Chapter Two
The winner of the last chapter's question is dawnhikari2017 !!! Congratulations! The next question will be posted at the bottom of this chapter.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!!!
Dawn's POV
I walked outside to see everyone sitting in the bleachers. I smiled quietly to myself. The more the merrier I always say. The more people that come, the more to see me and my friends humiliate the top four battlers in the school. They only have the title anyway. They don't know what my Pokemon have it store for them.
I walked over to the computer and selected my six pokemon. They got transported and I saw May getting ready to go up against Brianna for the fourth place position. I smiled to myself and went to sit with my friends and the guys.
The referee was about to start the match when I jumped up and grabbed the microphone from them. "Hello everyone and thanks for coming today. I just want to make a deal. If all four of us beat you then you have to leave us and the guys alone. But if only one of us lose, you get the guys and the titles." I smirked while the guys stared at me open mouthed while Drew had his arms crossed and smirking. There were murmurs in the crowd saying that I couldn't beat them and I was getting overconfident. How would they know, they've never seen me battle in my life. I looked over at Drew and he was reassuring the guys saying I was sure to win. Drew has seen me train before and there is no way I'm losing with my Pokemon by my side. Especially my strongest ones.
"And let's change the rules up a bit! We will have three battles with two on two. Once an opponent has been beaten, both people will need two new Pokemon in their side." Everyone agreed to this. I smirked. "Alright! Let's begin!!!" I handed the referee his microphone back and he started the round.
May's POV
"Alright Beautifly and Skitty! Take the stage!" Brianna smirked. "Let's go, Surskit and Vibrava!" I smiled. Alright Beautifly! Stringshot and Skitty! Lars use Assist!" Beautifly used Stingshot and it caught Vibrava and Skitty's Assist came out as a powerful Fire Blast. Both if Brianna's Pokemon went down. "Vibrava and Surskit are unable to battle! Beautifly and Skitty win this round." The referee called as the crowd went wild. "Good job Beautifly and Skitty. Return." I nuzzled their Pokeballs. "You both did wonderful." Brianna looked scared as she returned her Pokemon. "Blaziken and Blastoise! Take the stage!" "Come on Nidoking and Nidoqueen." I stood my ground. And glared at Brianna. "Let's do this. Blaziken! Flamethrower! And Blastoise! Water Blast!" The audience was surprised I would use moves that could cancel out each other. But my Pokemon had practiced this move many times before so all was well. The two moved morphed together and turned into a lightning funnel. The move went towards Brianna and her Pokemon and at the end, both were down. "Alright! Good job!" I returned Blaziken and Blastoise. "You did well." I turned to look at Brianna who was on her knees. I walked over and helped her up. Then I left her on the field for Misty to fight Serena next.
Misty's POV
May left it easy for me. Scaring the rest of them. Maybe I'll have some fun with this. I asked for a water battlefield and I was provided with one. I smirked. My turn to put on a show.
I walked up to the battlefield and threw my two Pokeballs. "Let's go! Corsula and Psyduck!" Serena smirked. "Come on! Sylveon and Fennekin!" I smiled. "Corsula! Use Spike Cannon! And Psyduck! Stay behind." "Sylveon! Fairy Wind! And Fennekin! Fire Blast!" I smirked. "Psyduck! Take those moves head on and then use Confusion!" Confusion took out both, Sylveon and Fennekin. I smirked. "Return. Good job you two." Serena returned her Pokemon looking really mad. It issued my next two Pokeballs. "Togetic and Azurill!" Serena released Pancham and Eevee. Wonder what she wants to evolve this Eevee into. Oh well. "Azurill! Hop into Togetic! Togetic! Use Fairy Wind and combine it with sweet kiss and Azurill! Use Water Gun and combine it with Togetic's moves." All three moves combined was enough for Serena's Pokemon. They fainted and Serena lost. I asked for a regular battlefield next for Leaf's battle for second in the school.
Tune in next time for Leaf and Dawn's battles. They will be more interesting. (Hopefully) as you can tell, I'm not good at writing battles. Oh well. Anyways, once again good job to dawnhikari2017 !!!
The question for this chapter is...
In the tag battle, who was Dawn paired up with??? (Hint: In my opinion, he's a creep.)
Please comment what you think and vote if you liked. And also share the story and follow me!!!
See you next time!
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