2: enchanting caramel
It was the last time. It was the last time he would give her a leather jacket, custom bedazzled just for her. Cherry red and her name on the back in white gems. It was the last time she would hold onto his body as he sped past a bunch of cars, checking in on her everytime.
It sucked. She really loved him, but she wasn't bending herself backwards for him anymore, it's not who her brother raised. Her brother raised her to stand up for herself, and she had disappointed him time and time again by going back to Hizashi. When he came to pick her up, Taishiro even begged her to stay, knowing the harm that would come.
She was dressed in a pretty, black dress that fell to her mid thigh. The shorts she wore under were the only reason her thighs weren't exposed to the harsh wind. Her hair was curled and adorned by a silver barrette, pulling back her bang. She wore a dark red lip that you wouldn't be able to see under the helmet he had given her. Her hair was probably ruined, but oh well.
The night sky illuminated them, his hair blowing in the wind as he drove. It was nice. It was comforting.
When they stopped at the restaurant, Hizashi stopped the bike and allowed her off first. She took the helmet off, shaking her head to fluff out her curls, and removing the jacket.
"I'm so happy you're giving me this chance baby. I really mean it, I didn't mean to miss your recital."
"Dont remind me of it before I get upset." She frowned, crossing her arms as he walked her into the building. "You're lucky I agreed to this."
"I know, I know, but I'll make it worth your time, I promise."
She felt bad, she was gonna hurt his feelings. Did she wait until they finished eating? After he paid for her? Before they ate? What was she supposed to do.
"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" He asked, reaching out to hold her hand. "Anything?"
"Koko, I know you're mad. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" He asked, rubbing her knuckles like he usually did when she was mad at him.
She was holding back tears. She wasn't supposed to kill herself over him. She was supposed to be who her brother raised. Stand on business Ryuko. She would engage in small talk to not make this more awkward than it needed to be.
She ordered a small little something, not wanting to eat too much. She had no appetite after all.
"Hizashi, I'm gonna be so honest with you, I'm really upset." She huffed, sitting up straight and staring him dead in the eyes. "I'm tired of being your last priority."
"You should've talked about this with me sooner. I would've dropped everything."
"Since we started dating, I've dropped everything for you. I've always supported you, and you couldn't make it to several of my events. Especially opening night."
"Koko... I swear I'll be better."
She wasn't going to hear it today. None of the "I'll be better."
"You say that everytime we break up." She frowned, looking away from him. "And... I think that's what's gonna happen again."
"You're leaving me again?" He asked with a chuckle. "Seriously? You don't even wanna talk about it? You're just gonna leave?"
Ryuko just nodded, unable to make anymore eye contact. She awkwardly stood up from the table, leaving her jacket on the seat.
"It's raining you know." He said as she began to leave. "I'll take you home."
"I'm fine Hizashi." She said, giving him a curt nod before leaving. She couldn't handle holding onto him again. Being face to face with his hair that smelt like cinnamon and spices. Holding onto him for dear life. "See you around."
"See you in two weeks."
She quickly left the restaurant after he said that. She felt as if she was going to start bawling in front of him if she stayed in the same vicinity as him. She could go running back in two weeks because she felt lonely, so she had to suck it up this time. It was over for real now.
She was strong enough to end things, right?
He wasn't even gonna cry over it. He was so sure she would come crawling back to him, because she had no self respect.
It was absolutely pouring when she got outside, and she didn't have an umbrella. At least on his bike, she wouldn't be in the rain for too long, but she had to walk all the way home or wait for a bus. It would be so awkward to ask Tai to come grab her, seeing he begged her not to go on the date in the first place. Rumi was at work, Yu and Shinji were probably fucking right now, Keigo was probably asleep.
"Hey Kamihara?"
"It's late, what's up?"
"I really need you right now." She hiccuped, afraid of her phone getting drenched.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Can... can you come pick me up?"
"Ryuko, it's fucking late, why are you out right now?"
"I broke up with him... I just need someone to come pick me up. Please, I can't ask Taishiro, he'd be so angry."
He was already upset that she had day drank herself into throwing up, and called Shinya while drunk. What was he gonna do now that she had a glass, was walking alone in the rain at night, and her phone was probably water damaged.
"Please, please I'll do anything Shinya, I swear." She begged, her voice cracking. She practically had to yell at him with all the rain. "I'm kinda fucking scared right now."
"Hey, get under a bus stop, or go into a gas station and send me your location. I'm getting dressed right now."
"Please don't tell Tai you're doing this. He'll yell at me." She hiccuped, sitting down at a bus stop.
"Hey, I promise I won't. Just tell me where you are so I can pick you up." She could hear him rustling around with keys and opening up his garage door. "Text me it right now."
"I'm- I'm outside of a corner store. Uh... the one Yuu goes to for wine?" She hiccuped, texting her exact location to him. She could hardly remember where she was now that she walked maybe four blocks away from the restaurant. It was all she honestly saw, just Yuu's favorite place for cheap wine and liquor. "I'm really fucking scared dude. I- I drank a little bit, and I'm all alone right now."
"I'll be there in five minutes, just hold on."
"Please hurry." She cried, wiping her eyes.
She was trying to stop her crying as much as possible. She really didn't wanna leave, their ups felt like a Fairy tale. The motorcycle rides, their dates, everything. The way he kissed her. It felt heavenly, and she would be so happy, at least until he spoke all over her. It was so tiring.
She couldn't handle him anymore. She shouldn't have to handle someone in a relationship. Kugo wasn't the best boyfriend, seeing they had been in highschool, but he never talked down to her. He did make time for her, and at least didn't miss things consecutively like Hizashi did.
Everyone was so happy with their partners, she couldn't help but to be jealous. She hadn't seen Shino around recently, but Shinya and her always seemed happy. Rumi and Keigo pushing 5 years and they were still in their early twenties, Yu and Shinji were definitely getting married soon. Moe and Touya had their severe ups and downs but they always got through it.
But her breaking point was him missing events... she felt pathetic. Why was that her breaking point. She felt like shit breaking up with him, and then he already expected her return. She had done this so many damn times. The back and forth, it was so pathetic.
"I'm almost there Ryuko."
She sniffled, forgetting Shinya was on the phone. She got caught up feeling sorry for herself. She couldn't stop wiping her tears due to the rain and the tears streaming her face.
A white car pulled up to the side walk, and Ryuko began to breathe heavily.
"Shinya, that you?" She asked, looking over at the car.
"Yeah, it's me, white car with the headlights on. Staring you down. Unless that's not you? Crying girl at a bus stop, wearing no jacket, sopping wet-"
"I get it! I'm- I'll head over." She huffed, putting her phone away and walking to the door. He rolled the window down and she stared at him. "I look like a prostitute don't I?" She tried to joke, sniffling as he unlocked her door.
"I brought a towel, a change of clothes, and rice for your phone." He said, rolling her window up as she got in his car. The heat was blasting at her, and she felt as if she was gonna fry. "I can take you home, or to my place?"
"I was joking when I said I look like a prostitute dude." She said through a sniffle, raising an eyebrow.
"You didn't want your brother to pick you up or call you, and you obviously don't wanna be around him right now. I'll tell him where you are so he doesn't worry, and you can spend the night at my place." He shrugged, wrapping the towel around her shoulders and her thighs. "I mean, or I could take you home."
"So either way I'm gonna get chewed out. I'd rather not be wet and fighting Taishiro." She chuckled, laying back against the seat. "Can you take me to your place?"
"Of course." He drove off, the music quietly playing as he drove. He seemed to be listening to classical music. "How much did you drink?" He asked, looking over at her as he stopped at a red light.
"Only- only a glass." She shook her head. "I- I never got the chance to thank you for taking care of me actually. I'm really embarrassed about that whole thing actually."
"Be grateful you're not a handful like Yuu or Keigo. I'd actually do it again for you." He said, in a matter of fact tone. "You didn't kick me or anything. Or vomit on me."
"So I'm a good drunk?" She laughed at herself. "But- uhm... for real, thank you so much for watching me. I owe you so many favors. You watch me, probably listened to me cry for hours, uh... you come pick me up in the middle of the fucking night, you're just a good friend. You're always there whenever I need you- fuck you even went to my recitals and Hizashi couldn't even do that." She said, wiping her tears as she began to cry again.
"Hey, I just respect you is all, I'm your friend, and I want to be there for all of my friends. I don't enjoy missing anyone's events, and I wish to help you guys as much as possible."
"I know. I just can't believe you cared more than he did." She said, holding the towel close to her face. "When I was leaving- he- he said he would see me in two weeks." She looked so pitiful, crying to her brothers best friend about how her boyfriend didn't treat her right. It was shameful at this point. "I'm so fucking pathetic, I probably will see him in two weeks."
"Hey, you told me you were serious about dumping him this time. You were serious about it too." He said, eyes now focused on the road. "Now, are you gonna go back? Break that promise? Or 'stand on business' as Rumi would say."
"I just don't know how. I've been going back to him everytime, I just don't know how I'm gonna do it this time." She frowned, crying her eyes out.
"Give me your phone." He said, stopping at a red light and holding out his palm. "Seriously, give me your phone."
She hesitantly put it into his hand, staring at him with caution.
"My password is 22234." She said.
"That's such a dumb password, I probably could've guessed it." He chuckled, going through her phone. He slowly scrolled into her messages. "Tell me when it's green."
"Wait are you going through my messages?"
"Nope, just blocking his number." Shinya said, finding his contact and immediately pressing the block button. "I would never invade your privacy." He said, tossing the phone into her hand.
She had done that during their messier breakups already. He would just come back some other way. Through her social medias, email, even showing up to her rehearsals and begging for her back. When she would get in trouble for it, he would say she didn't need to work and he would take care of her. But that's not who her brother raised.
"If he bothers you again, give me a call. That is, unless you're gonna take him back." He said as they pulled into his driveway. "I've handled plenty of stalkers, if he ever bothers you, Taishiro and I would gladly rough him up a little."
She had seen Tai fight. It was anything but roughing someone up a little bit. Last time she saw him fight the guy was in the hospital for days. And she didn't wanna be with Hizashi, however she did not wanna see him get hurt.
"You're gonna go shower, dry off, and warm up. Got it?"
"Yes daddy." She teased, rolling her eyes. He sounded like her damn father, ordering her around like that. "Can you show me a shower?"
"Of course."
His home was lovely. More on the architectural side, everything was white, grey, black, with accents of navy blue. She lived with Taishiro, who obviously owned a family home, seeing he had two kids, Eijirou and Tatami. Nothing was white, if anything it was a yellowed color with brown furniture and wicker. Everything looked beautiful in Shinya's home. Like it was new.
There weren't even flowers in his home. It was so empty.
"The bathroom is the first door on the left. I'll throw your clothes in the dryer when you take them off."
She nodded quickly, walking over to his directed area, taking her heels off. She probably had a few blisters now, all that moisture rubbing against the strap of the heel. Had to have caused one.
Inside the bathroom, she peeled off everything she wore. Her black dress, the diamonds, bra, and her panties, all peeled off of her damp body. She cracked the door open a smidge, hoping he couldn't see anything as she handed him her wet clothes. It felt really awkward to give a guy her soaked clothing. Felt as if it was some sort of dirty innuendo or a drug deal.
"Do I need to hang up any of it?" He asked, not looking at her. "Like... the delicate items?"
"Oh... uh no. It can all be dried in the dryer." She said, poking her head out. "Sorry, this is probably really awkward. I- I could probably do it myself."
"You're all fine, I had a girlfriend of three years. I've washed clothes before." He said, holding a hand over his temple so that he wouldn't see her. "Shino would fight me if I didn't hang up her bras. Just trying to avoid a fight."
"Got it. I'll- I'll hop in now Kamihara." She said, closing the door behind her.
"It's Shinya."
"Was the shower nice? You took a minute." Shinya chuckled, sitting on the couch and looking at his phone. "I'm ordering takeout if you're still hungry."
"I... what's even open this late?"
"Uh... In n Out, Cheesecake Factory, some Chinese places, oooh a ramen place." He said staring at his phone as she looked over his shoulder. "Oh and uh, your clothes should be finished drying by now."
"I could kiss you for doing this for me."
"You sound a little too serious." He joked, shooing her away with his hand. "Don't make rash decisions right after a breakup." She giggled at his words, sitting down next to him. She was now wearing one of his shirts, and pair of basketball shorts that very clearly belonged to Keigo rather than him.
"Well I want Ramen, but that's just me."
"I was already ordering it. So what do you want?"
"Miso ramen."
"So vanilla." He chuckled to himself, but put in the order.
"Basic." He replied, confused if she was lost or if she was just repeating him.
"I'm not vanilla, nor basic." She scoffed, feigning offense. "Other than ramen, what would make me basic?"
"Let's see... You do ballet, you drink Stella Pink wine, got all the basic piercings-" He listed, stopping before he got too mean. "What you thought I meant in sex too?"
Everytime they interacted, something just had to come out crazy sounding. First her shirt slipping, she had no clue how much was even showing when that happened, now they were doing a back and forth sexual comment competition, huh.
"Do you think I have vanilla sex?" She chuckled, leaning back against his couch.
"Wanna test that?" She teased him before almost immediately regretting it. That was so weird of her to say. "I'm- I'm so sor-"
"Are you fucking with me?" She asked, laughing at him. "Seriously, are you fucking with me?"
"Depends." He shrugged his shoulders, finally placing the order and putting his phone down, staring at her. "All up to you."
'I hope Taishiro is asleep."
She nodded her head gently as he took her hand away from her folded arms. "I just broke up with Hizashi." But maybe she needed that extra push to finally leave him.
"All up to you." He repeated, placing her hand on his shoulder, holding the other one gently and getting close to her. "If you wanna do this, tell me now."
"I wanna." It was ok. It was all good. If she wasn't getting back together with Hizashi, and this was no strings attached, then she wasn't cheating, it wasn't anything. They were broken up, they weren't getting back together, and she just needed a little incentive to stay broken up.
He was insanely handsome. The silver hair, damn well near silver eyes, the soft looking lips. She wanted him.
"Shall we take this upstairs?"
I might come back to this later and add a little spice but, I think that was a good ending to the chapter. And boy it was long.
Shino is Mandalay by the way. I don't remember why that ship came to mind but it did?
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