Just a thing I made on a whim
Roman grabbed Aldous' hand as they dodged the flames of the Dragon Witch.
Aldous was screaming.
The two princes rushed to the exit and threw open the door, then slamming it shut.
The door had appeared in Insomnia's hallway and they fell with a thud at the feet of Morpheus.
"Butterflies!" Morpheus cussed, picking up the shaken princes.
"Hi," Aldous said almost shyly, as it was his first time meeting another side other than Roman and Remus.
"Hello, I'm Insomnia." Morpheus stuck out a hand for Aldous to shake.
"Um. I'm Wish," Aldous responded, smiling.
Roman brushed himself off and heard approaching voices.
"Butterflies!" He cussed, as Morpheus' room was at the start of the hall.
Aldous gripped Roman's arm instinctively, and Roman looked mildly panicked.
"I'll go greet them" Morpheus said through gritted teeth, hands fiddling with the star hair clips as he went to the start of the hall.
Morpheus was greeted with surprised faces.
"Who are you?" Virgil asked, tense.
"Insomnia's the role. What are you doing near my hall?"
The side rolled his eyes.
"Are you deaf, Mr Emo?"
"You're emo too!"
"No, I'm an emo cutie, not emo emo"
Patton smiled nervously, "Well, Kiddo, we were just curious. We were wondering who lived in this hallway."
"I'm not your son." Morpheus deadpanned, and Roman snickered from the end of the hall, as they were all speaking very loudly.
Unfortunately, the snicker was pretty loud too.
"Who else is there?!"
"No-one!" Morpheus cried out desperately, as Virgil pushed past him.
Roman froze and Aldous' finger nails dug in deeper to his arm.
"Hello, Emo nightmare!"
"Who is that and what the fack are you doing here?"
"Uhm, this is Wish, and we just got out of the Imagination and the door spawned here."
Patton came a few seconds afterwards and gaped at the other princely figure.
"He looks like you!"
"I am aware of that Mr Morality" Aldous chirped, finally speaking up.
"Okay, who are these two?" Virgil asked, gesturing at the oncoming figure of Morpheus and at Wish.
"It's a long story, I'l tell you later."
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