Visit from someone specail
You sit with your bestfriend Letha as you both talk about your boyfriends hers being peter "I wish Roman was back." You say plopping down on the couch next to her "he could be" She says "he's on the literal other side of the world for a 'Godfrey business trip'." She giggles "knowing him he's probably cheating on me having a great fucking time with someone named Helena kalakakui from Hawaii" Yousay she laughs "what y/n ahah Roman wouldn't cheat on you he adores you." She says You sigh leaning my head back "so anyway with that out of the way do you want go to the fair." She says "hmmm..." "come on it's Sunday night it'll be practically empty" she says You sigh "fine okay why not." You say
You and Letha walk through the park that is almost empty you pass a few people almost every five minutes you've gone on so many rides and Ferris wheel played games and ridden the courasel laughing and smiling
You walk through the park some more carrying the giant stuffed bear you've won "this is fun letha thank you." You say "I know and your welcome. Come on one more ride." She says you nod and walk to it laughing and talking "so I kinda lied before." She says "what do you mean?" You ask "about Roman." "Fuck." You say "no no no he's not a trip....well he was but not anymore he came back this morning and we'll." She says looking behind you seeing roman walking up he stops the man you haven't seen in months your boyfriend standing in front of you you place your bear down and run over to him he engulfs you into his arms picking you up hugging you and spinning around he lifts your small fram up further so you wrap your legs around his waist as you both kiss each other finnaly you pull away from each other "I missed you." He says "I missed you more." You say "that's not possible." He says You smile and kiss him again you both pull away as he sets you down letha hands you the bear "thank you letha." You say and hug her "your welcome." She says and smiles
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