen his arms? they are like noodles. His hit did nothing on me" I scoffed. I had a bit of a mark from Luke's punch but it was barely visible and it didn't hurt that bad. I had experienced worse.
"Whatever you say, white-boy" Sean said as he laid down in his bed and locked his eyes with his phone in his hands.
"Yeah whatever, I'm going now, see you at dinner later" I said and rolled my suitcase behind me.
"See you later. It was fun living with you for those whole 10 minutes!" Sean said before I walked out and closed the door.
I sighed loudly before walking off to room 10, my new room. My jaw was clenched and my mind was burning in hate as I got closer and closer to the room. The door opened and I was met by a brunette boy I had met earlier today.
"Oh Ashton, right?" the boy said, looking me up and down. I cocked one eyebrow up and scoffed quietly.
"Yeah" I mumbled.
"Okay, well, the room is yours now. Have fun" he said and smiled before walking off with his bags.
"I can assure you I won't" I called before I walked in.
The room was empty with two bags still unpacked. There was clothes thrown across the room and the shower was running, making me understand Luke was in there.
I placed my bags on one of the beds and threw myself on it, sighing loudly before running my hands over my face.
I grabbed my phone from my pocket, answering texts from friends and family before I heard the shower turning off.
Clenching my jaw, I kept the phone in my hand but didn't give it attention. I only listened to the sounds from the bathroom.
There was something about Hemmings that made every inch of my body twitch in anger. I had so many reasons to hate that fucking shit, but I kept the reasons between me and him.
There were multiple reasons to why we had hate for each other, both had different ones because we both had different opinions about each other. It wasn't just pointless bicker though.
The door to the bathroom opened, making me turn my head to watch a half naked Luke walk into the room wearing a light pink towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was down, unlike how it's usually styled up.
"Nice towel, Barbie" I snorted, making him turn to look at me in shock. As soon as his his eyes was placed on mine, his face dropped to a irritated one.
"That's my bed. Move" he said as he looked at me, waiting for me to move.
"Well, I'm lying in it so it's mine now. You can take the other one" I said, waving him away like he was dust in my way.
"No," Luke said sternly, giving me a glare, "It's fucking mine so get your fucking ass off of it and go to the other one"
"You're being childish. You are standing up and you're closer to the other bed so just take that one" I said as I laid down more comfortable and closed my eyes.
"You're such a fucking pain in my ass"
"Yeah, you'd like that, huh?" I said and smirked.
He chuckled sarcastically before grabbing me by my collar and dragged me up.
"Damn, you better calm down there, pink boy. If you go any further coach will send you home and that would be just terrible" I sniffed sarcastically and smirked when Luke's grip around my collar tightened.
"First off; this fucking towel is pink because there was a red sock in the washing machine. Second off; fuck you" he said before throwing me off the bed.
"You're so sensitive, you're like a little girl"
"I could fucking punch you into unconsciousness, you fucking asshole" he seethed.
"Really?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "Because I can't see a single mark on my face from your punch" I chuckled at how pathetic he was acting.
He didn't says anything, he just gritted his teeth and clenched his jaws while breathing heavily.
"I do see that big ass bruise under your eye though, you want me to get some ice for that? Maybe get mommy so she can kiss the pain away, huh?" I said in a small baby voice, annoying him even further.
I just loved playing with his boundaries.
"You are a fucking dick and I fucking hate you but I have to share a room with you. Don't talk to me and don't look at me. Keep yourself on your side of the room and I'll keep myself on mine. We don't interact with each other whatsoever, but when coach ask us about us, we play along, okay?" Luke said, pointing a finger at me while talking.
I snorted and looked at him in disbelief.
"Okay, first of all; shut the fuck up" I said, making him glare at me. "Don't think that I don't hate you as much as you hate me. I can't fucking stand you but because you are an idiot who couldn't keep your punches to yourself, we are stuck in here. It's all your fault so don't you fucking blame this on me"
"My fault?" he asked, stepping closer to me in a way of trying to be intimidating. "You were the one spreading lies and not keeping your fucking mouth closed"
I laughed and stepped closer to him as well. "It's not lies, we are both aware of that, Barbie" I said before letting my fingertips grace over his baby pink towel.
Luke pushed me back harshly and glared at me with burning eyes. A smirk found its way to my face.
He walked over to his bags and took out a few clothes to change into. He was just about to walk into the bathroom again but I stopped him.
"What are you doing?"
He turned to look at me with a frustrated look on his face. "I'm going into the bathroom, what does it look like?" he spat and started walking again but I stepped in front of him to stop him in his tracks. He sighed and clenched his fists and eyes shut.
"I don't think so Barbie, you specifically said that we would keep ourselves on our own sides of the room and you are crossing the line" I said and drew an imaginary line between us. "The bathroom is on my side, sorry" I said but the tone in my voice wasn't sorry at all.
"Are you fucking serious right now?" he seethed.
"Not my rules, blame yourself" I said and raised my hands up. I grinned before walking off, literally feeling Luke's cold glare on me.
I laid down on my bed and smirked big. "I fucking love karma" I sighed contently as Luke walked over to his bed and angrily threw his clothes away.
"How's life living with Hemmings?" Michael asked as we were sitting down and eating dinner.
"I hate it as much as I hate him" I mumbled while stabbing my food.
"Just don't do anything stupid" Michael said quietly making me roll my eyes.
"I won't, I'm just manipulating him"
"Well, that's the only thing you do in life so I'm not surprised" Michael sighed. I just nodded and grinned.
Michael moved forward to get closer to me before he whispered quietly. "Have you taken your pills since this morning"
I stiffened at his words and my happy mood quickly fell.
"No" I mumbled before taking a small bite of the food.
"Ash, you're not keeping your time track" he whispered again.
"So? A few hours doesn't matter"
"Yes it does, you know it does" he pointed out, making me irritated.
"Well, there's people every-fucking-where and I can't just pull out a jar filled with pills and not expect people to watch and ask. Especially not in a room with Hemmings" I spat. Michael sighed and moved closer to me.
He reached in his pocket and I swear I could hear the familiar rattle of pills against plastic. I tensed up and Michael saw it.
"Calm down" he said before smoothly putting a pill in the palm of my hand under the table without anyone noticing.
"Take it quickly and no one will notice" Michael ushered me. I looked around the room filled with my so called teammates. I sighed before quickly bringing my hand to my mouth and letting the pill fall in. Michael handed me a glass of water and I quickly took a sip before handing it back.
"Good, now we don't have to worry about any misfits" he smiled and patted my back, only for me to scoff and move away slightly from him.
"I care about you, you know? You're my best friend and I don't want you to do anything stupid to get you sent home because you are probably the one person who deserve a future within soccer the most" Michael said from beside me.
"I know" I mumbled and Michael nodded before we went back to eating.
We sat quietly and munched on our food but it was always comfortable with Michael because he was my best friend. He cared a lot about me and I don't think I'd be able to be on this camp if he wasn't here with me.
"I'm sorry for starting all this commotion the first day" I said quietly and I could hear Michael's soft chuckles from beside me.
"It's okay Ash, you don't need to say you're sorry. I'm just worried you'll go over the line and if you have to go home I won't be able to do this. It's supposed to be Michael and Ashton as always, am I right?"
I cracked a smile and turned to look at Michael who was already looking at me with big green eyes.
"Of course, you idiot" I said and breathed out a laugh, making Michael smile bright.
After eating up and talking to some of the players, socializing as Michael wanted me to, we walked back to our rooms. The clock wasn't much but more than half of all the players on the camp were all jet lagged as fuck, so the coaches ordered people to get some sleep because tomorrow is the start of the summer.
I patted Michael on the back before walking into my room, closing the door lazily after me. Before having the chance to take another step, I was pushed against the door and held up against it.
I looked up to see clear blue eyes boring into mine. I glared as fast as I realized Luke was the one holding me trapped against the door.
"What the fuck?" I seethed before pushing him off me with all the strength I had. He stumbled back but kept his balance so he didn't fall. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I spat at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"You are such an asshole, you know that?" Luke said and chuckled humorlessly.
"What the fuck have I done now? I just walked through the fucking door" I said in a raised voice and scolded him.
"You thought you had stuff on me but I have so much worse stuff on you" Luke said and shook his head, walking closer to me.
"What the fuck are you talking about, Barbie?" I asked and watched him intently. He snorted and walked closer so I was once again against the wall but he wasn't touching me this time.
"No wonder you are so fucking cocky and think you are so good" he breathed out a laugh and I only gave him a confused look.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? You're getting more and more stupid as time goes" I scoffed.
"I'm not fucking stupid because I know exactly what you're doing" he said and gave me a wicked grin. My patience ran out and I grabbed his collar and flipped us around, pushing him up against the wall.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I said in a harsh voice.
"I saw you when we were eating dinner, you and Clifford. He gave you something" Luke said and I stiffened immediately. My grip around his collar tightened, making his shirt close up around his throat.
"You saw nothing" I said through gritted teeth.
"But I did though. What are you taking? Steroids? Xenoandrogens? Amphetamine? Coach's gonna love to hear about this" Luke chuckled.
I clenched my jaw and slammed him even harder against the wall.
"I'm not taking any of that, you fucking idiot"
"Really?" he asked with a cheeky grin and a raised eyebrow. "Because I saw what I saw"
"You saw me taking my fucking medicine, you cunt" I seethed before slamming him against the wall once again, making the back of his head bang against it. The words slipped out before I had the time to stop them.
Luke suddenly smirked big and reached down into his pocket, slowly pulling out a familiar little orange jar filled with my pills.
"I know, I just wanted to hear it from you" Luke said with a filthy grin, making me want to smash his face in.
"You went through my fucking stuff?" I asked and pushed him harder against the wall.
"I knew there was something mentally wrong with you Ash, no one could be such a fucking asshole without being messed up in the head" Luke whispered and pushed me to my limit.
I grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head back, making his knees let out so he fell down on them, hard. I still kept a harsh grip in his hair as I put my other hand around his throat, pressing my thumb violently hard into the side of his throat. I bent down to look him in his eyes.
"Don't ever fucking tell anyone about this" I said and kicked the jar of pills over to my bed. "If anyone ever find out about this I won't hesitate to fucking throw you out of the fucking window" I threatened while Luke's face started to become more red from the hard pressure I had on his throat.
I released him and pushed him away from me with a huff.
"Don't ever go through my fucking stuff again otherwise I'll do much worse things to you than this"
"You are fucking insane!" Luke struggled to say as he was coughing hard.
"Well, you've established that already" I scoffed before walking away to pick up my pills. I threw them on my bed before turning to look at Luke who was sitting by the wall, massaging his neck and throat.
"Move Barbie, you're on my side" I said before walking past him into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.
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