Chapter XXXIII
"Erza Scarlet." I gulped, stepping up as my name was called. I felt a light push on my back, as Lucy nudged me encouragingly.
Levy and Juvia nodded at me, as I passed them. It was a tradition at Fairy High, that every end of the year, they would meet with the teacher, to discuss their grades.
I heard Meredy and Ultear talking about me, as they passed. In the last couple of months, they'd admitted that they had been working with Siegrain, but reformed. And they really had.
"-don't know why Erza~san's worrying, after all, no matter what she gets, she'll still have that womanizer by her side."
I blushed and turned went inside. Master Makarov was seated inside his newly-made office- don't ask why it had to be remade.
I sat down, and gingerly put my arm on the mahogany table, where Gramps was writing something on my report card.
After a while, he raised his chin, and stared at me, "Erza Scarlet... I must say, this year's been particularly interesting for you and me, alike."
I absentmindedly twirled a strand of my hair around my finger, "Yes, sir."
"Please, call me Gramps," he said with a smile, "You're like my child, Erza. Everyone in Fairy High is." he shook his head, "Enough of that."
Gramps suddenly grinned, "You've achieved excellence in all your subjects, Erza. Of course, that's no surprise- no surprise at all."
I beamed, "Thank you, Master Makarov." I accepted the report card he offered me and left the room.
Today was the second-last day of the year, in Fairy High. And, the last night I had in Dorm Seven.
"WERZAAAAAAA~!" A voice squealed, "YOU'RE BAAAAAACK!"
As soon as I stepped past the door, it was closed, and I was pinned against it, a rather large figure obscuring my vision.
"Jellallllll~," I groaned, "Shove off, you great lump."
The cerulean-haired man distanced himself just slightly, enough that I could actually look at his face, "But we haven't talked the whole day today."
I rolled my eyes, and cupped his cheek, "You do realize we have to clear this place by tomorrow?!"
"Aaaaaaand?" Jellal leaned into my hand, "We can do some last minute packing, Scarlet."
I glared at him, and ducked under, heading straight towards the sofas, where, of course, all my friends were.
Namely: Mirajane Strauss.
"I thought you two might need some chaperoning," she stated, her arm around Laxus making me snort.
Levy and Lucy were splayed out on the floor, playing scrabble. Natsu and Gray were bickering as usual. And Jellal was being an annoyingly loveable prat.
"I'm going to miss you guys," Lucy started, sitting up, as she won her game against Levy. "Two months without seeing your faces, except N- I mean..."
I raised my eyebrows at her reddening cheeks, "Hmmmm, going somewhere with Nasty here? Not doing the nasty, are you?"
She spluttered, and blushed like mad, "N-no! I-It's just a friendly trip! Of course!"
Mira chortled and high-fived me, moving up to give me some room to sit on the couch. As soon as I did, however, Jellal shoved his butt next to mine and squeezed in. Laxus, muttering obnoxiously, got up from the cramped couch and sat on the floor.
"Clingy much, Fernandes?" he muttered under his breath, Levy, and Lucy merely - as they like to call it - fangirled.
"I think we should go," Mira suggested, cheekily, "Erza doesn't want us here, she's just too polite to say so."
The others exchanged sneaky looks and filed out. Jellal, on the other hand, growled and picked me up - completely startling me.
"J-Jellal?" I asked, my voice cracking, causing him to grin from ear-to-ear, "Wh-what?"
"You'll see," he was steadily walking towards my bedroom, and soon there was a hot beating in my ears, burning my entire face.
"You do realize, Erza." he smirked, "I might not see you again till September, and that's two months away."
I managed a small smile, as he entered the room, and sat down on the bed, "And I can't quite imagine how I'll be able to stay away, for so long..."
I pushed him away, nervously, and clambered onto the bed, pulling a blanket over me, and tucking myself in.
A moment of silence.
Jellal roared with laughter, and rolled on top of me, "Erza- Erza! The look on your face! Gold!"
I realized that Jellal wasn't going to-
"Little git," I hissed, but he just smiled, and somehow managed to squeeze into my blanket, and wrap his arms around me.
"Though, Levy did mention your- um, certain... infatuation with, uh, dirty novels."
I was going to shoot up, storm down to Levy, and murder her, but I had to make do only with a vision, as Jellal's grip tightened around me.
"Also, one more thing,"
I moved closer to Jellal, taking in his scent. Don't pretend like you wouldn't have done it if you were in my place.
Jellal tilted my head up and kissed me. After a while, we pulled away.
❝I remember, now...❞
❝It was the color of your hair.❞
"The color of your hair, that lead me to name you," he whispered lovingly, into my ear. "I love you, Erza Scarlet."
"I love you too, Jellal Fernandes." His name rolled off my tongue, with an exotic flair. I hadn't heard a lovely name before, as he was the one I loved.
"I love you..."
❁❀✿Don't Be a Silent Reader!✿❀❁
→❤⚘This Chapter was written by Phoenix⚘❤←
Word Count: 1034
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