"You look beautiful, Erza-San."
The scarlet-haired girl turned on her heels, a frown evident on her face, as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror.
Clad in a pearl-white dress, with a heart-shaped neckline, and slight ruffles below the bodice, she thought it was a bit over-the-top.
Especially when Lucy turned up with her hair-stylist, Cancer.
Snorted lightly, she delicately touched her hair, which had been braided and pinned up; elegant... yet still - over-the-top.
Lucy grinned, "That womanizer won't be able to resist you, now."
Erza arched her eyebrows and huffed lightly. An eyelash was threatening to go into her eye, and she wasn't ready to go through the make-up routine another time.
Not since it had taken two hours.
Two goddamn hours she could've spent on something more useful.
"Not like he can resist you, anyway," The blonde-haired girl continued, coyishly.
"Shut up, Lucy." Erza snapped but then smiled apologetically at her friend.
Lucy understood; she and Natsu had been in the same situation a summer ago. Erza was simply nervous.
"I did say that it should've been simple," Erza commented, turning from the mirror to face Lucy.
Lucy grinned once again, a twinkle in her eye, however, it wasn't her that replied.
A raven-haired male entered the posh tent, the two girls were in, laughing softly, "Since when did us Fairies do anything 'simple', Erza?"
"Gray!" Erza yelped happily, running to embrace her friend, "You made it!"
"Wouldn't miss it for anything, Erza," Gray beamed, "Though, I can't quite understand how you managed to put that idiotic lizard in a suit."
Erza burst out in laughter, while Lucy smirked, "I have my ways."
Gray smirked back, "I know that. You have a child, for crying out loud, Lucy."
Erza and Gray exchanged mischievous looks, while Lucy's face turned a dark hue of crimson.
"And you've been married a year." Erza teased, Lucy smacked her lightly on the shoulder, and the trio laughed merrily.
"Y'know," Erza said, "It's hard to believe that... that we've graduated. That we're finally grown up..."
"That Jellal finally grew the balls to propose?" Lucy shot back, and Gray and her high-fived; it was Erza's turn to blush.
"Yeah..." Erza muttered, Lucy laughed breathily.
"Was he romantic, at least?" Lucy asked while Gray snorted in the background. Erza slapped her on the shoulder as she turned to hide her face, careful not to smudge the make-up.
"That's for another day, Lucy," Erza steered from the topic, making Lucy snicker.
"Yeah yeah, I bet he did something over the top, didn't he?" Lucy nudged, Erza nudging her back.
"Well, Jellal is the Womanizer after all," Gray shrugged, playing with the accessories that had been laid out on the dresser.
"But of course, he's the hopelessly romantic when it comes to you," Lucy said sweetly, earning a gag from Gray.
The laughter in the room was stopped abruptly as a familiar white-haired girl opened the door.
"Mirajane!" Erza exclaimed, waddling over in her long white dress. "What brings you here?"
Mirajane chirped and stared in awe at Erza. "Jellal is looking for his best man, who mysteriously disappeared," Mirajane sneered, eyeing Gray. "I figured he'd be here,"
Gray sheepishly trotted towards Mirajane, who gripped tight on his arm. "I suggest you don't try running away again, Jellal's got a serious case of cold feet," Mirajane muttered, making Gray wince.
"But all he does is talk about Erz-"
"You'll have to bear it," Mirajane harshly interrupted, dragging him out of the door. Erza glanced at Lucy, who didn't say anything but shrug.
Erza looked shakily out of the door, where she could hear the chatter from her friends and family, crowding around in their seats.
"Worried?" Lucy questioned, coaxing her to sit back down.
"Slightly," Erza chuckled, fiddling with her fingers, Lucy smiled softly.
"It's okay to be scared," Lucy reassured, but it would take a bit more to convince Erza.
"I was scared, too, back then," Lucy reminisced. "But there's no doubt Jellal is also just as scared as you are," Lucy pointed out.
"You saw Natsu at our wedding, he ate all of the food and was literally shaking," Erza couldn't deny what she was saying. She had seen Natsu herself at their wedding, and any person would see that Natsu was not himself that day.
"Now sit back down, Erza," Lucy jabbed her friend's cheek sharply with a makeup brush, "It's time for the finishing touches."
Erza irritably hissed, "If you put any more makeup on me, Lucy, there's a chance that Jellal might not even recognize me!"
"I guess..." Lucy cast a longing look at the silver-glitter eyeshadow, placed on the dressing table. "Well, I guess you're done."
Erza nodded and huffed, turning away from her friend. An odd sort of sniff came out of her mouth, something that rarely happened.
"Erza?" Lucy asked, hesitantly, and was taken aback when the Scarlet-haired woman ferociously hugged Lucy.
"I'm sorry," Erza pulled away, wiping away her threatening-to-drop tears, more scared of Lucy freaking out over ruining her mascara, than wanting to remain strong.
"You should go now," Lucy grinned, placing the veil over Erza's head, and smiling proudly, "Everyone must be tired of waiting by now, and if we don't hurry, Makarov and Cana will probably start eyeing the booze."
Erza scoffed, "Fine, let's go."
"Gray! There you are!" Jellal yelped, nearly choking on his bow-tie. Gray stumbled into the room, gagging; Mira had practically grabbed him, and thrown him into Jellal's room, much to his protest.
"Jellal..." Gray frowned, Jellal seemed even more on edge than a couple of hours before.
"Do I look okay?!" Jellal glanced wildly at his reflection in the mirror, identical to the mirror in Erza's allocated room, and attempted to smooth down his untameably spiky cerulean locks.
"Yeah," Gray rolled his eyes, "For an idiot, who's hopelessly in love with Scarlet, and probably has weird thoughts about her night and day..."
Jellal shot a sharp look at Gray, and Gray laughed out a soft chuckle. Deciding to risk his neck a little further, he teased, "I still can't look at you the same way anymore, Jelly."
"W-what?" Jellal stuttered, "W-what are you talking about?"
Gray's eyes widened, as he registered Jellal's nervous, yet clueless, emerald gaze. It wasn't the right time to tell Fernandes, and if Erza hadn't told him till now...
"That proposal," Gray covered up, "Perfect."
Jellal smiled, "Y-Yeah, ok..."
It was possibly the cheesiest proposal of the century, excluding Natsu and Lucy's, probably. But Natsu and Lucy's was mainly Natsu almost burning the town down while expressing his love.
Casual stuff.
Jellal and Erza had been having a date at the beach; cliché, yet perfect. As you could guess, they loads of fun, yet Erza didn't register Jellal's hint of nervousness.
They had been romping around on the beach after Jellal accidentally destroyed Erza's sandcastle; their hands finding each other, and soon enough, their lips.
But of course, a curious clam shell happened to stab Erza's back, while Jellal was on top of her, tickling the heck out of her, and broke their little moment.
Yet again, Erza didn't register Jellal's shivering hands, and she irritably pulled the clamshell from under her back. She was in the act of throwing it away when she noticed the silvery glow from inside.
Curiosity getting the better of her, she pried the shell apart, only to find a silver-banded ring - with a red and blue-hued moonstone, on top.
She cast a glance at Jellal, as he suddenly got onto a knee, and uttered the magical words that Erza had been dying to hear for the past couple of years.
"Will you marry me, my Scarlet?"
"Oh yes, Jellal!"
Jellal leaned in for a passionate kiss when a strong grip pushed him away firmly. "The flip, dude? I mean, you're awesome but, you're about to get married, man."
Jellal scrambled away, "O-Oh, Gray."
He smirked, "If Erza's too scared, I could probably stand in for her at your wedding. You totally believed that 'Oh yes, Jellal'. But then again, Erza would never say that, unless..."
He gave a pointed look at the blushing man and grinned at his frozen expression. "Enough of this, you have your wedding. Any more time wasted, and someone will have finished all the food. Besides, Juvia's- erm- Juvia's waiting for me, so."
Jellal could tell that Gray had finally given in to his feelings for the blue-haired women, and suppressed a toothy simper.
"Let's go, man."
The orchestra played merrily, as Erza emerged, clip-clopping along, a bouquet held in her hand. Jellal's head immediately turned from where he was standing and turned to face his bride's.
Erza's eyes were firmly placed on the floor, as she stepped walked along the aisle; every eye was on her, as she was in fact, beautiful.
But only one pair of those countless eyes mattered - the pair that belonged to one she loved most dearly. Jellal Fernandes.
The priest was standing politely next to Jellal, who was fiddling nervously with the hem of his suit jacket, a blush evident on his cheeks
As Erza came and stood next to Jellal, the priest began his chanting. However, the pair weren't listening. In fact, the priest had to irritatedly nudge Jellal, before they would notice anything.
"Do you, Jellal Fernandes, take Erza Scarlet to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I- I do."
Erza smiled, and Jellal didn't miss it. There was a glow in her eyes that wasn't there before.
"Do you, Erza Scarlet, take Jellal Fernandes to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." Erza confidently boomed, her voice echoing around the room. Juvia burst into tears of happiness.
"Then, with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now-"
The crowd whispered, confused by Jellal's surprising outburst. He couldn't possibly be backing out now - not when Erza and he were already wedded and were about to kiss for the first time; the first time as husband and wife.
"What are you looking at, like that, Scarlet?" He playfully whispered, before clasping her hands, squeezing them, "I have something to say."
Erza rolled her eyes, but squeezed his hand back, anyway. She angled her head up to meet the eyes of her Husband.
"I- I think I've said this before," there was a dash of timidity in the bluenette's voice, as his eyes scanned the crowd. It was dead silent, "But I'll say it again-" he turned to face his wife again, gulping.
❝It was the color of your hair.❞
He spoke, heart in his throat, "The color of your hair that led me to never forget you, the first days after I met you. During that time, I never knew- I never realized that I had met the women that was to be my love and my soul-mate."
Erza's eyes were shining with emotion, as she leaned closer to Jellal, "I love you, Jellal Fernandes." she said, voice crackling.
"I love you too, Erza Scarlet- Erza Fernandes,"
Tossing her bouquet away without a second thought, she lunged towards Jellal and kissed him full on the mouth. Jellal merely smiled against the kiss, pulling Erza closer.
"JERZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!" A scream erupted, as Mira and Juvia grabbed each other's hands in joy.
The deed was done.
Jellal and Erza were finally one.
"Gray-sama~! When are you going to propose to Juvia?!" Juvia yelled, as soon as the gang of friends emerged from the church.
Erza and Jellal were holding hands.
Wendy had fainted as she had been the one to catch Erza's bouquet, and Mira and Lucy had gone with her, to make sure she was okay.
"Uh," Gray stuttered, making Erza, Jellal and Natsu laugh.
"You know you love her, Gray," Erza said, her voice light and full of amusement, "You can't hold off forever."
Gray gave Erza a smile, that made her grin in response.
"Your car's here, you two," Natsu said; and for once, he wasn't fighting with Gray. In fact, he seemed to be tearing up slightly. "Have a good honeymoon."
"Oh, we will," Erza smirked deviously, making Jellal tense up with nervous energy. Gray and Natsu snorted.
As Natsu and Gray loaded up their luggage into the trunk, Jellal looked at his wife. It seemed strange, using that term. Somewhat new, yet not enough to summarize their relationship, as Erza was a lot more than a wife to him.
"What?" Erza laughed, "You've been staring at me for the past five minutes, Fernandes."
Jellal chuckled, "Well, Mrs. Fernandes, you look beautiful today, so I really can't not."
Erza tilted her head back, and smiled, "Mrs. Fernandes, eh?"
"Oi, lovebirds! If you haven't noticed, the driver's getting frustrated waiting for you!" Natsu piped up.
Gray opened his mouth, probably about to retort to Natsu's rudeness, but a glare from Erza shut the duo up straight away.
As Jellal opened the door for his wife, he noticed that Erza's wedding dress was sticking to her very tightly. It was always on the well-fitted side, but it seemed slightly uncomfortably tight, now.
"Scarlet," he joked, "You really need to lay off the cakes!"
Erza rolled her eyes, snorting annoyedly. Then, she turned to Natsu and Gray, who both had their eyebrows raised.
"Once an idiot, always an idiot - eh?"
Natsu split into one of his famous grins, "Yep."
"Huh?" Jellal tilted his head, "I- I'm missing out on something, aren't I?"
"No schist, Sherlock," Gray commented, leaning against the car hood, "C'mon, put the pieces together, you Baka."
"I told you I wouldn't be able to see you the same way again, didn't I?"
"But- what?"
"It's all your fault, anyway, Fernandes," Natsu sniffed, "You caused this."
"I- Guys, stop. Just tell me, okay?"
Erza deadpanned, before facing her husband, "Don't faint, but..."
"I'm pregnant."
The great Jellal Fernandes, maker of crimson pancakes fainted, falling onto the pavement, and neither Gray nor Natsu made any attempt to catch him. Just in time, Lucy and Mira ran, apparently wanting to hug the newly-weds goodbye, only to see Jellal fall.
"You finally told him, then?" Mira teased, and Erza's cheeks reddened. "Oh, shush. It was pretty obvious this was going to happen, especially with all the-"
"Shut up!"
They all laughed, as Jellal muttered something along the lines of 'I'ma-Dad'.
"Well some things just don't change, do they?" Lucy whispered, holding Erza's hand.
Erza gazed fondly at Jellal, and went on her knees, placing his head on her lap.
❝I'll always be his Scarlet.
❁❀✿Don't Be a Silent Reader!✿❀❁
→❤⚘This Chapter was written by Phoenix and K-tha⚘❤←
Word Count: 2364
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