Mon Minou? Or Mon Cherie?
Marinette breathed. She gasped. She didn't know if she'd stutter around Chat or be more or just as confident.
She knew she...she had to decide which person she'd start a relationship with.
Chat or Adrien?
Mon Minou or Mon Cherie?
Actually, they were the same person.
But what side of the coin?
She didn't know.
She grabbed her phone and texted Chat.
"Hey Chat, wanna meet at my balcony?" Marinette texted.
"Sorry princess, but no can do. I have patrol today remember?" He texted back.
Oh. She forgot.
"Yeah ok. Nvm." She texted quickly.
She had 10 minutes to get to the Effiel tower. She could do it in 7.
"Tikki spots on!"
Chat was waiting at the effiel tower. He sighed. He was going to tell his lady he moved on. But how? He still loved Ladybug. He loved Marinette. And he still had the thought in his heart that they were the same person.
But he couldn't confirm it—yet. He knew he had to see her reaction and hopefully...hopefully that yielded some proof?
Ladybug arrived 7 minutes after Marinette had texted.
Maybe it's just a coincidence? He thought. He didn't want to believe that, but he didn't want to get his hopes up only to have them crushed.
He cleared his throat.
"M'lady, how are you?"
"I-I'm fine." She said a little quietly.
"You ok?" He asked. It wasn't like her to stutter.
"Y-yeah k-kinda—I-I mean yeah." She stammered blushing a bright red.
"Uh..." Chat felt awkward. She blushed. He didn't see that very often. And all the sudden as though fate wanted cruelty, he was hit.
She likes me
He mentally facepalmed. How did he miss that? Now it was even harder!
"M'lady...I've moved on. I love someone else." He said clearly doing his best not to falter.
"Oh...congrats. Who's the lucky girl?" Ladybug asked her head down.
"Uh...a girl called Mar....Dupain...Chen...." he mumbled.
"I'm sorry?"
"Marinette Dupain Cheng."
Ladybug gasped a little. So Adrien did love her then.
Chat felt awkward. He didn't know if this was news to Ladybug or a confession. Welp, that's what he gets for wearing a mask.
He hoped it was a confession. But he didn't know. That's why he felt so...gone.
"So...lets start." Said Ladybug.
Chat nodded in reply.
They ran from roof to roof, looking at the various alleys. Nope. All empty.
"'d you fall for her?" Ladybug asked.
"Me? Uh...I don't know." He replied.
"Funny. You knew how you fell for me." Ladybug chuckled.
"More or less. It's impawsible to tell."
Ladybug grinned. He still had his sense of humour at least.
"Back with the puns huh?"
"Yeah. They're pawsome aren't they?" He said grinning back.
"Actually they're pretty pawful." Ladybug laughed.
"You wound me M'lady." He said faking a hurt face.
Ladybug giggled in reply.
When they got home, Adrien and Marinette bumped into each other. Only Marinette knew why.
"Oh hello Mari." Adrien said.
"Hiya Adrien...." Marinette replied.
"So um...wanna accompany me to some dinner? It's 18:48." Adrien said offering his arm.
"Gladly!" Marinette exclaimed in reply as she took his arm,
They walked down to "The enchanted rose" and they were quickly in the door.
A older woman around 40-50 greeted them saying, "Hello lovelies! Welcome to The Enchanted Rose! One of the most romantic restaurants in Paris! What is my pleasure?" She asked.
"We'd like a table." Adrien said smiling.
"Of course. Anything for a couple that smiles." She said gesturing them to follow her.
No one bothered to correct her.
Adrien and Marinette followed, and she showed them a room with three tables. The middle one had a candle, and a vase of roses. It was beautiful.
"Please, sit." The woman said.
They did so.
"What's on the menu for today's special?(Today's Special is a great movie btw) Adrien asked.
"French toast with spiced apple maple syrup and delicious fried steak. And my favorite, Lovers Masquerade cheesecake!" She exclaimed happily in reply.
"I see. Can we take all that enough for two?" He asked.
"Of course my dears. Please, call me Minerva." Minerva chuckled.
"Ok. Thank you Minerva." Adrien said.
She smiled as she walked away.
Odd. Minerva thought as she informed the chefs to cook.
They seem like a couple but they don't...seem as though its official. Speaking of which, aren't they models? And wasn't that girl a designer?
Minerva smiled. So that's who they were then. Interesting. There was a fan page for their ship. Called the AdrienetterBlog. Very famous. But Minerva doubted they knew about it.
She was wrong and right.
Adrien knew full well and blushed constantly every time he heard about it.
Marinette however, was blissfully oblivious.
Their orders soon arrived and Minerva happily served.
"Why thank you!" Marinette exclaimed.
"It was no problem. Really." Minerva replied.
Adrien nodded and they began to eat.
The food was delightful. Very delious. Just right and fresh toasted bread, and perfect syrup. The steak was cooked perfectly and tender.
And the cheesecake...
If Plagg didn't have Tikki, he'd marry it the moment he could and forget Camembert.
He could only dream.
After a delightful dinner, Adrien escorted Marinette home arm in arm. As they walked, they could hear their footsteps clacking against the pavement. It was starting to get cloudy and cool. The leaves blew in a small tornado across the sidewalk. The trees bristled as they swayed in the breeze. And the birds flew in the sky as they danced across the sunset.
Truly a sight.
When they arrived, a few drops of rain fell on their heads.
"We better get inside." Said Marinette laughing.
"We better or it might seem as though Syren is crying again." Adrien chuckled at remembering the tearful villain.
They rushed inside, letting some wind in. Adrien brushed off Marinette's hair and they walked to their dorm together.
Now let me tell you a secret.
The only reason they shared dorms was because Alya and Nino applied for couple's dorms.
So technically speaking, the college acknowledged them as a couple.
Not single friends who were having crushes on each other.
Marinette's phone rang. Marinette quickly fumbled for it and dropped it before picking it up just as quickly.
"Hi Mari! Its Chloe!" Said a loud voice joyfully.
"Oh! Hi Chloe! Whats up?" Marinette asked.
"I was thinking we could go shopping tomorrow after class! Say...3:30?" Chloe asked blowing on her freshly painted pinky.
"Of course! I'd love too! Is it for the wedding?" Marinette asked.
"That's the idea! Can't wait to see you! Have to go now, bye!" Chloe exclaimed before hanging up.
This is gonna get intereasting! I dunno when I'll be wrapping this up, but Imma aim for 22 parts or less. Maybe 24. What do y'all think? And did you enjoy?
Dedicated to
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