06 | oh no you don't
[ graphic: @recklessrebellion- /me ]
roommate wars
06 | oh no you don't
"Do you really think five hours should be enough to calm the beast?" Collette asks as we climb out of the taxi outside the apartment complex.
"The beast?" I laugh at the nickname she's picked as I lean in to grab the three bags of clothing that Baylee had made me the last couple of months.
"What? You gotta admit it does suit him," she says after giving the driver the correct change.
"Well I can't take another couple hours at the mall," I groan at the very thought. "Shopping sucks!"
"Who'd guess that a frenchie wouldn't like shopping!" Collette sighs teasingly.
I turn to face her, a grin on my face as we enter the building.
"Are you coming up?" I ask her gesturing to the elevator doors in front of us.
"To get my head bitten off? No thank you." Co-Co groans taking a seat on one of the couches in the welcome area beside the elevator doors.
"Scaredy-cat!" I tease in which she responds with poking her tongue out at me.
"At least I'll still be alive to see my future children. Don't worry, I'll make sure to name one of them after you."
"Touché boo, touché," I laugh juggling the bags in my hands as I wait for the elevator.
"And I'll tell them all about how their crazy aunty Jac went on this wild mission to kick the beast out of his own cave," she jokes.
"I'm not kicking him out... I'm letting him stay in our place. God women, making me out to be a horrible monster."
"Aww you said our!"
"Shut up!" I mumble grumpily as I walk into the elevator, the doors sliding close in front of me.
I can still hear her laughing on the other side.
When I get in I press the button waiting until the doors bing letting me know I've arrived at the right floor number.
I wonder how he's going to take the news of having a roommate? Well even if he doesn't take it well, he can't do anything about it.
As the doors open before me, I lean down and grab the three bags full of clothing and make my way out down the hall - trying not to trip over the bags.
The hall is un-normally quiet even though it's close to three in the afternoon, I guess most people would be out at work at this time. Making my way pass the other room numbers, I come to a standstill in front of my room door.
I drop the bags down by my feet and look in my small blank handbag for the key I had been given the night before.
"I know you're in there..." I mumble under my breath hearing the key jingle inside. Finally finding the familiar red key, I take it out and put it in the key hole turning it. Only to realise it won't turn.
"What the hell?" I huff confused.
I take it out and try again, twice with the same result as last time. The key just won't budge.
"Yeah it's a real shame when he does that to people."
I turn my head to the side to see Landon leaning against the wall beside me, smirking. I cross my arms over my chest, annoyed with his answer.
"Does what exactly? The bloody key just won't-" I try the key again but it still won't turn no matter how hard I twist it around.
"That's because it's not the right key for the apartment," Landon tells me, laughing. I glare at him.
"What do you mean? This was the key I was given last night?" I sigh showing him the little red key.
"Are you sure that's your key?" he asks, raising an eyebrow as he looks down at the key in my hands.
Well now that I'm looking more closely at it, it does look a little smaller than the other key and I notice the more I hold it in my sweaty palms the red starts to peel away.
"This isn't my putain de (fucking) key!" I exclaim as I rub the paint off with my nail to show a yellow tinge underneath. I spin around to face Landon, pissed. "Where's my key?"
He holds his hands up high in surrender, not bothered by my random outbursts.
"Aiden probably swapped it over last night or this morning when you weren't looking," he explains giving me a sad sort of smile.
"And why would he do that?!" I exclaim, feeling angry and annoyed.
Landon is trying his best not to smile or laugh as he answers.
"Because he can, that and he probably doesn't want you sharing his apartment."
"Well too fucking bad!" I growl out as I throw the useless key down on top of one of the clothes bags. "This is also my place and he isn't going to lock me out!"
"Well, what are you going to do?" Landon asks me amused, still leaning up against the wall in his expensive looking shirt and jeans. "It's not like you can just knock the door down or-"
A smirk appears on my face as he trails off, his eyes going wide and he starts to shake his head.
"Don't even think about doing that Jacquelyne!"
"Why not? I could do that and it'd save me a lot of trouble," I tell him shrugging.
"Fine..." I sigh rolling my eyes at his not so fun attitude. "But you're no fun."
"Oh I'm lots of fun women, but not fun that's going to get me kicked out of here or worse... get the cops involved."
So instead of breaking down the door, I walk up to it and start knocking rather loudly.
"Fucken christ! Do you want the neighbours to think you're breaking in?" Landon cries out stepping away from the wall and me with his hands covering his ears.
I shrug innocently.
"Hold your fucking horses, Jesus!" Someone yells out on the other side of the door. I stop. "Who's banging on the door in the middle of the afternoon?"
"It's me, Jacquelyne. Now open the bloody door." Landon sighs as he covers his ears with his hands. "Please?" I try.
"Fuck off!" Is the reply I get back almost immediately.
I glare at the door.
"Okay looks like it's time to be going..." Landon mumbles grabbing hold of my arm. I shrug him off. "Or not." He goes to stand a few steps away from me.
"Why did you swap my keys you asshole?" I yell standing right outside the door.
"So you couldn't get back in your highness!" He calls out in a duh tone. "I thought even you could've figured that one out."
"Piquer!" (Prick) I mumble under my breath as I look across at the door, trying to come up with an idea on how to get in.
"Hey I heard that!"
"Good, you were meant to!" I yell back.
"Even though I have no idea what you just called me, I'm guessing it isn't nice."
I slam my fist against the door in anger.
"Stop trying to break down my fucking door!" He sounds furious, well so am I.
"Our door, you dumbass!"
"Come on, we can go downstairs and ask if they've got another key or something," Landon tells me but I shake my head.
"Nah it's fine, I've got this. You go down and do whatever you were going off to do," I mumble to him.
"Alright... But if you want it easy, just go ask for another key."
I watch as Landon continues to walk down the hall, finally disappearing inside the elevator doors.
Whoops, I probably should've mentioned the fact that Collette is down there. Oh well, I've got bigger problems on my hands at the moment.
"Let me in!" I groan banging on the door once more. My fists are starting to hurt but I ignore the pain for the time being.
"Go away! Can't you take a hint for god sake."
"No, I read into them and then I choose to ignore them." I admit waiting for his smartass reply, but I get nothing as it goes rather quiet on the other side of the door. "Aiden?"
I sigh annoyed as I hear loud music start playing behind the door, he's obviously trying to block me out.
"Fine..." I mumble dropping onto the floor outside the door. "I'll just wait here then," I say to myself as the music gets even louder. "It's not like I have anything better to do or anything."
I realise it's starting to get quite cold out in the hall here so I open one of the many bags, pulling out a warm looking jacket and throw it over me for some warmth.
Call me stubborn but I'm not going to let this asshole get away with this. Maybe he can be charged with frostbite for keeping a young lady out in the hall, can you do that?
If only there was another way to get in, and that's when I get a flashing yellow lightbulb above my head moment. I decide to leave my bags here outside the door because it'll be hard to carry them with me on my journey downstairs again.
"Jacquelyne? You in yet?"
I look up as I step outside the elevator, seeing Landon sitting down opposite my best friend who is giving me a pleading look to help her.
"Nope." I say walking over to them.
"Well we tried asking for another key but that was the last one they had that they gave you..." Landon informs me with a slight shrug of his shoulders.
"By we you mean me, all you did was flirt with the poor girl," Collette huffs unamused.
"Well thanks for the help guys but I have a way in," I interrupt them both making them look up at me in surprise.
"How?" Landon asks raising an eyebrow.
"By lockpicking, duh!" I roll my eyes at him before turning to Collette. "I know you would have some hairpins on you."
Collette smiles as she hands two over, all the while Landon is watching with wide eyes.
"You're going to lockpick the door?" I nod my head as I start bending the hairpins into place.
Five minutes later and I'm huddled under the door handle, with my hairpins in place slowly turning them inside the lock. Aiden must still be inside as the loud music is still blaring from the inside, giving me a headache and making it more difficult for me to complete my task.
My two bodyguards, Landon and Collette are keeping watch to make sure I don't end up getting caught and have my ass thrown in jail.
"Maybe I should've just let you knock down the bloody door, would've been easier than..."
"What was that you were saying?" I ask him smug, as I stand back up dusting my jeans off.
"Where did you learn to do that?" Landon asks amazed. "You have to show..."
"Shhh!" I tell him annoyed as I point towards the door. Collette grabs Landon's arm and drags him down the hall, giving me a thumbs up when they reach the elevator doors. Without wasting anymore time, I slowly and quietly turn the door handle until it opens completely.
I poke my head around the corner looking for any signs of Aidan but there's none, as I walk further into the apartment I turn around and close the door behind me. That's when I notice how quiet it's gotten all of a sudden.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"
My hands fly to cover my mouth as my heartbeat quickens, I can feel his presence right behind me.
"Looks like little Jacquelyne isn't quite as boring after all."
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