Chapter XXXI
"I'm- what?!" I screeched, glaring at Jellal. He, on the other hand, had a smirk on his face, although there was a faint flush on his cheeks.
"I mean, it's not that bad!" he put his hands up in surrender, "Wait, get off me for a second."
Groaning, I climbed off his lap, danging my legs over the ledge. I didn't know what Jellal wanted to do, and I don't think I wanted to know.
"So, basically," he started, "I could give you a boost up to that ledge, and you could help me up."
I scoffed, "And flash you my panties? No thanks."
Jellal grinned in response, "As if you haven't been doing that this whole day, wearing that oh-so-lovely skirt."
Snorting, I said, "Then again, it isn't safe. We haven't just climbed this entire freakin' rock wall just for you to fall down like the idiotic blueberry you are."
"What did you call me?!" Jellal hissed playfully at me, "An idiotic blueberry?"
"Yep!" I stuck out my tongue at him, "That's exactly what you are, Fernandes. A baka of a fruit."
"Hm," he squinted, "I think you've got that wrong. It should be: 'Jellal Fernandes, the incredibly hot blueberry with abs'."
I mock threw-up, earning a dirty look from him; I couldn't help but smile at his expression, it was adorab- Nope. I didn't just think that.
"I mean, look at these," Jellal lifted his shirt, sending me a wink. I'd seen him shirtless plenty of times, although, I hadn't really paid a lot of attention. Kind of.
I spun around my back to the ledge and got up. Walking around him with a skeptical eye, I huffed, "Natsu's got better abs than you."
"What?!" this time, he seemed genuinely annoyed, "No way! That slanty-eyed little lizard's so midgety. Like, you need to be tall like me!"
It was my turn to grin, "You're okay." I'm one to talk. "You're just a little taller than me, big deal."
"A few inches is a lot, Sugar." I rolled my eyes at my old-nickname; but it had a lot of bitter-sweet memories behind it, making me unconsciously smile.
"Huh." I clicked my tongue, this time facing the wall, walking towards it, "Tall people also have their disadvantages, like, you hit your head on things."
"Such as?" Jellal raised an eyebrow at me, as I turned my head to look at him.
"Such as hitting your head on stray-guitars." I nodded, "Casual, everyday stuff."
Jellal just crossed his arms, giving me a look, "How many 'stray-guitars' are there in the world, Erza?"
"Uhm- I mean..." I was frozen by Jellal's enchanting tea-green eyes, sparkling in the sunlight, dancing with small specks of amber, "It was one time in Music class..."
Jellal snorted with laughter, almost falling over the ledge. "Oh- Oh my Mavis! I wish-" he could barely breathe, "I wish I was there to see that!"
"Hah-hah-hah," I muttered under my breath, as Jellal continued to collapse with his uncontrolled laugher-itis. "Tall people problems."
"Well," Jellal's husky tone took me by surprise, as a soft huff of air made my fringe flutter, "Tall people can also do this."
I looked up at Jellal, noticing just how close he was. Gulping, my palms suddenly sweating, I backed up, only to be met with the hard-rock wall. The cold seeped across my back, as I gazed back at Jellal, a predatory look in his eyes.
After everything we'd been through, this was all he needed to do to get me sweating.
"They can do this." he placed a hand next to my right cheek, leaning into it, the other, my left cheek. My breathing was incredibly rapid, "How does it feel to be trapped, Erza Scarlet?"
"I-" I facepalmed at my lack of sentence-making-abilities.
Jellal smirked at my response, "And only I can do this."
He gently cupped my left cheek and kissed my lips. We had only kissed a couple of times before this, and I still couldn't get over the fact that it was happening.
Getting over his hiccough of hesitation, he kissed me more firmly, moaning slightly, the vibration of the noise sending a shiver up my spine.
Jellal pulled away a bit, looking up, "Erza..." he repeated.
❁❀✿Don't Be a Silent Reader!✿❀❁
→❤⚘This Chapter was written by Phoenix⚘❤←
Word Count: 902
*HiDeS iN SHaMe*
{Chapter dedicated to Galaxy (:. NaH, juST KiDdinG, hehe. I just thought you'd enjoy this after what happened in Music :P}
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