Ship(s):prinxiety & demus
Tw:unsympathetic patton & logan, physically abusive patton,sympathetic darksides & virgil, self-harm,accusing someone of doing self-harm for attention,panic attack,roman having a mental breakdown.
Requested by: LaceyNewman9
Self doubt wasn't new to roman,neither was bring a blade down on his thighs and watching the dark red liquid run down his legs. But lately it had been worse, after it was confirmed that janus was now accepted ,a person he on countless occasions was told he was a villain,and he was no longer Thomas' hero.His insecurities decided 'Oh hey their having a mental breakdown time to leap out of hiding and slap him in the face!'... This all happend last night.
The morning started off as it normally would Roman was sitting on the couch taking bites out of an apple. Until logan and patton walked in. He immediately tensed up. "Shouldn't you be working?" Patton piped up noticing the prince like male on the couch. "W-well I've f-finished all my work f-for today,yesterday s-so I was taking a m-mental health day..." he stuttered fear evident in his eyes. "That's no excuse, what happens if thomas slips into daydream mode? What then?!" Logan raised his voice slightly.
"T-technically t-that's Remy's job...." he said in his defense though his voice had no power to it.
Roman's head was forced to the right. He immediately brought a hand to his face. Tears pricking in his fear stricken eyes as he held his stinging cheek in his hand. "DON'T TALK BACK YOU USELESS BRAT!" He yelled at the crying side,grabbing his shirt and throwing him off the couch. Roman scrambled up and backed into a corner. "If you did your work this wouldn't have happened!" Logan yelled
The commotion had caught virgil's attention and he had come down the stairs, only to see his boyfriend backed into a corner crying his eyes out, with a very evident hand print on his right cheek as the two oldest sides yelled harmful things at him.
Virgil ran to roman standing infront of him protectively. "V-virgil?" Roman sounded almost shocked to see him infront of him.
"VIRGIL WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING THAT WORTHLESS VILLAIN!?!"Logan boomed. Virgil noticed Roman's breathing slightly quicken as he slumped against the wall slowly sliding down it.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!" Virgil shouted at them, he couldn't decide between helping roman or calling for backup that second, he noticed roman starting to scratch at his thighs. Suddenly like they had heard his thoughts a morning star came flying past Patton's head staying firming in the wall that it collided with.
Remus pushed past the two assholes and raced to his brother's side as janus stood in front of them,virgil kneeling down to help roman.
Remus carefully removed Roman's hands away from his body so he couldn't hurt himself until he saw " Holy shit! Roman your bleeding!" He exclaimed worry and hearybreak evident in his tone. Virgil's heart broke partially but focused on getting roman to breath.
"Roman, roman look at me sweetheart can you do that?" He said softly. Roman slowly lifted his head his breathing rapid and uneven. "Good job,am I ok to touch you?" Roman nodded. Virgil slowly wrapped his arms around the other, bringing his head to his chest. "Can you copy my breathing for me?" He asked softly placing a hand on Roman's chest. Roman nodded and tried to match his breathing. Failing and trying again. "Good job." Virgil smiled.
Roman breath evened out slightly and remus gave him a look. "You relapsed didn't you? He asked softly. Janus and virgil's heads snapped in his direction the other two long gone. "Relapsed?!" They questioned.
Remus looked at roman who nodded and his head in virgil's chest. Remus snapped his fingers changing roman into some shorts and rolling them up slightly to reveal multiple cuts littering them. Each in sets of twos. Some of them bleeding from Roman's scratching. Remus summoned some disinfectant wipes and bandages. "You promised you'd tell me bro.." he said quietly,wiping the cuts and wrapping them in bandages as his boyfriend came and sat beside him,wrapping an arm around him.
" 'm sorry..." roman whimpered. Virgil kissed his forehead. "Don't apologise ok princess? You where scared. But please tell one of us next time ok?"
Roman nodded softly before looking up to virgil. "Sing?" He asked quietly causing virgil to chuckle "really?" Roman pouted "ok...I have the perfect song" virgil smiled before singing softly running his hand through Roman's floofy hair.
"So keep your head up princess before your crown falls
Now these voices in your head will be your downfall
I know it gets so hard but you don't got far to go
Keep your head up princess its a long road
And the path leads right to where they won't go
I know it hurts right now but I know you'll make it home
So keep your head up
So keep your head up"
Roman smiled slightly as virgil finished.
Remus and janus smiled at the two, remus leaning against janus.
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