Sick girl
I watch as y/n sits in the bench watching her class mates running I get up walking over to her "good afternoon." I say "hi roman." She says "you look miserable. I haven't seen you all week." "Sorry I had an episode I couldn't breath on Sunday night I had to be rushed to the already know I'm dying" she says y/n has cystic fibrosis she was born with it leading to her lungs not fully developing her lung capacity is to that of a 7 year old you might say "you alright though?" I ask "I am now but I was cut one year." She says and looks at me I fix the noes bar breathing tube around her face "Let's go do something. Huh?" "Like what?" "The lake cabin. We havnt been there in a while how about that?" I say "it's winter." "We're not gonna go in the water come on y/n you me booze and a lake cabin for the weekend." I says she chuckles and looks down nodding "fine." She says
I sit in the car with Roman as he drives to the house he pulls up onto the gravel road "man I havnt been her in years." I say opening the door getting out "I know what's it been like 3, 4 years." He says "last time was 8th grade graduation so yeah almost four years." I say "come on." He says we walk up to the house he carries the bags we walk in it's so warm "I'll put the bag upstairs" he says I nod I walk through the house to the living room I walk out the large back doors and down the dock I stand looking over the lake I see the rope on the tree of where Roman and I would swing off of. I feel arms around me "remember when would swing from that." I say looking at the rope he nods "in the summer when it's so fucking hot out that we wouldn't leave the water." He says i nod "8 years old thinking we were adults stealing our parents red solo cups and putting apple juice in them." I say he chuckles kissing my hair "thank you for staying with me." I say "what do you mean.?" He says I lean my hand back on his chest "being my friend but many people would wanna stay friends with the sick girl." I say "well your welcome... and for the record. Your not a sick girl to me y/n. Your just the girl." He says i smile "thanks roman." I say "come on side before you freeze to death." "It's not snowing." "Yeah I know but it's cold come on." He says i giggle
Roman sits in front of the fire place roasting marshmallows. While I sit on the couch a safe distance so my oxygen tank doesn't explode and kill us both "here you are m,lady." He says handing me a s'more "thank you." I say he sits next to me "I'm used to our parents coming in and saying bed time. When ever we sit here." I say "18 year olds don't need a bed time." He says I chuckle "true very so true" I say eating "oh shit look." He says getting up I get up as well going to the window where he is it's snowing "we're building a snowman tomorrow" I say he chuckles I look out watching it roman moves my hair behind my ear I look at him "like I said your not a sick girl to me y/n...." he lives closer "your just a girl." He says moving even closer "18 year olds don't have a bed time." I say his lips press against mine I kiss him back
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