TW: Yelling,Murder( forced fading), slightly unsympathetic roman towards Janus but it's cause he's in pain, I think his actions are justified as they aren't really that bad but are slightly neglectful,
Ship: Roman x OC (unknown side)
Analogical if you squint but it could be seen as platonic
◇Roman was dating a darkside, he was forced to fade. They has a kid.
◇Flower language.
◇ There's basically no ending lmao
Roman smiled softly as his child played with K across the back yard, K was the dragon-witch's and Fairy godmother's kid, Emile suddenly burst out in squeaky laughs as K tickled him. Letting their own laughs out in response.
Roman turned back to his flower garden.The bed was covered in lilacs,red carnations, hydrangeas,pink tulips and roses, all of them bright and colourful, standing out against the bright green grass. Roman looked at his watch and sighed. "Emile,K! Time to go to Dahlia's house!" He called to the excited children. They cheered.
K grinned as they ran up to the emerald eyed prince. "Mr. Ro! Mr.Ro! looks what I can do!!" They giggled, making small sparkles of flame swirl round in their palm,the ambers licking his fingers. "That's amazing K, You're magic has come in." Roman smiled at the kid as he lifted Emile to rest on his hip. Holding his hand out to the child.
They grabbed his hand and sunk down,appearing in Yasmin's (the fairy godmother) house. Her wife,Dahlia, was waiting in the doorway, "hello Roman,Emile. Did you have fun K?" "Yeah,Yeah! Momma looks my magic came in!" They exclaimed showing their mother. She smiled at him as Roman set Emile down.
"Go play kids." She smiled. "Yasmin's in the Kitchen making cookies!" "COOKIES!!" and they where off.
Dahlia's smile softened as she walked over to Roman embracing the boy she basically raised tightly. "How are you,my dear?" She asked into his hair as he tightly gripped hold of her. "It hurts,Lia...It hurts and they don't even remember him!" He sobbed. She quietly hushed him as he cried into her shoulder,the smaller man muttering about how unfair it was.
"I know dear, but Daniel wouldn't wish for you to focus on the negatives, you have your baby, his pride and joy, he loved you both more than anything." she said softly. Roman lightly touched the chain round his neck where two rings hung. "I just wish he where here to see how much like him Emile is." He said with a small smile.
Time skip
Roman scoffed as Janus rose up, getting a glare from Patton that he couldn't give 2 shits about.Thomas chuckled nervously but they continued on with the video.
Everything was going fine, yet Roman was disregarding everything Janus said instead opting to ask virgil on his opinion, which caused the other to snicker slightly.
Janus had about had it. " WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" He exploded,cutting roman off from asking logan a question. Roman looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Do you mind this question is important. So anyway Logan, how would the schedule and stuff affect the idea's -" Roman was cut off again. "NO! I've had it with you being a dick to me! Why?! What is your problem?!" Janus yelled using his power to shove Roman. Virgil grabbed the Prince before he could crash to the ground and held him protectively, like one would with a younger sibling. " Dude back off! Not everyone here has to like you!" He yelled helping Roman stand up as straight as a gay man could.
"DOESN'T GIVE HIM THE RIGHT TO BE AN ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE!" "YOU WANNA KNOW MY PROBLEM ANACONDICK?!" Roman screamed back,a quiet snicker of "pfft anacondick-" from behind him, suprisingly from Logan.
"Yeah I would!" Janus seethed leaning into Roman's personal space,Roman stood out of Virgil's embrace."BECAUSE YOU FUCKING KILLED MY HUSBAND!!" Roman screamed shoving the man back.
"what..." Thomas muttered. "Yeah Thomas, I was married, we were happy together,12 years together 7 of them married, we have a fucking kid." Roman hissed, glaring at the snake who was looking at the Prince wide eyed. "I never killed anyone!"
"Bullshit! You forced him to fade! You pushed him into the pit!!" He yelled, tears spilling. Gasps rang out the room. "Deceit..You pushed someone into the pit...?" Logan muttered looking at Janus as if he where a traitor.
"What I would never-" "You did it to Daniel."Roman cut him off. "Wait Daniel? As in compassion?" Virgil questioned softly, putting a hand on Roman's shoulder"Yes,Compassion. " Roman muttered. He let out a choked giggle," it's so fucking hard..He died on our son's birthday,trying to go get his gift from his room." Roman let out a quiet sob. Turing towards virgil and laying his head on the taller's chest.
"PAPA!" A small child appeared,clearly distressed."Papa no cry!I'm here." he exclaimed hugging Roman's leg. Roman picked him up and hugged him softly. "Papa's just thinking about Daddy again sweetheart." The boy's face fell a little,tears gathering in his eyes."I want daddy back..." He whispered
"I know mi amour, I do too..." Roman muttered closing his eyes and resting his head on Emile's fluffy brown hair,pressing a soft kiss to his son's head. He opened his eyes and glared at Janus,before sinking down.
"You fucked up big time buddy." A voice startled them from the sofa. Remus sat there with his mace. "I knew someone killed my brother in law. Didn't think it would have been my best friend. Should've guessed really. He was always different around you.Normally he would be kind to new comers. Don't look at me like that virge,when you arrived he'd just lost Daniel." Remus then stood and walked over to Janus, causing the snake to flinch back.
Remus wrapped an arm around Roman and pulled him closer to him, pressing a kiss to his nephew's head he began to mess with the frills on his tunic. Roman lay his head on his brother's shoulder.
"What...What's the pit..?" Thomas asked quietly.
"Remember when we watched inside out? The place where bingbong died?" Logan asked quietly. Thomas nodded seemingly putting the peices together. "It's like that, but instead of giving those who aren't meant to be there a slim chance of escape...The fade is instant....and, and when a side...fades..." Logan cut himself off, taking a deep breath. Virgil gave Logan his hand, and a pained comforting smile.Logan squeezed the hand and continued.
"Once a side fades, there's no coming back...believe me we've tried..." Both the twins flinch.
Thomas turned to stare at Janus, Patton had backed away from him, moving to comfort the twins from a distance, noticing they don't want much more physical contact.
"You killed someone...How could you...?" He whispered.
Janus looked distressed, "I...I don't know, I can't even remember doing it..."
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