Marinette was wide awake and in utter shock. She knew not every dream was real. But what if you remembered every detail? And how you felt? The people you saw? The names you named?
The names you named......
She called Adrien the nicknames she called her dear kitty.
Now the truth? She had a crush on Chat Noir too and knew it.
But she loved Adrien. Their date last night proved that. And while she liked Chat, she loved Adrien.
But despite making her decision, she still wanted Chat.
But to blend the thought of Adrien being Chat?
She denied its every existence the moment Alya brought it up.
But now looking at it from a lovers perspective...
It was almost real.
But her dream was more than that. They had a child, her name was Emma. She would grow up....
And be Chatette Noir?
Now you see, Adrien had something far different from Marinette. While Marinette saw one detail of Emma that Adrien did not, Adrien did see Emma. And Chloe be mayor.
They both saw every other scene together however. And that was enough to get Marinette thinking.
They both stumbled out of bed, and saw the time.
06:30 AM
They had time too get ready and eat breakfast then. They lived on campus after all.
"Bonjour Adrien. How was your sleep?" Marinette asked.
"Bonjour Mari. It was good. My dream was kind of weird though...." Adrien said as they ate cereal that Marinette poured for the two of them.
Upon mention of his dream, Marinette instantly turned red.
"W-what w-was it about?" Marinette stammered.
" was about the future. My future wife I think." Adrien said trying not to give to much away.
"Um..same. I mean—oh my gosh I-I didn't mean I'd have a wife know...a guy." Marinette stuttered awkwardly.
"W-wow. Did you see their um...faces? Who he was?" Adrien asked. He had to know. Did she dream about him too? And their wedding? And if she did, did this confirm she would know his identity? And even more importantly,
That she was in fact, Ladybug?
Marinette breathed. "Well...he was..y—" she stopped. While he did reserve the right, in a way, that could change everything if he didn't feel the same. She decided against it.
"I didn't see his face. He....he was blond." Marinette lied as she gulped.
Adrien felt disappointed. So it wasn't confirmed then. But then his heart lifted. He was a blond! That could've been him! None of his other classmates had blond hair.
"How about you Adrien?" Marinette asked.
"Oh uh..."
Adrien had to think. If he told her he saw they were married, and she didn't feel the same...that'd change everything. For the worse possibly. He decided almost instantly against it.
"Same. I couldn't see it either. Bluenette hair though." Adrien said. Now the very awkward thing was that he uttered the hair color without meaning to.
"Wow...." Marinette said gulping again.
"Yeah...Oh would you look at that?! It's 7:20. We better get going." Adrien said lamely making up a excuse that happened to be true.
"Yeah we better..." Marinette replied as she grabbed her bag and Adrien gestured her to go out the door as he opened it. She nodded and smiled as she said, "Thank you." Before walking out followed closely by Adrien.
What was ironic however, and depressingly so if I might add, was that due to the shock and awkwardness of the discussed topic, they forgot their kiss entirely. But don't worry, it was sure to catch up to them—or at least, one of them.
Their first day was...enlightening. Their chemistry teacher decided to teach at the college after her class that she loved dearly(she'd never admit it...) graduated.
Ms. Bustier did too. Actually, she transferred a year before her students graduated.
Everyone was happy about this.
"Hi Ivan! Hi Mylene! Hi Chloe!" Marinette exclaimed waving.
"Hey." They replied.
"Hey girl!" Said Alya from across the classroom.
"Oh hey Al!" Marinette said running up to her and sitting.
"So...Hows it been going?" Alya asked.
"Wonderful! My crush on Adrien's a bit stronger now..." Marinette said turning pink. She now remembered their date. And best of all, the kiss.
"Deets girl. The deets!" Alya said excitedly.
Marinette told Alya about the date. How fancy it was, how much she loved the food, the fact she fed Adrien, and the kiss.
Alya squealed when she heard the last part and the entire class stared.
"Guys I'm fine." Alya chuckled after winking at Marinette.
"Settle down class. We're about to begin." Ms. Mendeleiev said firmly though happy to see her class.
"The science we are about to discuss is nothing like high school. We will not only explain the rules of velocity and acceleration, but we will make each our own demonstration using these laws." Said Ms. Mendeleiev as she adjusted her glasses.
(A/N note: I got this out of a college book I was reading one time and this was the subject please note I don't know the subject or the chapter that well as I didn't read it all nor had the chance to. I do know some however. Further, I'm not in college I just like reading.)
Yeet. I should read this book entirely and not skim...
Maybe I'll skip high school lmao
The teacher gave them buckets with water and took them outside.
They swung the buckets extremely fast. The teacher strictly instructed they accelerate very fast or else the water would splash on the Guinea pig student.
Juleka with Rose,
Alya with Chloe,
Nino with Nathaniel,
Ivan with Mylene,
Adrien with Marinette,
Kagami with Luka,
Kim with Alix,
Max with Sabrina.
On Ms. Mendeleivev's mark, the class swung the buckets rapidly. Unfortunately, due to Mylene accidentally splashing Ivan, the entire class stopped and accidentally splashed each other. They laughed, but the teacher said to refill the buckets and do it again.
They were successful the third time.
Unfortunately, Ms. Mendeleiev was soaked as well. She didn't yell however, as it was a very hot day. After all, it was August 28th. Not quite September.
So far, Marinette had enjoyed College throughly.
Ms. Bustier's class was next. Now unlike Ms. Mendeleiev's class, they had to write a story. Now it had to have perfect English, and had to be written in pairs. The other part was that they illustrate the story. Now Marc was in this class. When he saw Juleka he blushed. But he was paired with her. And so for the rest of class, he rambled.
When college was done, Marinette found herself thinking about Adrien being Chat Noir.
She had a idea, but first she'd follow him. Just a little.
Adrien was going for lunch. He was walking down the street, and waving at some people as he walked by.
A voice spoke.
"Kid, I need cheese."
"Hang on. Stay low until I get to the cafe." Adrien hissed pressing a hand to his ear to disguise the fact he was talking to his Kwami.
Marinette frowned when he walked into the cafe. She swore it wasn't coming from his ear. But maybe it was? She then had a brilliant idea.
She hurried to her dorm and got her computer.
She compared his height, his weight, and their eye shape.
She then compared their voices.
She squealed happily.
She compared what happened to Adrien every time a akuma came.
She then did the final step.
She applied all the known facts, added a suit, catlike pupils, and...
A mask.
Marinette nearly fainted with joy.
I realize Marc is supposedly gay. But in my story, he's bi. Thanks btw the_holywater for telling me! I think that if Marc met Juleka and they became a couple, it'd be more matching then Alix and Marc. I ship Chlothaniel instead of Lithaniel. I will possibly continue the story "Confidence is the Key." Mainly because I'm trying to restrain from killing Lila.
Dedicated to three people?!
I hope I met your expectations. And beyond, if possible.
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