"W-what? Siblings?!" I said in horror. I'm not upset with Yuqi now, I'm just confused how a girl who looks like a literal baby, can be siblings with a tall, muscular, extremely handsome- oh my god. Soojin are you okay?! Ew ew eww! But not gonna lie, I admit Jungkook has looks. You get what I am saying. They are like complete opposites! How in the world are they siblings?!
"I know, I suffer too," Yuqi giggled a bit, but then was pushed lightly by her brother. "So you guys are twins?" I asked. "Not necessarily.. don't mean to brag, but I was in more advanced classes, so I was able to come into university early," she replied. My eyes sparkled. "Me too!" We both squealed and jumped in our seats. I'm so glad I am not the only young one here.
"Ahem," Jungkook cleared his throat, the bell ringing right after. "Alrighty class, you all now need to go back to your dorms and turn on your TVs, there will be a few announcements about university and other things like that, okay? Bye everyone!" Mrs. Choi waved everyone a goodbye, and I headed out of the class with Yuqi, leaving Jungkook to pick up his pace.
"Hey! Why didn't you wait for me?" Jungkook clamored. I rolled my eyes, and Yuqi spoke. "She doesn't have to wait for idiots like you who could care less about university. Your just doing this fo-" he covered the little one's mouth, making her brows furrow. From what I was assuming, she licked his hand, causing Jungkook to remove it and yelp from disgust.
"Ew! The hell was that for?" He wiped his hand where it got licked. Yuqi giggled, and proceeded to grab my hand quickly, scurrying out of the room up to our floor.
Once we got there, we started to crack up again, because of how we just left Jungkook hanging there. He seemed so confused, poor thing. Not that I care though.
I waved Yuqi a goodbye, and went into my dorm where I sat on the couch, reading a book so I can wait for my buddy to watch the announcements.
I heard the door click open, revealing a pissed Jungkook. I pretended not to notice though, so I just kept reading, trying to contain my laughter.
"What the hell was that? Is that how you treat your roommate?" Jungkook huffed. I rolled my eyes and spoke in a sarcastic tone. "Your one to talk, you were kissing someone when I came in!" I crossed my arms.
He made large steps towards me, and leaned down to where I was sitting. His eyes looked like as if they were shooting fire. He's this pissed for just that? My goodness...
"You deserve a punishment for that.." he winked. I almost puked. Ewwww. "Just for that? Your so dramatic," I rolled my eyes and went back to my book. This kid didn't care though. He slapped the book out of my hands and grabbed my wrist, taking me to the kitchen.
"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" I raised my voice. "I'm giving you your punishment babygirl," uh huh. What kind of punishment?
"Ahh, Jungkook it hurts!"
"I don't care, but your doing good,"
"I'm soaking wet!"
"Babygirl, you gotta suck it up harder,"
"ACK! Jungkook my shirt is literally dripping!" I yelled at Jungkook, who was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. He was making me clean up his mess from the morning. One hand vacuuming the cereal on the floor, the other using the sink to clean up the milk he poured in it. He's such a slob. My back was hurting so bad from hunching over for so long.
"Ok, I'm done! Now I'm gonna change, and by the time I come back, the TV should be turned on. You understand?" I demanded. Jungkook chuckled and spoke. "Yes ma'am," he smirked. That nasty smirk. I huffed and stomped to my room, closing the door and changing into some more comfortable clothes.
I came outside, and to my surprise, Jungkook was sitting in front of the TV, with the announcements on. Wow, I really didn't expect him to actually listen.
"Come sit," he patted the spot next to him. I gave him a questionable look, and plopped myself on the couch. We watched the announcements, which were boring as hell, and after we cleaned up the room. Well, I forced him to.
"Ugh, finally! Looks great," Jungkook smiled at the spotless room. "Yep, that's what it's gonna be like everyday if you don't keep making a mess," I crossed my arms. He pouted and sat back on the couch, turning on the TV.
"Hey babygirl, can you pass me a beer? You even forgot to do it yesterday," he flapped his hand. I was really pissed. First of all, he keeps calling me that nasty name, and second, he thinks I'm his servant? Heck no.
"Uhm, I have a name you know?" He glanced over at me. "Yeah, I don't know your name, so your my babygirl," he gave a wink, going back to watching his TV. "And second, I'm not your servant! Go get your own stupid beer," I stomped out of the living room of our dorm to my room, but he said something that made me stop in my tracks.
"If you don't bring my beer, your getting another punishment babygirl, a real punishment," I didn't know what he meant, but for some reason, the way he said the last part sent shivers all over. No thank you, mister. I groaned and rolled my eyes, stomping to the kitchen to get one of his stupid beer bottles.
"Here," I shoved it near his face. "Open it," he demanded. I was so sick of this guy. Normally, I'm still a bit awkward around people, but Jungkook just gets on my nerves so much, I just go rage mode right in front of him. "What? No! You have hands! Use them!" he started to smirk. Gosh, what is up with this guy?!
"Yeah, but my hands are used for other things.." he wiggled his fingers in front of my face, and I was not amused. I was already tired, so I just opened the bottle, but to my dismay, it spilled all over me. It smelled horrible and it was so sticky. I hated it, this is why I don't drink. I can't even tolerate the stench of it.
I looked- or sorry, glared at Jungkook with my mouth open in disbelief, but Jungkook had a different reaction. Yeah, his mouth was open, but it seemed as if he was almost like, drooling. It was something I couldn't decipher.
"Earth to Jungkook?" I waved my sticky hands in his face. He flinched a little and gulped from just staring at me. "Jungkook, what happened?" I asked him, a bit concerned now. He looked down and sighed, rubbing his temples.
"Jungkook.... what happened?" I asked him again, crossing my arms. He shot eyes with fire and glared at me, standing up in a weird position.
"You little bitch, you gave me a boner!"
Hey peoples, new chapter! Make sure to vote and comment, and give yourself a warm hug. You deserve it. Bye~
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