No one's Pov
The moonlight hit Chrys. "No chrys!" Rose shouted, trying to get her. Leandre stood in her way, "It's too late rose. The roses power is already taken over her." Rose looked at chyrs, "no..." Rose looked at Leandre. "Leandre please, you have to end this now" "and why should I? Don't you see my love, these roses will make this world a utopia, just how out mothers wanted it to be." Leandre said to Rose.
"No this is all wrong!" Shouted Rose to Leandre. Leandre huffed in annoyance, "you just don't see these roses could make our world better. Hmhm, let's see what your partner thinks hm?" Leandre walked over to Chrys and uncuffed her, pulling Chrys to her feet. "Romance cop..." said Rose. Chrys looked at Rose. Her eyes were rosed, "I feel great detective! I'm starting to see Leandre's way of thinking."
Chrys walked up to Rose. Rose took a step back, "no this isn't you...." "On the contrary she's more herself then ever Rose. She's giving in to her inner most desires." Said leandre. "No this is only a sick distortion!" Rose shouted at Leandre. Chrys walked towards Rose, frowning slightly, "What's wrong detective? You look like you need a kiss, but you keep avoiding me..."
Rose ignored Chrys and glared at Leandre, "the true Chrys is understanding and trustworthy. She trusts even the most untrustworthy adversaries! And look what your roses reduced her to! Those qualities lost to pure desire!" "But don't you see my love? It's a small price to pay to get rid of the hard injustices of this world" Leandre said to Rose. "I couldn't disagree with you more." Rose stated to Leandre.
Leandre glared at Rose. "Why can't you just see what is right rose?" Lenadre asked angerly. "Because this is wrong." Rose said. "So you'd rather live in a world of disharmony then a utopia?" Leandre asked her. "These roses dont make this any better! It cuaees more problems!" Rose shouted, avoiding chrys once more. Leandre stayed silent, thinking to herself. "Please, all i want is chrys to be whole again" rose said to leandre.
Leandre looked to rose then spoke, "rose..." "hm?" Rose said waiting for her to continue. "The password...its rose...go ahead and enter it into the machine...i will not stop you..." leandre said to her. "You really understand?" Rose asked her. "Its the right thing to do isnt it? You may just be my voice of reason..." she said. Rose nodded and entered the password and uprooted the roses on the moon.
Soon enough, chrys was back to her oldself. "Ugh...what happened...?" Chrys murmured rubbing her head a bit. Rose hugged chrys, "im glad your back to normal" chrys returned the hug amd the two separated. "What did i do this time?" Chrys asked her. "Ill explain later." Rose said, the looked at leandre, "leandre. It's time to turm yourself in." Rose said to her. Leandre slowly nodded, "yes...of course"
Then rumbling is felt and the building was falling apart. "We have to get out of here!" Chrys shouted. The trio began running to the exit. 'One of us wont make it...' Chrys thought. As they got to the exit, chrys pushed rose and leandre out, this cause chrys to hit the floor in the building. The other two fell outside the building a distance away. Rose looked cback and saw the building fully collapse on top of chrys. "Chrys!" Rose shouted
So Until Next Time My Cartoon Army!!!
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