The case begins.
Today Adrien was going to follow Marinette. But, to be safe, I'd be Chat. I was about to transform when Plagg spoke.
"Kid, no." He said.
"What? Why?" he asked.
"I'm not allowing you to transform." Said Plagg.
"Why?" he asked again.
"You have to feed me Camembert." He replied.
"OK....Here." he said, handing him cheese.
"No you have to give me a entire cheesecake." He said.
"What??! Why would I do that?" Adrien asked.
"Because I'm not going to parade in a black suit all day and tomorrow without a price." He replied.
"I can't bake." Adrien said.
"No go buy a cheesecake." He said, rolling his eyes.
"No I don't have time now cmon!" Adrien said.
"Plagg, claws out!" Adrien yelled as he didn't care at this point.
Adrien blinked. Why was everything so big? I didn't get it. I looked around. Did I shrink? How? I thought.
"Easy kid, I punished you for ignoring me." Said a sarcastic voice.
"Plagg?! When will this wear off?" Adrien asked.
"In hours." He said.
"WHAT?" "My fath-"
"Kid, you live in a dorm." Said Plagg.
"That doesn't give any rights to shrink me!" Adrien replied annoyed.
"Actually kid, I did you a favour." "Look down." He said.
He looked. He was shocked. Instead of a black suit, he was... he was...he was a cat!
"What the......Plagg?!" he said.
"Since your a cat, you can spy on that blue haired girl easier." Said Plagg.
" were trying to help me?" Adrien asked in disbelief.
"No. It just so happened that I realised I helped instead." He replied.
"Are you going to-" Adrien said.
"No. I can't I'm out of energy so I can't go back. It'll have to wear off." He replied.
Adrien shrugged, and went on his way.
Adrien walked to the bakery and before long, he saw Marinette. She was humming as she walked with a delivery. She walked to the park, and Adrien followed. She gave a order to Nadia, who was asking Marinette to babysit Manon. Manon however, saw me and began to squeal.
"Look a cute kitty!" She squealed.
"Aww poor thing." Said Marinette.
"Do you have a owner?" She said as she examined my bell around my neck.
"Meow." he said.
"Well, how about you stay with me?" She asked.
Adrien meowed in reply, trying to say yes. She took Manon, said goodbye to Nadia, and walked back to the bakery. She walked upstairs, and she put tuna in front of him. He ate, because he was a bit hungry. She smiled, and Manon wanted to play dolls. Yes, she was older, but not old enough not to want to play dolls. She knew cat puns and what Chat Noir says by heart now. Adrien practically spent two hours as chat telling her these.
"Cmon Marinette! Let's play!" Manon said.
"Alright." Replied Marinette.
"Hello mlady!" Said Manon. (She saw him on TV)
"Hello Chat." Replied Marinette.
"So where's the akuma bugaboo?" (Also from TV k?) Asked Manon
"Over there." "Grab her tail and throw her!" Said Marinette.
"OK." And Manon pretended to grab Wolfscar, a villain fought 3 months ago.
"Quickly!" Yelled Marinette with her doll.
"Ok.." Replied Manon.
"LUCKY CHARM!" Said Marinette, sounding just like Ladybug.
She pretended to use it, and then Manon screamed "Cataclysm!" And grabbed the bracelet that Marinette made for doll play.
"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" Marinette screamed again.
After they mimicked winning and fist bumping, she said something that chilled my blood.
"Pound it." Said Marinette. Manon didn't say anything. She forgot about that.
"Nice one Chaton, I'd better get on my way." She said.
Adrien freaked out. That wasnt something he told Manon. It was just Marinette. She sounded so much like Ladybug, he had the urge to say, "bye mlady." But all that came out as a meow. Was she a extreme fan?
A knock was heard and Manon ran downstairs.
"Marinette my moms here!" She screamed.
"OK!" Replied Marinette.
Adrien heard Marinette say goodbye to Nadia and Manon, then come upstairs and she carefully picked him up.
"Cmon kitten we're going to my dorm!" Exclaimed Marinette.
"Aww so cute!" Sighed Marinette.
She got in her car, and turned the key. The ride was peaceful. Adrien however, fell asleep.
He heard a squeaky voice, but he couldn't tell who it was and he was much to sleepy to care. When he woke up, he was on a pink bed. It was cute, but then he realised it was Mari's. he looked at the clock on the wall, and he had 5 minutes before he detransformed. He leapt off, and scrambled into the bathroom. He detransformed, and luckily had clothing. Plagg laughed and spoke.
"Well looks like you could have had explaining to do." Chuckled Plagg.
"If you didn't interfere." Adrien replied.
"Relax kid, surely you found something?" Said Plagg.
"Um...she says pound it?" he replied.
"Your extremely dense." Groaned Plagg.
"That's what you always say." Adrien said.
"Because that's what's always true!" He exclaimed. "You by some miracle, actually grew brains and confronted feelings!" He said.
"Yeah yeah whatever." Adrien replied.
"Adrien?" he heard Mari's voice.
"O-oh um hi Mari!" he stuttered awkwardly out of surprise.
"Hi Adrien!" "Were you talking to somebody?" She asked.
"Um....Actually... Uh. Wow great hair style! Its cute!" he said, trying to change the subject. If he had learned anything, it was the fact that she spotted(lol) liars a lot.
"Oh thank you!" She replied. And she got....redder? Adrien wasn't sure why.
"So um....How are you?" Adrien asked.
"I'm wonderful!" She said grinning.
"Hey wanna see my latest design?" She asked.
"Um sure!" He replied putting Plagg in his bag quickly. He was extremely annoyed.
She showed me and boy, he was impressed.
The detail of the design was amazing. It was a redheaded, green eyed girl with glasses, a black shirt with lace and a black vest with brass buttons. She had a plaid knit red skirt, and black fingerless gloves that went up the arm a little past her elbow. She had thigh high socks, some black heels, and a heart tattoo right above one of the socks. She also had a hat which was a few tones redder and darker than the girls hair. She also had a panda pouch-like bag on her with a phone in her left hand, and a box of either food or pastry on in her right.
(A/N note: I designed this on my game but pretend she drew it OK?) (It was really hard)
(A/N yes its weird that I'm complementing myself, but its part of the story and since he has a crush, I don't have a choice.)
"W-wow. Who's going to model it?" Adrien asked.
"Oh um...Me." She replied nervously.
"Redheaded wig?" he questioned.
"No I'm going to model it with my hair." She said, laughing.
"Tomorrow morning."
Woah. Tomorrow? He couldnt wait.
"That's impressive." he chuckled.
"Really? Thank you!" She replied.
"I made some dinner, you want?" She asked.
"Yea sure." he said, and she beckoned me to follow her.
Little did he know this would be the most awkward dinner in his entire life....
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