Chapter Eighteen
This chapter is dedicated to dawnhikari2017 ! Congratulations!
Please tell me if you like the new cover or if you want another one! Or maybe the previous one! Or should I keep it? Please tell me!
I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated. But to make it up to you guys, I'll make this a super long chapter! Again, I am really sorry to not have updated in so long and I hope you guys will forgive me!
I don't own any of the videos used in this chapter. All of it belongs to its rightful owners.
Now, let's get on with the story!
Dawn's POV
A few days later, Paul got out of the hospital with a bunch of medications and a bunch of prescriptions. I was baffled at what the doctor said was good for him. Are they sure that so many medications will work with that body of his? Are they sure he won't overdose? Are they even sure he is ready to be walking around? Are they-. I know, I'm the overprotective girlfriend that wants to make sure my boyfriend is perfectly healthy.
Paul had some medications he had to eat every three hours and some every four hours but there was one that was absolutely outrageous! It was to be taken every single hour except for whenever he was asleep.
Paul looked at me and smiled. "Hey, darling?" I looked up at him from counting his medications and memorizing which ones were to be taken at which time. "Yeah?" He took my hands and the medications fell into the bag that I was carrying them in. "I love you, you know that?" I looked at him surprised and nodded. "I love you, too. So much, Paul." Paul smiled at me before turning back around and holding out his arm to me. I took it smiling and decided to give the medications a break.
When we got back to my house, he spun me around and made me drop everything on the floor. He pinned me up against the wall and looked at me with a slightly slanted head. Aww! That made him look soooooo freaking adorable! I giggled and he picked me up and went to my room before pushing me down on the bed. He trapped me with his hands on either side of my head. I giggled and pushed against his chest. He came back up into a sitting position while chuckling.
I sat up and pouted. Paul looked at me with an annoyed look. "Don't pout. When you do, I can't control myself." I giggled and pouted further. Paul growled and pushed me back down against the bed. "You asked for it!" I smiled at him before he captured my bottom lip and began kissing me. I kissed back after a moment of shock.
I heard a knock on the door but I ignored it. Paul and I kept making out until we heard the door open. Gary and Leaf walked in and gasped. I pushed Paul away while blushing. Gary looked at me and smiled. He then turned to Leaf and poked her. "So, when can we be like that?" I saw Leaf blush but turn away from him in embarrassment. "Never." "Aww! Come on, Leafy! Please?" "Nope." Gary pouted. "You're mean." Leaf looked at him in shock. Gary then hung onto Leaf's arm and continued pouting while pleading. "Please? Be the leaf to my oak tree?" Leaf laughed out loud. "You're so cheesy." She leaned up and gave Gary a kiss on the nose. Gary smiled a victorious smile and I saw Leaf giggle.
"Ahem." I turned to look at Paul. Gary looked down at us. "What was the reason you came barging in here and interrupted me and Troublesome's make out session?" I blushed and pushed Paul. He looked down at me and smirked. I looked down at the bed and began playing with the sheets.
Gary looked at us like we were crazy. "We have another concert tonight. It's going to be a really special one. It's going to be longer than any other one we've done and the girls have all agreed to dance along to our songs or help us sing." I looked up surprised. " I never agreed to that!" "Well, we kinda just assumed you would come seeing as Paul is one of the hotshots of the show." "Oh. In that case, count me in!"
Time Skip
When we got to the school we saw the girls and boys setting up the stage. I looked around at the audience and my mouth dropped open. Why is there so much people here? I looked around in awe and then I smiled. There were teens from our school, mothers, fathers, kids, whole families, and even grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins! "Wow. I didn't know you guys made such an impression."
Paul looked at me. "Not just us. You girls are a major part of this. And besides, this whole thing started because of you anyway." I looked up at him curious about what he meant. Paul shook his head in disappointment. "It was because of you that I even got this type of idea to ask you out this way and it soon became bigger and bigger." I looked down at the ground and smiled. When I looked back up, Paul was there and he directed his lips to make contact with mine.
I kissed him and he grabbed onto my head and pulled me closer to him. I combed my fingers through his hair and everything was gone. It was just the two of us for a second. Just for a second...
"Ahem." We pulled apart to see Gary and Leaf pointing to backstage. "Can you at least wait till we're behind the curtains?" Gary whined. I giggled at his immature behavior and Leaf grabbed his hand and pulled him backstage.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I looked up at Paul and took the arm he was holding out for me. "Yeah. Let's show them what we can do!"
Time Skip
"Hello everyone and welcome to our monthly big concert for all of you. We would like for you to join us next month here and listen to another one of our monthly concerts. And let's please welcome the stars of the show!" Ursula was the announcer. We had asked her since she didn't seem to hate us anymore and she was really humiliated after we beat her. I felt really bad afterward so we decided to let Ursula become the announcer to all of our concerts.
The guys had set up a makeshift curtain before Paul and I had gotten here and now we were all lined up behind the curtain ready to go out onto the stage. The curtains slowly opened revealing Paul and I holding hands in the middle and when the curtain opened further, there was Gary and Leaf on my right side and Gary had his arm around Leaf's shoulder. On Paul's left side was May and then Drew. May had her arm wrapped around Drew's. Misty was the one side of Drew while Ash was on the other side of Leaf.
Pretty much like this-
Ash, Leaf, Gary, Dawn, Paul, May, Drew, Misty
The crowd went wild as we stepped forward. Paul lifted our intertwined hands and raised them into the air and started waving at the crowd with his free hand. I did the same with my free hand and the rest of the gang also pretty much started waving to the crowd. I looked up at Paul and he nodded at me. I smiled and nodded back. I stepped forward releasing Paul's hand and Ursula handed the microphone to me while smiling. I smiled back and started to speak.
"Thank you all for supporting us and I hope that we will always be able to please you with our music and enjoy the show." I turned around and watch the gang start to go to their places while I put the microphone on its stand.
I turned back around to see May, Leaf, and Misty ready to start. They were my backup singers and for some songs, they were background dancers. Paul and I were playing guitar and we were both lead singers. Ash was on the drums with his sticks raised up ready to start. I looked over at Drew to see him with his microphone ready to play the keyboard and also be a backup singer for Paul. Gary was turning the volume up on his bass guitar. He looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and nodded. I turned back to the crowd and saw some glow in the dark signs that were cheering us on. I smiled and took a deep breathe in. This was it. Our first big concert and we had to make it seem as if it was the best and make a good first impression for the parents here.
Paul looked at me to kick it off. I smiled and nodded at him. He was just playing guitar for this song. I was the one that was singing.
Paul looked at me. I set my guitar down and grabbed he electric guitar that was next to me on the floor. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Misty, May and Leaf getting ready to start dancing and they also turned off their microphones. The next song started.
I set my electric guitar down and picked up the guitar I set down earlier. The girls turned their microphones back on and as I was turning to Paul, he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips. I flushed a shade of dark pink and smiled.
I set my guitar down and picked up my electric guitar. I'm going to be sticking with this one for a while. I turned the volume up and smiled. Let's go!
I saw Ash setting up his microphone and knew we were about to do a song that was going to be big. Ash looked at me and started the song.
(Ignore the fact that Ash is in this next video)
I set my electric guitar down as the crowd went wild. I smiled and picked my guitar up. I slipped the strap on and nodded at the gang to start a really touching song
I nodded at May and Drew to take the lead. I stepped back with my guitar and microphone with Paul beside and let the crowd see May and Drew.
I stepped forward again and smiled. Time to get this party really started.
I saw Misty and Leaf grab their flutes to start the next song. (Ignore Trip)
The girls set their flutes down and the next song started.
I set my guitar down and waved at the crowd. I took my microphone and waved while the crowd went while. During the last song, Paul and I were looking at each other and we both smiled now. One the crowd calmed down, I smiled and said my closing speech.
"Once again, I hope you enjoyed tonight's performance and thank you and good night!" The whole band stood up and started waving at the crowd. I was smiling so hard and once the crowd cleared, we all slumped down and grabbed a water bottle from the cooler. I started drinking and Ursula came up to me and smiled. "Good job. I can tell you really love him and I'm glad that we were able to be friends. I know you're going to treat him well and I wish you two the best of luck." I smiled at her and nodded. Paul walked up to me and smiled. "Ready to start cleaning up?" I nodded. Paul and I were in charge of the instruments. Gary and Leaf were also helping us. Ash, Misty, May, Drew, and Ursula was supposed to clean up the grass and parking lot to make sure there wasn't any junk anywhere.
When we were done, we all walked home. I'm so glad that Paul and May lived so close to us. Paul looked at me and we held hands and walked in a comfortable silence. May and Drew were in front of us doing the same thing. Suddenly, I stopped and looked up. Paul looked at me with worried eyes. "Everything okay?" I smiled and nodded and pointed up to the sky without a word. I smiled as Paul, Drew, and May all looked up to the starry night sky.
Soon, we were home and ready to go to bed. I looked out my window to see Paul staring at my room. When I waved and opened the window, he hopped over and gave me a kiss. We were so into the kiss we didn't hear the front door open. Drew knocked on my bedroom door and we both pulled away and gasped. I quickly pushed Paul into my closet and shut the door.
Paul's POV
I was kissing Troublesome and then I was suddenly inside of a closet. What was going on here? I pressed my ear against the door to listen in. I heard Drew and Dawn talking to each other. Oh. Okay. I leaned back into the closet and smiled. I sniffed Troublesome's clothes because I was buried in them and well, I had to breathe. They smelled so much like her. I looked at the clothes and smiled. It was dark and I couldn't see anything but I knew that I was in her closet just for her contest outfits.
Suddenly, the door opened again and I walked out with a smile. I kissed Troublesome on the forehead. "Night, baby." Dawn smiled at me. "Night, Paul. I love you." I kissed her on the lips. "I love you, too." I climbed out of her window and gently stepped into my room. Since our houses were so close together, I had no trouble doing so because when I was little, I would always come over to Dawn's house to play with her and the others. Since Dawn's house was the biggest, we usually came here to play with each other.
Misty's POV
I had already finished my homework and was laying on my bed in my room with my laptop and phone. I was watching videos on youtube while texting my friends. Namely Ash. But that was only because he wouldn't stop bothering me.
Ash: Hey Mist
Misty: Hi
Ash: ...
Misty: What do you want?
Ash: To say hi.
Ash: And to ask you on a date.
Misty: NO!
Ash: 😢
Ash: Why not?
Misty: Because you don't ask a girl out over text!
Ash: ???
Misty: So ask me out face-to-face!
Ash: Oh!
Ash: Okay!
Misty: Ugh.
I put my phone on do not disturb after that and my heart pounded. Did he really mean that? Did he really want to ask me out? I turned my phone off and turned the outlet on and started charging my phone. Time for bed!
Ash's POV
Ugh! So embarrassing! Now, she knows that I like her and want to ask her out and now I am so embarrassed that I don't even want to ask her out anymore! But I can't back out of it now, I have to do this. If I don't I will probably never gain her trust back! Oh no! What if she ignores me now? I sighed and took a deep breath. Alright, calm down Ash. Go to bed and let your dreams take you away!
How was that chapter? It was longer than most others so I don't think it matters anymore.
If you are reading this, thank you for sticking with this story and not giving up hope on me and believing in me. I love you guys so much and again, thank you!
The question is:
What was Paul's starter Pokemon?
Again, thank you. I hope you vote, comment, share, and please message me if you have an idea for a story and I would be happy to write it for you!
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