Spiderrrrrrr 2
A pin could drop in the short breathe of silence that fell after that yell and be the loudest thing in the room. It was quiet for the first time in a while since Roman was trapped in this horrid tiny body. This is disturbed though by movement, as he's slipped into a hood pocket. Now with his eye site gone, all that was left would be sound and what he heard was running feet. The two men's socks sliding against stair steps as they held onto the stair railings tight in fear of falling. Although in what seemed to be a last-minute decision Remus tossed himself down anyways arms spread for the sake of it and the purple one just narrowly manages to not step on him.
"Remus!" he hisses, grabbing a fistful of Remus's outfit as he hauls him to the feet. "Now is not the time!" He scolds, pulling the other up and tugging him along like a wiggly sack of living potatoes. Roman shudders, living potatoes, now that was a horrifying thought.
"Oh but my dear raccoon it is" Remus chirps back, hands clasping around the purple man's wrist as he batts his eyelashes with a cheeky grin and a wiggle of his mustache. My disney roman was glad he didnt have the horrid thing on the top of his lip. "We have so much time, we could even get kinky and sht." Disgusting Remus, utterly disgusting how dare you say that to my lovely dark prince.
Scare bear rolls his eye's with a huff, dropping Remus off in what roman assumed was the living room. "De, were here" He shouts, giving Remus a kick to which the man yelped, then moaned. "Yeah double de, were here." Roman's brother added on, scrambling into a fluid kneeling position, legs spread like a good boy.
Roman found himself nosing at the exit of the hood pocket, sticking his eyes out to at least see what's happening, right when the charming seeming man from before emerged. His scales glittered in the lights like gold, roman couldn't help but wonder, would they be soft? Smooth? Or, he shudders, slimy? Whatever it was he knew he shouldn't touch the man, no matter how pretty he seemed. He did not want to get double-cursed after all.
"Well, you two arrived on time for once," De grumbled, slipping off his gloves and pocketing them. "Now come you two, into the kitchen." He gestures them forward with a turn, holding fast to his cape as he made his exit... dramatic much, roman couldn't help but think. Overkill always did bring down a performance, he shakes his little head, for it was a shame that no one could match his theatrics. The crown of the theatre is a lonely one to bear.
"Why did you call us down here though?" The purple-eyed man questions, tugging Remus up further and holding him about half-inch above the ground. So, turns out that the knight of shining darkness, was tall, roman could dig that, he always did like a challenge. Beside's it was a perfect excuse to wear his heeled boots.
De smiles, "Well V, you're here for dinner." He replies, cracking his fingers, pale skin folding together then opening as he slid open his chair and sat down. "You two have a little problem with taking your sweet time, so I decided to take extra measures." He reasoned, rightening his cutlery before picking up a fork and knife, as he began to cut the steak.
V drops Remus, a slight tap to his foot. "....Really" He huffs, trudging towards his own chair, flipping it around as he sat down backwards, torso resting on the backrest. "That's it?"..... Well seems like roman would have to teach V some proper manners which would be expected given where this poor man is forced to live. But he doesn't even know how to sit properly on a chair!! Roman exclaims mentally, perplexed. No, bother though, nothing a few classes cant fix.
Deceit hums, snapping his fingers and Remus makes a sharp noise as he's lifted in the air like a ragdoll. With a sway of deceits hand, roman watched as Remus was then dropped into a chair. Roman's brother opened his mouth, perhaps to say something crude only for the yellow man to shove a mouthful of steak into his mouth. "Well, I have been meaning to check in on how your individual jobs are going."
"Fine." V snaps, as Remus just keeps chewing, smack, smack went his jaw noisily and wet. How barbaric
"We're doing fine." his tone is sharp and roman couldn't help but slink out of the pocket and begin to climb the soft material, if only to just see the full picture. That's it... yeah, only for that reason.
"Aright then," De murmurs, turning back to his meal. "Anything new?" he asks, tapping his spoon against the soup bowl before stirring it. The red liquid swirling like ice cream, it looked rich and thick and going off the smell, Roman would assume it'd be tomato soup.
" I GOT V A NEW SPIDER PET!" Remus exclaims, voice bright and far too cheery for Romans's poor ear holes. He cowers back, placing a set of arms over the opening to drown out the noise. Damn his brother and his nasally voice.
"Please no" De sighs, placing a dainty hand upon his brow.."Not again, kay was such a bother" He mutters, letting go of his spoon and letting it rest on the side. " Remus you really had to make another talking spider, especially one so annoying?" He asks, a strain in the tone as he rubs his aching forehead. "This is not a great addition to this already strained relationship"
Remus shakes his head, placing both elbows on the table as he leans in. "No. No worries, my sexy snake, it's one of Roman's creations." He replies, leaning even closer, his upper lip twitching just to move the hair on it slyly. "Also, he cant talk... sooo, he's completely at our mercy."
Deceit blinked, looking between the two sides before him. "Oh." He breathes, picking his spoon back up. "Alright. Have you named it yet?"
V shakes his head. "No, I just got him." He replies, looking down and noticing roman who had climbed up his waist, he reaches toward him, taking him into his hand. "What would you like to be named little buddy?"
Roman! For that's my Name! Roman roman roman. He chants, spinning in V's hand and swaying his front arms as if that would make him hear him. No other name is suitable for me, for roman is the best.
"Hmm" V hums, adjusting the positioning of the spider in his hand for a better look. "How about Soleil?" He asks, tapping the top of his head.
De lowers his spoon, raising his brow in a slight manner. "Soleil, the french word for the sun?" He asks, giving roman a once look over. My Disney it felt like his eyes were picking his entire being apart with just a simple snakey stare. "I assume you landed on that name due to his red and gold colours?" He asks with a wave of his right hand, "If so, isn't that a little too on the nose?"
V sighs, lifting roman up and squinting. "Yeahh, your right."
Remus sneaks closer, about half his torso on the table now, his shirt dipping into green goopy soup. "I think you should name him sh*tFace!!" Remus pipes in, reaching for roman with his gross greasy hands.
V blinks, "No." he pulls roman away from the green man's grasp, a pout to his lips.
Remus frowns... "Huh... How about roman then?" He suggests, leaning just a little bit closer, his pointer finger stretching.
Deceit and v glance at each other, then back at Remus. "What."
Remus shrugs, "Well it's kinda funny, given he's one of Romans creations."
"Huh." V breathes, glancing down at roman... who was honestly feeling strangely enough now insulted about being given the proper name. "Roman it is then. Hello roman."
Oh how desperately he wanted to say hello back.
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