Cover Your Eyes (Part 3)
Haha! You thought I was done! You fools! This is a three-parter! Mwahahahahah-
TW: Kind of self-torture, cursing (oh look, we haven't seen that for a long time without me censoring), torture I guess too
Romulus curled in on himself. He blocked out Virgil's pleas and Sombra's words of reassurances. He blocked out Remus' strange way of asking whether he was okay. He blocked out the questions from Janus.
He'd hurt someone and he wasn't going to come out until he was sure the shackles would work.
Well, now he could hear panicked voices outside, whispering about Virgil. Romulus remembered Virgil asking him the very question that set his head reeling. Virgil had left them.
He clenched his fists, and almost immediately, the shackles started burning into his skin. He yelped and unclenched his hands. The shackles cooled and he sighed in relief. It did work. He managed to pull himself up, despite the cold voices whispering and making him wonder if he was a good person.
Of course, he wasn't.
But he went out anyways.
Romulus eyes the two sides froze in place mid-argument.
"Did I scare him off to the main sides?" He asked quietly, his hands clutching his red sash.
Sombra frowned, "No, of course not-"
"You were only a small factor," Janus said, fiddling with his gloves.
Remus popped out of nowhere and jumped on Romulus.
"ACK-" He cried out, as Janus sank out of the room, obviously not wanting to deal with Remus.
Romulus summoned his katana, shouting, "Off, you foul creature!"
Romulus was always more comfortable with Remus around.
Thoughts tended to swirl in his head. Was he too loud? Was he too quiet? He was scared if he wasn't perfect at his job he'd be abandoned.
That probably why Virgil left.
Eventually, Janus went. Then it was Remus without a warning, only popping up in their room for some sort of painting materials.
Sombra and he were left alone. But Sombra had been trying to keep the chores balanced and although Sombra didn't wish to, he had to leave Romulus for long times.
Romulus growled, slashing his sword at a dummy. Alone.
He felt the whispers of Thomas' rising insecurities. The shackles burned but he wan't sure he cared quite as much as before.
He decided at another jiggling word of insecurity to rise up. He was getting annoyed. He ended up sitting on the T.V. He raised his eyebrows at Virgil and Janus. The looked like ghosts when they saw him.
Romulus was even more bitter when he saw his brother chatting happily. He'd left him.
He did the first thing that came to mind. He kicked him over.
"Lookie here! A new side has decided to appear!" He said in a malicious tone. Thomas gaped at Romulus while Remus stood up again quickly, brandishing his mace.
"How nice to see you again, brother."
"Brother?" Thomas peeped out, unsure what to see about the aggressive entrance of this side.
"Mm, yes." He sighed, then added, "Unfortunately"
Janus was about to say something, but Romulus silenced him with a quick downward pull of his blindfold. Janus pressed a gloved hand to his mouth and gulped, containing himself with his willpower. Romulus pulled it back up, hissing in pain at the burning sensation in his wrists.
Except it didn't stop. He frowned in internal panic as tried opening the shackles but they remained shut.
"Shit! " He hissed. Remus looked at him curiously.
The shackles clenched tighter and became hotter. He sank out.
He could not help but recall from Snow White how the evil queen had died from the scalding shoes.
In his panic, he finally got the shackles off. He checked his wrists, which were burned and red.
He hid in his room, shame and fear seeping into his veins, and hopelessness filling his head.
Sorry not sorry, that's done :)
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