Chapter Four
This chapter goes to lovelyjanu !!! Good job!
Exams are finally over so I can get back to writing! I'm so happy!
On with the story!
Dawn's POV
Once Paul spotted me, he smiled and turned and talked to Drew, Ash, and Gary. I looked at the girls and they were looking confused. "What's going on?" May asked us. "I have no idea." Misty replied.
I turned to look back up onto the roof and saw a bunch of equipment behind the boys. Huh? "Hey guys? What's up with all the stuff behind them?" I turned to my best friends.
Leaf looked up and frowned. "It looks like band equipment. You don't think they are planning to play in front of the school, do you?" I looked up at the boys. "I hope not."
We heard some noises and we looked up. No... Why is it happening to me? The boys are performing!
Paul looked at me and winked. I looked down and blushed.
Paul looked like he was a lead singer and was on guitar and Drew was on the keyboard and backup singer. Gary looked like the bass guitar. And Ash was on the drum set.
They started their song.
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Paul looked so handsome up there. I wish I was the one he was singing about.
After he finished the song, he started to day something. "I would like to say thank you all for coming. For the rest of the year after every single day of school, we will be holding a mini concert back here and we might be letting some people come up and dig with us. So today this concert will contain 5 songs as all of them are dedicated to a special girl. I'll tell you who she is at the end of this concert."
I heard a squeal and I looked over to see Ursula and her gang jumping with joy. I shook my head. No way Paul was dedicating this to her. I looked around looking for who he could be talking about. Katy? No. Alexandria? No. Who could it be? I looked up and gave Paul my attention again.
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I clapped along with everyone else. I looked down on the ground and sighed. No way he was talking about me. I looked hideous.
---------------------------------------------A/N: to anyone that feels this way about themselves, raise your head up.
Fact: It is scientifically proven that your brain tricks you into thinking you are five time less attractive then you really are.
Let's keep going.
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I sunk down even further in my seat. No way he was talking about me now. I never catch any boy's attention. I'm too ugly. Misty nudged me and I looked up. She winked at me and whispered into my ear. "I think he's singing about you." I frowned and shook my head. "No way. I'm not pretty at all so why would he want me in that way?" Misty frowned at me and shook her head. "Didn't you hear? Paul was talking about an insecure girl. Connect the dots, Dawn!" I shook my head. I can't think that he likes me and get my hopes up just to get them crushed. I paid attention to the next song they sang.
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Huh? I don't get that. Paul didn't let any of us soak in the last song and he immediately started the last one.
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I stood up and clapped along with the rest of our little group of friends. I smiled and cheered. The crowd soon got over their shock and joined us in the standing ovation.
Paul spoke into the microphone. "Thank you so much and I would like to recognize the girl all these songs are see dedicated for." I looked out of the corner of my eyes to see Ursula fluffing her hair. I rolled my eyes. "Dawn Berlitz!" My eyes widened in shock. Misty grinned. "I told you." I walked up to the roof by climbing a ladder the boys had placed there. I smiled and Paul took my hand. "Dawn Hikari Berlitz. I really, really like you. Maybe even love you. Would you please give me the honor in being your boyfriend." My eyes glistened with tears as I nodded and he held me close and kissed me as the sunset behind us. Wait. The sun's setting? I have to get home! Oh well. I don't think mother will care.
Paul gave me another kiss and led me off the roof as my friends ran up to me. "Congratulations Dawn!" May was bursting with excitement. "Now that you two are together, I hope that I won't be seeing a lot of gushy stuff between you when we go out to hang out." Leaf starts rambling. I tuned her out. "Yeah, yeah Leaf. I hear you but I can't promise that." We all laughed and soon separated to go home.
I looked up at Paul and smiled at him. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead. We lived next to each other so we could say he was walking is home. May and Drew were walking with us.
We arrived at my house and Drew kept walking to get May home. We finally had some peace and quiet. He looked at me. "I love you, Troublesome." I looked up at him. "Am I really that Troublesome?" He smiled and nodded. I frowned and lowered my head until he pulled up my chin with his finger. "But you're my Troublesome." I looked at him and kissed him. Drew walked up to us after he took May home because she just lived two houses down. He made a face and slipped past us. I looked up at Paul. "I love you, Paul. Goodnight." Paul smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "I love you, too. Troublesome, I'll pick you up for school tomorrow alright?" I nodded. "Goodnight Troublesome." "Goodnight Paul." Paul turned around and I watched him walk down the steps and up onto his porch. He turned to me and blew a kiss and I watched him disappear into his house. I walked into mine smiling.
I got inside the house and saw Drew on the couch watching TV. He turned to me and made a gagging motion and noise. I smirked. "You're just jealous that May isn't your girlfriend Drew." My mom walked in. "I agree. Drew really does like May doesn't he?" I smiled at my mom. "Of course he does! And mom?" "Yes, sweetie?" " see...Paul and I are dating." My mom squealed and hugged me. "I knew it! I knew it! I'm so proud of you Dawn!" I turned to Drew and stuck my tongue out at him. I turned and walked up the stairs and changed into my pajamas.
I looked out my bedroom window to see Paul changing. "Ahh!" I covered my eyes and turned away. I could feel Paul smirking. "You know that it's okay. Right Troublesome? Because it's not like you haven't seen me in a swimsuit before. Speaking of that, you want you cite the gang to the beach this weekend?" I uncovered my eyes and looked back at Paul who was already in his pajamas. I smiled. "Sure!"
"Goodnight Troublesome. I love you." I smiled. "I love you too Paul." He smirked back at me before blowing me a kiss. "Nice pajamas by the way." I blushed and quickly closed my window and curtain. I heard his laugh on the other side and it relaxed me. I yawned and went to bed.
How was that? Since this chapter was ikarishipping what do you think I should do next? The main ship is still ikarishipping though. So don't you worry your pretty little heads ikarishippers.
The question this time is...
Which Pokemon does Dawn have that has a crush on one of Ash's Pokemon? (Name both Pokemon and if you ship them or not)
Please comment, follow, vote and share! See you all next time!
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