Stalker?? pt2
"Oh come on it's the last dance of the year." I say to roman as he opens the car door for me since he gave me a ride to school since I stayed over last night but I went to my house to change into clothes for the day during that night we got to know each other more than I know anyone ever I told him about being abused at home and even though he offered for me to live with him I said no "dances are stupid." He says "Roman..." I say as we walk into the school halls "plus it's fucking costume party anyway." He says lighting a cigarette "those are bad for you." I say "so I'm told." He says and puff out smoke I stop and stand in front of him "please it'll be fun." I say he sighs and rolls his eyes "Roman." I say grabbing onto the sides on his jacket leaning into him l
"Come on." I say "fucking fine...I'll go." He says i smile "y/n what the fuck!" I hear I look over seeing Angie and carmine "oh..." "you missed practice yesterday." She says "y-yeah I-" "she was with me I kept her sorry or what ever." "She dosnt need to be with you look what youve done to her face" Angie pulls me away seeing the bruise that Jared left "what will Jared think." Carmine says I pull away from Angie "I think you'd know what Jared will think carmine since you fucked him." I say Angie gasps "what!?" "I didn't fucking n-" "shut the fuck up harlet everyone knows it you have like four hickeys under you make up on you neck alright it's obvisou" Roman says "carmine that not not cool or cute." Angie says she crosses her arms "your off the team." She says "what?" Carmine asks mhm leave your bow and uniform on my desk in the locker room" Angie says "for the record he screamed my name." Carmine walks off
Time skip
I walk out of my house in the flapper costume seeing roman leaning against his car I walk up to him "I-I don't really where dresses so I don't know if..." "you look beautiful." He says I smile "what are you supposed to be anyway." I say "unimpeachable" he says i giggle he smiles "alright let's go to this fucking thing." He says and moves aside holding the door open for me "thank you." I say and get in
We dance for a while "I'll be back im gonna a drink" I say "get me one" he says i nod
I watch as y/n gets a drink Jared comes up to her she pushes him away but the they begin to talk she nods he brushes her hair back "hey roman." I hear as natalie runs her hands along my arm and chest I pull them off "is it me or is is every Jared a complete waste of conception." I say glaring at him and y/n "so did come here to talk about cute boys all night or do you wanna dance." She says "no." I say to her not taking my eyes off them she takes we hands off "your a real fucking sociopath you know that....I don't even know how that's defined exactly but it sounds a physic who dosnt who the balls to go all the way." She says and walks off "alright alright alright" someone walks up on stage y/n comes up to me "here you go." She hands me the drink "thanks." I say I continue to watch Jared he walks off I look at the stage "last dance of the year seniors am I right!!" Everyone cheers "through the school year we've made memories so our principle and film club put together a bit of a video through the year of the best moments." He says and plays goes to a computer and presses the button it's meteorites of the bands and the schools field trip it's glitches and cuts to something else "here she is ladies and gentalman the infamous y/n" it's a video y/n her clothes and ripped and she's tied down and blindfolded "n-no...." I hear her "y/n." "Ah no no this isn't the video everyone." The guy says in the mic it cuts to her being raped everyone laughs and videos it y/n runs out "Y/n! hey!" I go after her I see jerad he laughs I grab his collar "YOUR A FUCKING PEICW OF AHIT YOH K IW THAT." I say and punch him he falls I kick him and then run after y/n
I run out after her down the stairs in front of the school "y/n! Hey!" I yell to her "y/n!!" I catch up to her and grabs her arms "NO! NO LET ME GO! ROMAN LET ME GO!!" She screams "Hey! HEY!" I say she sobs looking at me "That was fucked up!" I say to her "ITS WASNT MY FAULT!" Yells "I FUCKING KNOW THAT THOSE PEOPLE WHO HURT YOU DESERVE TO FUCKING BURN ALIVE." I yell she's sobs "wh-when I asked you last night why you stayed with him.....was that why.. Becuase he had a video on you." I ask she nods crying "I-I'm sorry I didn't.." I pull her into me "don't you be fucking sorry." I say hugging her "get in the car." I say "but-" "go." I say she walk to the car I walk into the school and through the halls to the science lab and open the case with the scorpions I go to the hall and open the case with the snakes that are out mascots and are poisonous by the way I take one it wraps around my hand "you're going to listen to me and bite Jared kingmon his friends and that bitch carmine heftily" I say to it and put it down it goes off i wipe the blood off my noise I was off I hear screams and see people run out of the school I walk out as people run out behind me
I get in the car y/n has her knees to her chest turned to the side I close the door I sigh I place my hand on her arm she flinches I pull away I buckle her I buckle myself and drive off
"Roman...." she says "mm." "I don't want to go home tonight." She says "are you sure." I ask she nods "okay." I say and turn to go to my house
We walk in "welcome ....again" he says "I get you some other clothes come on." He says taking my hand
I sit on romans bed side I wear one of his shirts again he walks in in sweat pants and no shirt "y/n." He says leaning in front of me kneeling down tears run down my face "I'm not gonna let anything like happen again alright." He says "what are you gonna do roman....erase the memory of every single person there that all the senior class." I say "I will if I have to." He says moving hair behind my ear he strokes my cheeks wiping off my tears I sniff "y/n." He says I look at him "it's okay." He says his eyes melt into mine I pull him into me and kiss him he kisses me back I rest hands on his neck he deepened the kiss I stand pulling him with me. Our lips still connected my hands move to his sides pulling him closer he pulls away "y/n I don't think....are you sure you-" "I- I trust you." I say he looks into my eyes I nod he presses his lips against mine and lifts me up so my legs wrap around his waist
And that's on cliff hanger y'all got a smut yesterday if I wrote another A. This chapter would be too long and B if he spoiling all you!!! So if you want a part three or not comment
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