4: im Cinderella who needs you so bad
"You know, now that I'm single and everything, Shinya is starting to look kind of attractive." Ryuko said, flipping through her magazine. "Maybe it's the pheromones."
"Dont say that about him." Taishiro laughed, patting her head as he walked past her, sitting on the couch. "That's my friend."
"What? I'm just saying, he's kinda cute. Would you be mad if I tried to date him?" She said, looking up at him. "Is that like an unspoken rule?"
"It's not unspoken, I just don't want some of my friends dating you, and Shinya is one of them."
"Why, he do something?" She snickered, going back to her magazine. He definitely had done something.
"Shinya is a great friend, but he is entirely self serving when it comes to women." Taishiro said, frowning at her. "It would just complicate everything if you got thrown in the mix. I don't wanna see you hurt, and I don't want to lose my friend."
"Gotcha." She said, thinning her lips as she tightened her hold on the magazine.
"Are you just fucking with me since he's been helping out so much? Or are you seriously considering him?" He asked.
"Just teasing you." She said, leaving an airy tone in her voice. "Dont worry, I'm taking a break from guys right now."
"I'm- I'm just serious. He's- he's not the best partner. Shino had said somethings... he's very distant, and doesn't communicate the best, he-"
"Gonna stop you right there. I'm not interested in him." She chuckled, putting her hand up in his face. She wasn't, she was just teasing him after all. He was just a push of courage to stay away from Hizashi. "What if I used him to get rid of Hizashi."
"I mean it, don't get involved with him in any way other than platonically. If it were another friend, I would love for you to be happy, but not Shinya."
"I get it, I get it."
Then the doorbell just had to ring. Such a cliche moment. If it was him, Taishiro thought he would actually faint. Taishiro groaned getting off the couch and walking to the door.
"Oh... well this is kinda awkward." Shinya chuckled, looking off to the side. "Ryuko left her clothes at my place and I had some errands to run nearby." He said, handing Taishiro a small Walmart bag of her clothes and shoes.
"Oh, well, would you like to come inside?" Taishiro asked, opening up the door. "Want a drink or anything?"
"Uh..." Shinya looked around a little, making eye contact with Ryuko. "I'm actually good, I have to feed Minette." He said, waving goodbye to Taishiro.
"Have a nice day!" Taishiro called out, throwing the bag at Ryuko without looking at her. She huffed, glaring at him.
"That hurt!"
"Sucks. I'm serious about Shinya." He said, pointing an accusing finger her way. He was right to do so, but whatever.
"Got it, got it."
It had been maybe two weeks since they had slept together, and Yu's announcement, and to be entirely honest, Shinya didn't really care. He only said yes because she offered after all. Gave her multiple chances to back out, so she could think whatever she wanted, as long as it stayed no strings attached.
When his phone rang and her photo appeared on his screen in the middle of the day, he nearly immediately picked it up.
"Hey, can you come over?"
"Are you drinking?"
"I mean, I am pouring my first glass, but sure, I'm drunk."
That was so confusing. The hell did she mean by she was still sober? At least ten minute drive to her place, and that was certainly enough time for her to get insanely drunk. At least by her standards. She wasn't an awful drunk at least.
He could handle it.
Classical music blared through his radio, the slightly warm air blasting as it got colder during the day. He should be sleeping right now, he had patrol later in the day, but he had no problems if it meant she would be safe.
If he was smart, he would've stayed away from her. Not even give someone the opportunity to think they had slept together. He wouldn't do this for absolutely anyone. It was so dumb, but what if she hurt herself while Taishiro and his kids were out? No one would be there.
"Ryuko open the door." He called out, knocking rapidly. He was slowly aggravated more and more as she opened up the front door, clearly not drunk. "You're bold."
"Bold?" Ryuko chuckled, bringing him inside as he removed his shoes. "Less bold, more horny." She chuckled. "And a little drunk."
"How much have you drank?" He asked, gazing down at her, taking away the glass in her hand. "Has Hizashi bothered you at all?"
"No... well I mean, a little bit. I've got some pent up... frustration." She whispered, reaching for the glass.
"Wait, no, what did Hizashi do?" He asked, watching her face begin to flush. "If he is harassing you, you can tell me."
"You're not a cop." She chuckled, walking back into her room, dragging him behind her. "He's just caught me off guard. Came over like an hour ago."
"Do I need to step in? Get him to back off?"
"No, I told him I had started seeing someone else. Harmless lie." She said, placing the cup in his hand on the table and taking his empty hands into hers.
"Are you trying to seduce me right now?" He asked, noticing the slight pink tint in her cheek. She snickered and looked up at him. Her breath had the faintest smell of alcohol in it as he rolled his eyes at her. "This is such a waste of gas." He had such a sweet tone in his voice, it practically said yes.
She quickly dragged him back into the hallway, giggling as she pulled him inside her room.
"I told you we shouldn't be doing this anymore." He said, watching as she began taking her shirt off and he shut the door behind them.
"Yet here you are." She grinned, grabbing his wrist. "You obviously wanna keep doing this with me."
"I'm only doing this today because I'm already here. This is for real the last time." He said, tearing his shirt off and pulling her close to his chest. "I mean it."
"Mhm, you sure?" She asked, holding his face and smiling at him. "You totally want this to end."
Sweat dripped of their faces as Shinya rolled off of her body, heavily breathing next to her. "I should get going." He panted, sitting up.
"Taishiro gets off in a few hours, you don't have to leave just yet." She whispered, holding his arm. Her face was flushed red as she held him back, still breathing heavy. "Tati and Eiji won't get home for another two hours. Dont leave yet."
"Alright. And talk about what?" He laughed at her, rolling his eyes. "How I'm here? Wanna make fun of me for staying?"
"No, of course not. Can... can I actually tell you about Hizashi, now that I'm not trying to get you in my bed?" She asked, looking down at her pillow.
"I mean, I guess. I'm not a cop." He repeated her words, looking down at her. "He came here, knowing you were alone?"
"He had no bad intentions, it was just a little frightening. I- I told him that I had moved on, and didn't wanna get back together for real. He just got a little upset."
"Did he threaten you?"
"Oh, he doesn't have the heart to threaten me. Not when I could easily call my brother to kick his ass." She sounded sleepy, speaking to him like this. "He knows how strong he is, that's why he came on one of Tai's early days."
"What did he say to you?"
"He did his basic "let's get back together" gesture. I told him I was seeing someone else, you, and closed the door."
"If he bothers you again, shoot me a text and I'll come over and handle him. I mostly work nights."
"Gotcha... and thank you." She said, sitting up next to him. "You're... you're a good friend Kamihara."
Not to Taishiro he wasn't.
"So I was thinking, what if the bridesmaids wore satin dresses. But different colored ones. Like, Ryuko, you in the lightest blue, Rumi in medium, Moe in darker blue?" Yu said, pulling out the color palette she had in mind. It was a bunch of periwinkles ranging in shades.
"I think that's gorgeous!" Ryuko gasped, looking at the colors. The bridal party was holed up in Yu's living room all alone.
"The groomsmen are gonna wear corresponding ties, so Shinya is gonna be in the lightest blue, Keigo medium, Tai dark."
"Oh, so Shinya and I are together?" Ryuko asked, her heart beat starting to rise. "Wouldn't- wouldn't it look better if he and Rumi were together and in the light blue since they have white hair?"
"I was thinking of that, but everyone knows Keigo and Rumi are together, so why not keep them together. Plus, maybe there will be a new couple in the group." Yu teased, booping Ryuko on the nose. "You two would be cute together, all I'm saying."
Ryuko laughed, rolling her eyes at Yu.
"I'm not allowed to date Taishiro's friends." She said.
"Oh, so you're never allowed to date huh? All of your friends are his friends." Rumi teased. "Shinya, Keigo, Shinji, Shota, half of those weren't even available... uhh... Sakamata, Hakamada-"
"Oh absolutely not Hakamada or Kugo. Kugo was my ex, Tsunagu is an asshole to me, and I don't even know what y'all's job really is."
"Oh, well... we're-" Yu and Rumi stuttered over their words. "We're in the military."
"I don't really care. You're just gonna dumb down whatever you guys do, I don't care." She rolled her eyes, hanging upside down on the couch. "It's too complicated. And besides, he only really banned me from Shinya."
"He made it sound like Shinya was after one thing, but at the same time, I'm not a teenager, so it wouldn't exactly matter if he was." She shrugged, sitting upright.
"You're awfully defensive over him. Seems like you want him." Yu teased. "Is that true?"
"No, of course not. He certainly is attractive though." She snickered. She rolled her eyes, leaning back against the leather couch. "Like, I may just have a thing for long haired men."
"Then you should totally go out with Shota! He's got like... shorter hair, but it's long!"
"I've met Aizawa. Frankly, he isn't my type."
"For real? He's got that rugged, handsome look. And he's a teacher!"
"Wait, he doesn't work with you guys?" Ryuko asked, confused by the contradiction.
"He retired a while ago, opting to be a teacher instead. He's mean and all, but he has a soft side. And a daughter!" Yu reminded herself.
"Yeah I don't do kids. I'm not interested in playing step mom yet. Maybe in a few years if I have to." She said, shaking her head and making an X with her arm. "Im way too young to be taking care of anyone, and he's, what older than my brother?"
"So is Shinya. He's twenty nine, yet you were defending him. Plus, Hizashi was the same age as Shota, and they're friends-" the realization hit Rumi as she was saying it. "I see why you wouldn't want him."
"Yeah, I see why too. I don't want anything to do with Hizashi anymore, we're over. Even if it would hurt his feelings to get with his friend, I'm not petty like that."
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