02 | he stole my bag
[ graphic: @me ]
roommate wars
02 | he stole my bag
Fifteen hours later and I'm beyond exhausted and grumpy.
"... We hope you enjoy your stay here in New York City, the current temperature is five degrees."
Five degrees? Well no wonder it feels cold, I think to myself as I rub my thighs to try and warm them up a little.
I decide to just wait for everyone else to get off the plane first as I am in no mood to get pushed about trying to get my bag down from the compartment.
"Can you get up and move?" The annoying twelve year old kid beside me asks.
"Well you wouldn't turn your music down when I asked politely, so why should I move?" I sigh crossing my arms as I turn to look at the little shithead.
"Can you get up and move... please?" The boy asks, his face turning sour at the word - please.
He turns to glare at me while also crossing his arms in front of him, obviously annoyed with me. That's what he gets for having his music up so loud and kicking me the whole flight.
"Bitch!" He mumbles under his breath huffing.
I stare at him quite shocked. Did that just come out of a twelve year olds mouth? Didn't his parents teach him to be polite and not swear? I take it as a no as he stands up barging pass my legs, probably bruising them in the process.
"Quelle petite chatte!" (What a little cunt!) I whisper under my own breath as I go to stand up since there's not many people around now.
"Watch out!" Someone yells out suddenly and I duck back into my seat quickly as a dark blue bag falls from above me and onto the floor where I had just been standing.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" A young woman comes up to me dressed in light blue. "My bag must have been right on the edge when they opened it," she explains before apologising again.
"Just get your bag and move along." I tell her in an oddly calm voice, although my hands are clenched by my sides. I just want to get into a nice warm bed and sleep for days.
The woman looks at me funny but does what I say, grabbing her bag off the floor she turns and hurries out the plane.
"Somebody is a little grumpy!" someone comments behind me in an amused tone.
"Oh chier!" (Oh piss off!) I tell them as I get up off my seat again and go for the compartment above.
You've probably noticed I tend to swear a lot in French when I'm pissed off. Both my brother and I learnt English as our second language since our father had been American and thought it'd be good for us to learn, and easier for him as he couldn't come to terms with French although he always did try.
I try to reach up for my bag on my tiptoes. It's teasing me as it sits there right on the edge, probably laughing down at me and my 5'2 nothing.
(I know my actually cast member 'astrid' is 5'7 or something [hey that's me] but I'm just changing it up a little okay).
Well fuck you bag, I hate you!
It's then that I hear somebody start chuckling behind me and I turn around, hands on hips ready to attack the person when I notice who it's coming from.
"Do you need me to get it down for you?"
The guy looks to be around the same age as me, eighteen or maybe a little older, it's hard to tell sometimes. I notice he's wearing a designer brand grey singlet with dark shorts, and an expensive looking watch resting on his left wrist.
"Do you need me to tell you to piss off again?"
His dark eyes light up as he raises his eyebrows in confusion before smiling down at me.
"Ah! So that's what you were telling me, I guessed it was something along the lines," he tells me.
The guy doesn't know French? Somehow that surprised me a little as I was under the oppression that they taught it here in most schools.
"Whatever!" I mumble as I turn back around to face my bag. I could do it, maybe if I just reach a little bit further on my tiptoes.
I stand on the tip of my toes, reaching as high as I possibly can with my hands to grab the stupid bag when suddenly it disappears from my view entirely.
"Hey, I had that you know!" I glare at the guy beside me as he lifts down my bag in his hand effortlessly.
He raises an eyebrow at me, his dark hair curling slightly at the front as he holds my duffle bag under his right arm.
"Looked to me like you were struggling," he shrugs. "Oh well never mind, if you don't want it I guess I just got myself a free bag of stuff."
I glare at him.
"A free bag of girls stuff?"
He shrugs again before turning around and walking away from me, with my bag still under his shoulder.
"I can work with that," he calls over his shoulder. It doesn't look like he is going to stop and I begin to panic.
"Wait, hold up!" I yell after him, jogging to catch up with the a-hole with my bag.
"Miss, there is to be no running inside the plane!" One of the flight attendants calls out to me.
"But he took my bag!" I tell him as he stops me at the planes door.
"That's what boyfriends are meant to do," he rolls his eyes at me. I blink.
"He's not my boyfriend! I don't even know him." I sigh in annoyance. I spot the guy with my bag stop at the end of the walkway, turning back to grin cheekily at me.
"Come on sweetie, what are you waiting for? I've got your bag here with me," he yells out and to make it seem more believable adds. "You've been telling me for ages how much you really want to see New York and now we're here, where do you want to go first?"
Did I mention already that I really hate this guy?
"He's not my boyfriend!" I groan out loud as the male attendant looks back to me. "I swear!"
Man all I wanted to do was sleep and maybe punch this idiot with my bag as he is making me look like an even bigger idiot right now.
"Come on baby, we must be going," the guy with my bag calls out to me.
Now it's my turn to roll my eyes as I go to meet up with him at the end of the walkway, just before the doors that go out into the airport.
"Give me my bag you connard!" (Asshole).
"Now I'm guessing you just called me a bad word?" he says cocking his head to the side slightly.
"No I called you amazing," I retort sarcastically. "Amazingly assholic," I mumble under my breath which makes him chuckle.
"Can I have my bag back now?" I ask him getting sick of being in the damn airport.
"Don't you want to know my name?" he asks as he passes the bag over. I take it, throwing the strap over my shoulder.
"There's no need, I won't be seeing you again!" I tell him before strolling out the doors in front of us.
New York is a big place, right? I won't be seeing him again, or so I hope.
"Didn't your flight land half an hour ago?" Collette asks me as soon as she picks up. "I've been trying to call you four times already."
"Don't even ask!" I sigh as I walk out into the freezing cold air. "This fucking idiot took my bag and-"
"Who is he? Did you get a name?" Co-Co interrupts in a serious yet also somewhat teasing voice.
"Of course I didn't, he was an ass who stole me bag!"
"I see you didn't keep to your SNMR," she says and I can imagine her rolling her eyes.
SNMR stands for our October New Month Resolution and yes we make a new one each month although I never really keep to mine, especially this months.
"C'mon we both know I failed on day one," I say causing us to both laugh.
What can I say, swearing is a habit of mine and always will be.
"So true. Anyways I was talking to my sister and she said that you can stay in apartment six at Dazzling. It's a modern apartment complex centred in town that you'll love, only a fifteen minute walk from me. Apparently it's still empty from when we left, haven't found anyone to move in..."
I hail a taxi as she continues talking into my ear.
"Thank you so much Co-Co, you're seriously the best!" I tell her before letting out a long yawn. "Well I desperately need some sleep boo, I got pissed off at this twelve year old who did technical call me a bitch..."
"I know I am and don't you forget it. Wait he called you a bitch? Well fuck him the little fucker-" I laugh at that as I climb inside one of the taxis that had pulled over to the curb.
"Where you heading to tonight?" asked the driver, turning around to face me.
I repeat the address that Collette gives me before telling her goodnight and that I'll see her in the morning sometime.
"You're French right?" the elderly man asks in a strong British accent as I hang up. I nod my head.
"Oui." (Yes).
"First time here in New York City?"
Again I nod my head.
"My wife is from Paris, moved to New York when she was just sixteen... told me it was her new favourite place, although she did miss the caring natures back home-"
And on the old man goes telling me about his wife's story.
It's twenty minutes later when he finally stops talking and pulls over.
"Here you go miss, you have a good night now," he says with a dear smile.
"Your wife sounds like an amazing person. Thank you for the ride," I tell him after giving him the correct change.
Stepping back out into the cold winds, I don't take much notice of the building as I quickly go inside carrying my bag over my shoulder.
"Welcome to Dazzling's, how can I help you?" asks the receptionist, flickering her dark hair over her shoulder.
"Uh hi. My friend Collette and her sister, Baylee-"
Recognition flash across the young ladies blue eyes as she turns around to grab a set of keys off a hook behind her.
"Yes yes she called earlier today, apartment six is all yours," she tells me with a smile.
I raise my eyebrow but figured it'd be okay so I take the keys and make my way to the elevator.
My eyes are starting to grow weak as the doors beep letting me know I've reached my floor. It's half past two in the morning when I finally make it to the right apartment number.
I take the keys from my pocket and unlock the door walking in. I close it with a soft click behind me, making sure it's locked before sighing in relief.
I've made it, finally.
There's three tall windows in front of me, overlooking the busy city and letting all the light in. I drop my bag by the l-shaped lounge in the open living area and make my way towards the little hallway to the right.
I honestly don't take much notice around the place as I try the first door on the left, it ends up being the bathroom. The second ends up being what I think is a spare room, although from what I can see without the light on, it looks like a mess in there.
Closing the door back up, I go to the last door further down and turn the knob. Again it's pitch black in here and my eyes take a while to semi adjust to it. I roughly make out a bed shape in the far corner and walk towards it with a tired smile.
Without looking anywhere else around me, I let myself fall back onto what I can only assume will be a comfortable bed when I feel something underneath me start to move.
My eyes widen as the moving gets more dangerous, and I throw my arms up around me as whatever it is bucks me right off the bed and onto the cold hard floor with a loud thump.
I scream as panic starts to set in.
Is there a wild animal in my bed? Are pets even allowed in here? I honestly don't know.
"What the fuck are you doing in my room?!"
Well there goes the wild animal theory.
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