Part 3
Yoongi had always wanted to wake up to the smell of bacon cooking in the morning, always imagining his significant other waking up early to cook breakfast for them.
But what he got instead was the smell of smoke, and he sat up in a panic.
"Mmph!" He shouted, then remembered he was tied up and couldn't speak.
He struggled for a few moments, trying to get out of the ropes and the blanket wrapped around him as the smell of smoke intensified.
Just as he feared he was going to get burned alive, Namjoon appeared in the doorway, coughing into his arm.
He blinked out smoke from his eyes and spotted Yoongi, whose eyes were wide with alarm.
He smiled that damn charming, beautiful smirk, showing his dimples.
"Oh, good. You're awake. Our kitchen is on fire."
Sitting on his counter, still tied with his arms at his sides and his wrists tied behind his back and ankles bound together, Yoongi watched as Namjoon opened the oven, fanning out black plumes of smoke.
The fire alarm had gone off until Namjoon had removed the batteries, and Yoongi decided to just leave them out while Namjoon was making himself at home here.
"Open all the windows." Yoongi said. "Or we'll die of smoke inhalation."
Namjoon eyed him, as if judging whether or not this was an escape attempt, but when they both keeled over with harsh bouts of coughing, Namjoon quickly hurried to open all the windows and even the front and back door, turning on all the fans to encourage the smoke to leave.
After a few moments, the smoke had died down enough for them to talk again.
"What were you doing?" Yoongi wheezed.
"Would you believe me if I said cooking?" Namjoon grabbed down a glass and filled it with water. He was kind enough to let Yoongi drink first, holding the cup up to the boys pouty lips since Yoongi couldn't grab it himself.
"Cooking what? Charcoal?"
"Eggs." Namjoon frowned at the scorched black lumps on the pan that was clearly ruined now. "Sorry."
Yoongi noted how he didn't offer to buy Yoongi a new one.
"Untie me, I can cook." Yoongi sighed.
Namjoon chuckled and ruffled the boys hair. "Sorry baby, but I don't trust you yet."
Yoongi huffed. "I'm not going to fight you, I would clearly lose. And what- you think I'm going to run outside in my underwear? You would catch me before I even made it to the door anyways- look at your legs compared to mine."
Namjoon shrugged. "True, but this is a golden opportunity here, I'm not going to risk it. No matter how cute you are."
Blush coated Yoongi's cheeks, much to his chagrin.
"Well, are we supposed to just starve until you leave?" He tried to sound angry, but his voice came out more high pitched than he would have liked.
"We can order food." Namjoon decided. "How much cash you got on you? I have none."
"Shocker." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "And that's not a good idea for you, there's a chance the delivery person could see or hear me."
Namjoon debated it. It was true he could easily outrun and outfight Yoongi, and if they didn't order food for every meal, it would draw less suspicion to the house.
"Fine." He agreed. "But we're doing it my way, got it?" He walked over, placing his finger over Yoongi's lips. "And I don't want to hear any backtalk, understand baby?"
Yoongi bit his finger.
Not hard, just pinched the digit between his teeth to show he didn't appreciate this situation he was in.
Namjoon chuckled, yanking his hand back. "Like I said. No matter how cute you are."
Namjoon's way ended up being something Yoongi was both humiliated by and extremely turned on by.
His wrists and ankles were free, so he could move his hands and feet around normally, but the rope around his arms and torso remained, and tied around his waist was another rope that led back to Namjoon, who had taken Yoongi's spot on the counter, holding the end of it like a leash.
When Namjoon felt that Yoongi was getting too close to the door or a window, or just too far away from Namjoon, he would yank on the rope, making Yoongi stumble backwards a little.
After the fifth time that happened, Yoongi huffed, slamming his wooden spoon down on the counter to glare over his shoulder at the criminal.
"I can't cook if you keep interrupting me like this." He grumbled. "Do you want the macaroni or not?"
Namjoon smirked- God that fucking smirk- and tugged on the rope leash lightly in a series of small tugs. "Dunno, it's kinda fun."
"Sadist." Yoongi snapped. "Do you treat all the people whose houses you break into like this?"
"Just you, kitten."
Yoongi quickly faced away, not wanting the attractive jerk to see his flustered blush. He pretend mixing the pasta that bubbled in the boiling pot of water required his full attention.
He hadn't even moved, yet he was suddenly yanked backed again and he gasped, trying to catch his balance-
-Namjoon caught him, spinning Yoongi around so the smaller boy was caged between the criminal's spread thighs, his hands on the tied up boys sides.
"Just so you totally understand, I wouldn't hurt you. I know you're freaked that a stranger entered your house and could hurt or kill you while you're defenseless, but I promise you that I would never do that. I'm just a thief, not a murderer." He smirked again. "And maybe a bit of a sadist, sorry. It's just cute seeing you stumble like that."
Yoongi blinked, staring into Namjoon's piercing dragon eyes.
Oh yeah...he should be freaked. Every normal person out there would be, but Yoongi, distracted by the boys attractiveness, had totally forgotten to be scared.
He just nodded, not finding his words.
Everything melted away around them, and Yoongi was only aware of being this close to Namjoon- the way the boys hands felt so warm on his bare skin, the loud pounding of his heart, his arousal at the ropes and plug, magnified by the way Namjoon was looking at him and holy shit were their faces getting closer?
Namjoon tilted his head slightly, one hand moving up Yoongi's chest to grab his chin, gently angling the smaller boys face up.
Yoongi stood on his tip toes before he even realized it, and Namjoon bent down, their lips brushing against each other and Yoongi opened his mouth a little more-
The sound of sizzling made them both snap apart quickly, and Yoongi turned around to see the water had boiled over.
"Shit!" He gasped, scrambling back to the stove.
Namjoon let him, keeping the rope slack so Yoongi could quickly turn off the burner and remove the pot from the heat.
Yoongi stirred the pasta, thankful it hadn't burned too.
He cleared his throat a little too loudly, cheeks pink at what had almost happened between them.
"B-breakfast is ready."
They sat at the table, with Namjoon pulling Yoongi's chair right up next to his own, and tying the rope leash around his own waist too.
To Yoongi's surprise, and protest, Namjoon had tied the boys wrists together again, looping the rope around the leg of the table, making him have to bend over slightly.
"What the hell is this for?" Yoongi complained.
"We're using forks, you could grab one and stab me with it." Namjoon said calmly, scooping the pasta into two bowls.
"Are you seriously thinking I would do that."
"You bit me earlier."
"Rabid kitten."
Yoongi snorted, tugging uselessly on the strong rope. "Come on, how am I supposed to eat if you do this?"
Namjoon held out his fork, a bite of food piled on it. "Here comes the airplane."
Yoongi recoiled as much as he could, scooting his chair back in horror.
Namjoon just raised his leg up, planting his feet between Yoongi's spread legs on the seat and dragged him back.
He raised an eyebrow and pushed the fork closer, poking Yoongi's tightly sealed lips.
Yoongi glared, keeping his mouth shut tight.
"I can outlast you, kitten. If you don't eat now, you're welcome to eat the charred remains of the eggs out of the trash later."
"I thought you said you wouldn't hurt me." Yoongi complained. "Does starvation not count for you?"
"You won't starve in a day."
Yoongi sighed, eyeing the bite.
He was hungry, he had never made dinner last night and it was already noon now.
Besides, this man had found out Yoongi's bondage kink, had tied him up and carried him around easily, kept him on a leash and had seen all of Yoongi's personal sexual items.
It's not like Yoongi had any dignity left.
He grudgingly parted his lips, barely opening his mouth to accept the food, glaring at the handsome intruder.
Namjoon chuckled. "Cute."
Yoongi accepted the bite, trying to scoot his chair away again, but Namjoon's foot was still planted between his legs on the chair.
A little too close, but Yoongi didn't want to bring attention to it.
Namjoon had to know by now that Yoongi was gay, since he had seen of all Yoongi's dildo's and collection of plugs, and Yoongi assumed Namjoon was straight, because he just seemed like the type, and he didn't want to make Namjoon feel uncomfortable.
Wait a damn minute-
Namjoon broke into Yoongi's house and violated him in all these ways, and Yoongi was concerned with not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable?!
What in the stupid introvert logic-
"What are you thinking about, kitten?" Namjoon's deep voice brought him back to reality.
To avoid answering, Yoongi stuck out his tongue and snatched the second bite off the fork.
Namjoon grinned, not taking his eyes off of Yoongi as he gave himself a bite, his plush lips curling around the fork and Yoongi found he couldn't take his eyes off the sight.
It reminded him of that scene in the kitchen, whatever the hell that had been.
Namjoon had been about to kiss him, hadn't he? Hell, Yoongi had been about to kiss him and Namjoon hadn't been pulling away.
No, he had been leaning in, Yoongi distinctly remembered.
And he was always calling Yoongi cute, or kitten, or a good boy.
Was Namjoon just a cocky asshole exploiting Yoongi's sexuality to make him submissive and obedient or was he gay too? Or pan or bi? Or maybe an easy going straight guy who didn't care if he laid with the same gender?
"You look like you're trying to figure out nuclear fission." Namjoon laughed.
"Maybe I am." Yoongi retorted. He opened his mouth wide, signaling for another bite.
Namjoon dutifully fed him. He got another glass and filled it with water, letting Yoongi sip from that in between bites.
At least the intruder was keeping his word about taking care of Yoongi.
As far as home invaders went, Yoongi supposed it could have been way worse. He could be laying in a pool of his own blood right now, his organs stolen, but instead he was being hand fed macaroni by a male model.
An arrogant, cocky, infuriatingly handsome male model, who couldn't cook.
It could definitely be worse.
He sincerely hoped his semi hard cock wasn't visible through his boxers, since he couldn't close his legs to hide it.
After lunch, Namjoon untied his wrists and the rope from around his own waist, keeping the leash on Yoongi so he could pull him back to the bedroom.
"Have a seat." Namjoon pushed Yoongi down by his shoulders onto the bed.
"How chivalrous." Yoongi muttered.
Namjoon opened Yoongi's closet to find clothes to change into. "Do you want to wear something?"
Yoongi perked up, eager to wear pants so he could hide his arousal.
"I'll stick to sweatpants, since your skinny jeans are too tight for me." Namjoon said, pulling down a pair to toss to Yoongi.
He reached for some stacked shirts on the shelf in the closet, and that was when he saw it.
He raised one eyebrow, pulling the item down as he faced Yoongi.
"Are you going to untie me so I can actually wear these, or do I just get the honor of having them thrown in my face?" Yoongi was sarcastically asking, but when he saw what Namjoon was holding, he froze.
Namjoon smirked- Goddamnthatfuckingsmirk- and held up the small box that held a set of plugs.
A set of plugs that were clearly missing one.
"Tell me kitten, and be a good boy now," Namjoon stalked closer and Yoongi stiffened as Namjoon leaned in, his breath hitting Yoongi's ear.
"Have you been wearing one this whole time, kitten?"
And suddenly Yoongi redacted what he had said earlier.
It was suddenly much worse.
Especially since he knew Namjoon could definitely see his hard cock through his boxers now.
Oh yeah. It was much worse now.
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