Chapter XI
"Erza? Erza Scarlet!"
I opened my eyes, staring at the blue-head, again, in front of me, poking me rather harshly on my cheek.
"Finally! I thought you had died!" He threw his arms up for emphasis, "Where would we be then? Eh? I, for one, know, that I'd be broke - having to buy a coffin big enough for you, since you're so fat-"
I shot up, "Excuse me!" I huffed and pushed him off the bed. Smirking as he landed with a bump on the carpeted floor.
"Awwww~" Jellal scrunched up his eyes, "You hurt my feelings!" His mocking voice made me face-palm.
I swear, today is Sunday. A Week. End. Literally.
"Now, Piece of poop, get out of my way!" I announced good-naturedly, flicking my hair. I could tell he was lost for words. Wait, no, only I could tell he was because he so wasn't.
"Hey! Thanks for the compliment," He shot me a grin, still on the floor, "You know how people are always like 'I expect great things from you'-"
I groaned, knowing what was coming next.
"Well, poop comes from you, soooo~"
"Jellal?" I placed my hands on either side of my waist, the conscience that I must be looking like a zombie as I hadn't washed yet.
"Go make breakfast, peasant."
"Yes, Ma'am"
I rolled my eyes as he mockingly fled from the room, acting as if I were some kind of monster that he was running from.
"Some way to start a great Saturday Morning, Scarlet..." I trailed off. Even though it seemed like yesterday, that Jellal had given that name to me, it had grown on me like ivy; Even some of the teachers had picked on.
Hurriedly washing, and braiding my hair into a double-dutch braid - I put on a pair of furry slippers that my Mom had given me last Christmas and headed to the kitchenette.
There, I saw Monsieur Jellal tossing up a couple of pancakes, and cringed inwardly as I spotted the blood-red batter.
"Dude." I walked near him, cautiously, as he was in the act of flipping another one of his 'creations'. "Did you personally murder someone to get the batter?"
Jellal snorted, and ran a hand through his azure locks, "Pffff- No. That'd be too much work for someone as awesome as-"
I dead-panned as he flipped the pancake straight onto his face, and raced towards the sink to wash it off.
"Ahhh~ And I heard that you were one of the best student-chef 'round here, Fernandes." I couldn't help but chortle as I saw him trip over a stray pan; Laying in wait to catch an off-guard, wild bluenette.
"Oh-ho-ho, Let's see who's laughing now, shall we?" He reached out his arm and grabbed my foot.
I yelped and landed on the floor next to him, as he hugged me from behind. "Haha- The look on your face! If someone had a camera-"
"Oh yeah?" Controlled by reflex, I kicked his shin and got up. An evil plan brewing in my mind as I headed for the container with flour.
Coughing as I unscrewed the lid, I raised an eyebrow at Jellal, "'Sure this is Flou-"
"Flour?" He rubbed his eyes frantically, trying to get away from me, even though he was obviously in no position to get up off the floor, "No! Stop!"
With a laugh, I dumped a quarter of it onto his aquamarine hair- Or should I say ex-aquamarine hair.
Ohhhh~ I need a photo of this, pronto!
"Nuuuuuuu~" He rolled around on the floor like a toddler, "You've killed me! Help! Somebody!" Jellal squealed.
With a fake-frown, I crossed my arms, "You do understand, a corpse can't talk, right?"
"Oh yeah," He sheepishly grinned, his eyes shut tight.
Face-palm Count: Three
"But, Zombies can drag people down? Can't they?"
"Nani?" I knew what was coming when he finally opened his eye - or should I say, eye, as there was a waterfall of flour down his other one.
"Whoever angers the Jellal Fernandes, doesn't escape!" He lunged towards me, and... missed.
"Hah! Hahaha~" I clutched my stomach, as I bowled over in laughter as he dramatically lay; Facedown with his arm stretched out. On the marble floor of the kitchenette.
"Mavis hates me..." He moaned and got up, a serious look plastered on his face as he gazed at me - scratching his hair.
"Hmm, or maybe you're just a baka," I smiled, headed towards where the pan was sizzling ominously. Scrunching up my nose, I dolled up some of his 'famous' batter and placed it on the pan.
Good Lord, how did he make this?
Ignoring the fact, that he was probably doing something perverted, I flipped the pan and served the - rather suspiciously - red pancake.
Just then, arms snaked around my waist and I gasped. Jellal was nuzzling my face lovingly - or so, as always, I thought.
"Hahahahaha~ Look who's a Polar bear now?" He let go of me, but continued to lean on me from behind, his laugh stirring a couple of strands of my scarlet hair.
I puffed. My face was now covered in flour; Almost identical to the idiot next to me. Flicking my hair in his face, I took all the pancakes the two of us had made and settled down on the dining table.
"Awwwww~ C'mon, " Jellal followed me, and sat down next to me, "Why d'you hate me?"
I rolled my eyes.
"You're a pain in the ars."
"Guess that makes you an ars, hunny," He grinned, once again defeating me.
Oh, this guy. One day, I will smack him on the head.
"Eat up, you're not getting more food tonight, Kuso." I snorted playfully, ignoring the heart-broken look on his handsome face.
Wait, flip, did I say handsome?
"Why thank you, Erza." His onyx-green eyes glittered, "I am handsome, aren't I. However, we should keep this... family-friendly."
"T-that's not- What- n-no." I stammered, facepalming for the fourth time in the past hour, "Oh, I just want to smash your-"
"Ooooo~ Smash?" he commented on my choice of vocabulary and I cringed. Look who's making it un-family friendly now, kid.
"Shut up."
"Yes, Ma'am."
Breakfast continued with snarky remarks from me, and stupid ones from Jellal, both of us trying to roast the other, quite failing-ly.
That is until my phone rang.
"Gomen. I'll be back, hang on."
I left Jellal munching merrily on his pancake and went to my room. Sweat pooled on my palms as I picked up my phone. It was him again.
"Meet me tonight, Erza Scarlet. Unless you want your pretty 'Jellal' to be... harmed..."
I gritted my teeth.
Shutting off my phone in a stance, I headed back and plastered a fake smile on my face. However, my concern was long-gone as Jellal made me smile once again.
I wonder what'll happen tonight...
❁❀✿Don't Be a Silent Reader!✿❀❁
→❤⚘This Chapter was written by Phoenix⚘❤←
Word Count: 1245
A/N: Hello there, Minna! Heuheuheu, don't ya' just love cliff-hangers, especially when they'll last One week - for the people who're currently reading. *EboOL FacEu*
In the next chapter, find out who the mystery guy blackmailing Erza is, and what he wants!
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