Chapter XIII
Thirty. More. Damn. Minutes. I was dazing out, paying no attention to Jellal, Lucy, and this kid with brown hair - Hibiki or somethin'?
I tilted my head up in boredom, as Mr. Ichiya launched into another lecture on why memorizing to do four-point-grinds is extremely important. Honestly, this is illegal.
"-And, now, I'd like you to work in your table groups to write down every North American state," The man stated, waving his arms around, obviously thinking he looks amazing.
"Mavis, he sickens me," I tensed, Jellal's voice sounded a lot like Mystogan's right now. Could it be...?
"Now, Sugar," He wiggled his eyebrows, "Yah' wanna kisssss~?"
Nope, Jelly.
"Awwwww," I coughed nervously, I had forgotten that Fairy Tail Academy's second-biggest shipper was right in front of me.
Wait, no, that's probably me; Hehe.
"So, Jellal? You want to kiss Erza, don't you?" She began, a smug expression washing her face, "Well, go for it!"
Suddenly, she began chanting, "Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" Soon enough, Hibiki joined in, and most of the rest of the class.
"Unbelievable!" Ultear's exasperated cry broke through the chanting, for a split second, getting buried under soon enough.
"That's enough!" Mr. Ichiya's annoyed voice made everyone hush, "Miss. Scarlet, Mr. Fernandes? You two need to kiss now; consider it punishment for meddling with my lesson!"
I shook my fringe in shock, even Jellal seemed to be sitting abnormally still. "Ahhh~ Well, let's just do this, shall we?"
I gasped, as he pressed his cold lips against mine, melding and dancing with my own. This time, however, I kissed him back; Making him open his eyes - dilated, and a shade of gorgeous dark-olive green.
"Oooooo~! Wait till Mira hears about this-" I shot a glare at Lucy, as Jellal pulled away from me, a crimson blush painting his face.
So much for 'forgetting that ever happened'.
"Now that your hormones have been answered to, Fernandes-" Ichiya broke out, "Could you name all of the US's States?"
His mouth opened in an 'O'. Y'know, people should start calling him Goldfish, he does this so often.
He gave me a knowing look, clearly stating the word: Help. "Uh - Alaska" I whispered, and that's how it went till he reached the last five.
"Next?" Mr. Ichiya said.
"West Virginia,"
"Last two?"
"And Wyoming."
He let out a held-sigh and relaxed visually. I could tell that he was grateful for my help, and I muttered thanks to Mavis, that I had had to learn all this, back when I lived in the U.S.
"I'd like everyone now, with the person next to them, to go and investigate the School. Come at Five to One, after you've gone to all the designated areas."
"Oy! Werzy? Hurry up!" Jellal grabbed a pen and headed out of the class, leaving me to tuck his chair in, and trudge grudgingly after him.
"Here's the Pitch!" He called out, as I halted beside him; Behind us, Hibiki was flirting with Lucy while she was explaining that she already had a boyfriend.
"Hmm, someone's being... nosy," He chuckled, marking down the location.
"Oh, yeah! It's not like you haven't stalked someone," I blushed as soon as the words left my mouth, however, I knew that I couldn't give up. Not now.
"Yeah?" I turned my back on him, as he shot me a grin, "Well, I can't resist when that person is so beautiful..."
My heart started thudding wildly. That is. Till I noticed that he was staring at a passing kitten.
I rolled my eyes, "Well unless you're going to propose to him, we'd best get going!" I stifled a choke of laughter as shock widened on his face; Yep, the cat that just passed was a Tom.
"Hey! It's a free society... 'Can't say nothin',"
I shook my head, laughing. "'Last I heard, you were straight."
"Is that a proposal?" He smirked as my eyes widened, and I repeatedly refused.
"Mavis, Scarlet! Sometimes, I wish you'd just let loose a lil'," He swung his arm around my shoulders and I tensed apprehensively.
"Let loose a little? Your Brain's loose enough, Fernandes, nothing else needs loosening up."
"That's what he said."
An exasperated expression came over me, as I squinted my eyes in defeat, "Ok, firstly, please keep it PG. And secondly, it's 'she', doofus."
"You seem to know a lot about this kind of thing," he made these stupid guns at me, and clicked his tongue, "tut-tut, naughty Erza."
Leaving him behind, I made my way around the school, not caring whether he was following or not.
Godforsaken, Jellal Fernandes.
"Whoopee!" I cried as the bell, signaling the end of the day rung, and whizzed out of class. The best thing about having Alzack-San as a teacher was that he would never use those 'sassy' teacher-lines on us. God, they weren't even fit to be called 'sassy'!
"'Having a bad day...?"
"Mira!" I was in a too-good mood to wonder why she had personally tried to find me and gave her a goofy hug.
"-Oof! Someone's in a good mood," she threw back her head with a laugh, "Well guess what! We're having a girls' movie night!"
"On a school night?" I arched my eyebrow at her, frowning, though, I felt like squealing with joy, "will there be cake?"
"Count me in."
Arm-in-arm with the She-devil, I followed her to her dorm room. She was lucky enough to not have a room-mate. That might've been because Makarov-San knew about her ways.
A chorus of 'hello's and 'hi there's broke out, as soon as she twisted the doorknob of her room, and I backed away at seeing the crowd. Everyone was here. Every girl in our year. Even Cana, boy-obsessed brunette, with a - slightly alarming - booze-issue.
"S-S-Scarlet!" the brunette's voice was slurred, indicated that she was already drunk. I sighed and sat down on Mira's couch.
Many of the girls had voted for watching 'Twilight'; also commonly known as 'Erza Scarlet's worst nightmare...'
I should've stayed with Jellal.
❁❀✿Don't Be a Silent Reader!✿❀❁
→❤⚘This Chapter was written by Phoenix⚘❤←
Word Count: 1117
A/N: Herrow, sorry this Chapter's quite short! Roo-roo's been bugging me all week, to 'Hurry up and finish it, 'coz she's gotta do Chapter 14'. I hope you enjoy-yay!
A/N (PHOENIX) EDITOR: Why the F am I listening to 'Let it Go' while editing this. I need therapy, biss.
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