Chapter XII
Water lapped peacefully at the granite pavement. I rubbed my cloaked arms, huffing in the cold night air. The Moon playfully winked up ahead, flirting with the stars.
I sighed. I needed to find out who this person was; and what they wanted. If my secret got out...
No, Erza. It won't. It can't.
I had the dreadful urge to wail, be comforted by someone, but I was alone. The heels of my boots click-clacked on the stone. I was wearing a thick, lilac coat - one of my favorites - and three inches heeled combat boots.
Mavis, it's freezing!
Sweeping my gaze around the empty streets, I sighed again. A lamp stood in the distance, it's warm gaze flickering ominously. The sky was steadily darkening, from a shade of pale blue to dark-aquamarine.
Just like a certain somebody's hair...
My head shot up as I felt the ground vibrate. Somebody was daring to creep up on me. Nevertheless, I stood my ground, glaring at the lamp.
"Erza Scarlet." A husky tone piped up. My heart raced; It sounded achingly familiar.
A chuckle broke the deafening silence, the gloom seemed to sweep through the mystery figure's speech.
"Oh, how long I've waiting to meet the great Erza. Though," mischievousness coated his words, "I never thought you'd be this shy."
My eyes narrowed into minute slits, its chocolate-brown depths hardening like metal in a forgery. I had always grown up concealing my feelings; it wasn't going to change anytime soon.
"Who are you?" I was surprised at the harshness of my voice, as I growled at the figure.
Turning around hastily, I saw it was a man. Wearing a deep-blue cloak and a washed-out emerald green mask.
"D'you really want to know, Sugar?" His voice dipped. I didn't need to see his face to know that his lips had curled up.
"J-Jellal? No! It can't be you!" I shook in the frost. It had started to snow. My nose wrinkled as a snowflake landed on it, and I sneezed with a flourish.
The man chortled once again, then, without a warning, pinned me against the wall behind me. I gasped as he thrust a knee in between my legs.
Shoot. How'll I escape now?
Struggling miserably, my strength had evaporated as the snowfall grew thicker. We'd be covered if we didn't hurry.
"Well, see who I am, if you really want to know." His voice was a little more than a whisper.
My eyes widened, and I fell prey to him as soon as he abandoned his mask. It was Jellal - but it wasn't.
The man glanced away, with a look of sadness evident on his attractive face. "I guess my dear brother hasn't mentioned me, then?"
My tongue was tied.
"I'm Mystogan, Jellal's... Jellal's twin." His voice sounded like Jellal, almost. However, it had a sadistic note to it, like a shell of the Jellal I knew.
Then, a steel-like glint reappeared, and he smirked. Mystogan didn't spark the same feelings in me; The fireflies rising in my stomach, the familiar roar of blood in my veins, the nervousness.
He leaned in, his breath making my lips twitch feebly, "Not a word about this, Scarlet. Or you know what."
With a swish of his cloak, he was gone. Only the throng of his knee digging in on my thigh signaling that this meeting had taken place.
My confidence surged back - too late.
"Hey! You can't just go like that!" I roared, "Jellal couldn't have done that!"
He didn't return.
With a heavy heart, I unlocked the door of my dorm and stepped inside. I was greeted by a grin that made sweat pool on my palms.
"Erza!" Jellal chirped, like a child, "You're baaaaaackkkkk~"
Abandoning my coat at the front door, I padded up to him where he had curled up in a corner of the living-room sofa.
"I- I missed you."
Does that mean- No. He's my friend. Of course, he missed me. That kiss was nothing.
Realization struck me, and I spotted a stream of dried tear-marks on his cheeks and felt the urge to hug him. I didn't have to make the decision as he pulled me into a warm embrace.
"W-what happened?"
Oh, Kami. I hope it's not because of Mystogan, that...
"I'm sorry." His voice sounded small, muffled as he cried into my shoulder, "I'm sorry, Erza. I- I had a nightmare."
I stroked his hair comfortably. Achingly aware of the fact that I was practically straddling him at this point.
Then he laughed, "I'm being so childish, aren't-"
I rolled my eyes, "Jellal."
"Just shut up, will you?"
I risked a glance at him and saw him shaking his head, with a happy-sad expression on his face.
He's just my friend... I'm lying to myself, aren't I?
"I- I was wondering whether y-you'd like to," His hands snuck down to my waist, my cheeks were heating up rapidly as I tried not to fidget.
"It's probably too much to ask for- but... Could you, stay with me for the night?"
Not understanding his words, I rolled my eyes, "Uh, an update on life? We share a dorm."
He dead-panned, and coughed, "No- I meant, like, in... in my room."
Oh. Oh. Oh, Mavis.
"I- I-" I swallowed, my throat drying up, although I couldn't suppress the excitement rising in my belly steadily. Oh, Mavis, Help me.
"It's Ok if you don't want to! I understand it's totally normal, I'm probably forcing things on you too soon, I'm really, really sorry-" Jellal hurriedly covered up, pushing me off him gently with terror in his eyes.
I chuckled softly, "Moron, c'mon let's go."
I saw Jellal gaping like a goldfish and led him to his room. My eyes struggled to adjust to the dim lighting of the room. I noticed that his blankets had been strewn across the floor, and his pillow appeared to be wet.
Oh, wow. Whatever happened, it must have been a terrible nightmare.
"Well? What're you waiting for - get in bed, Fernandes!" I ordered, putting my hands on my waist; Staying up so late on a night before school wasn't going to end well.
"Ok, ok, calm down," He laughed, before face-diving into bed, shuffling over slightly to make room for me.
"So much for sleeping 'comfortably'..." I muttered, and dragged the blanket up, covering both of us, before getting into bed myself.
As I closed my eyes, I felt Jellal's figure scoot mischievously closer to me, and arms sneakily make their way around my belly. Heat dug my cheeks like a hot knife, and I gulped nervously.
I'm never going to get sleep.
"Oh, Mavis, did they use protection?"
"Flame-head, get your butt over there and see if they're wearing clothes!"
"What, me? No! Stop!"
"Hmm, that bed looks like it's in perfect condition, Mira, calm down."
"Calm down? They must've done something!"
"Well, you didn't hear anything, did ya'?"
My eyes shot open, and I glared at the cluster of people staring at Jellal and me; Those, cluster of people, were, in fact, Mira, Lucy, Gray, and Natsu. Prying Jellal's arms off me, I got up, stretched, and hastily made my way over to the group.
I need a knife, where's a knife when you need one!
"Oh-ho-ho, had a good night, did ya' Erza?" Natsu broke out, and I shot him my famous death-glare. I needed to run, and fast.
"None of that, sweet-cake, now," Mira, with her arms crossed furiously, blocked my swift exit to the bathroom. Sneaking a look at the clock, I saw that it was only Five - the school wouldn't start till Seven Fifteen.
"Tell me everything you two did."
Leaning against the wall in defeat, I said, "Mira. Before you say anything remotely 'inappropriate'" I used quotation marks, "We didn't do the dance with no-pants, Ok?"
The quartet in front of me groaned and I frowned, "Besides, We're friends - that's it!"
"Mhmm, just friends, my butt," she winked, "And I have a very attract-"
"Mira! Shut up, no one needs to know!" My face was flushing rapidly as I interrupted Mira from finishing her un-holy sentence.
"Anyyyywayyyy~" Gray broke in, making me jump. I had hardly noticed him, today, "Ultear-san and Meredy'll be waiting for us! It's our first Geo' lesson, ''member?"
"Ah," Lucy gave me a sly glance, before kissing Natsu on the lips. Did he tell her? "I would think that Jellal and Erza need their time - besides! There's over an hour before class!"
Oh, yeah. Living with these doofuses is making me forget things.
I waited till I heard the swing and slam of the mahogany door, before heading back to wear a - now-awake - Jellal was sitting. Half-naked. Good, Kami.
"That was... interesting."
Bet you enjoyed that.
"None of that!" I couldn't look him in the eye. Mira mentioned using 'protection' in front of him. "I'm using the bathroom first."
Declaring that, I sprinted towards the door, neck-to-neck with Jellal, as he leaped up and headed to the same place as me.
"Hmm, we could share?" He winked at me, and I rolled my eyes. Couldn't he be the innocent, sweet Jellal for more than a night?
"Not happening. Now, shoo!" I knew that it wasn't working when both of us barged into the toilet, at once.
Groaning, I gave in, and began to wash my face, and brush my teeth. Trying not to discern Jellal, doing whatever he was behind me, I finished and went out.
Seven, oh shoot!
"Jelly! You better hurry, unless you want a kick to the face!" I buttered a toast for both of us and packed my bag.
After breakfast, we both headed towards the Geography department, which was a ten-minute walk from the dorms.
I'm going to be late. We're going to be late. I'm going to die. We're going to-
"You're cute when you're tense."
I stifled a sigh and marched faster. That is, till two very vexatious juvenile girls shoved me, and traveled to Jellal.
"Jellal, darling!" Ultear sang, and I resisted the urge to stab her with my shoe, "Oh, you look fine today."
Meredy, on the other hand, was wasting no time; Shooting me nasty looks, as she circled Jellal, like a hawk circling its prey.
"Uh, yeah." I could see Jellal's annoyed expression and almost chuckled in triumph, "I better go - can't hold my girlfriend up!"
I froze.
As quick as a flash, he dashed up to me, and by the arm, dragged me towards the door to Geography. In his eyes, I saw that there would be no chance of more conversation on what he said.
"Good that you could- Oh, I smell heavenly parfume."
No, no, no, no, not him.
"Aha! Erza! My favorite student!"
Dumb-struck, I stared at Mr. Ichiya. I was angered by the fact that I had him for Geography as well.
"Hmm, perhaps you can Mr. Fernandes can sit on that table - yes! - right that the back there. With, mmm, Mr. Lates and Miss. Heartfilia. Great!"
Oh, Dame...
❁❀✿Don't Be a Silent Reader!✿❀❁
→❤⚘This Chapter was written by Phoenix⚘❤←
Word Count: 1926
A/N: OooooOoOoo~ Will Mystogan cause problems in Blueberry and Titania's growing love?
'Hope yah' enjoyed!
'LY <3
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