Ship:Roceit {honestly one of my faves}
Tw: unsympathetic lightsides/sympathetic darksides/morally confused virgil/ roman having a mental breakdown( I have those on a daily basis)/attempted suicide.
Requested by: WaokeVale
Roman was never understood by the lightsides.
Virgil? He could never choose between who to trust and who to believe,honestly roman doesn't blame him for sideing with the others half the time since he never knows what the arguments are about,but once he finds out he can't bring himself to apologise because he acted so harshly. Logan? He criticises and mocks his ideas 24/7.Making changes and rewriting entire scripts. And don't get him started on patton! The so called father-figure of the group was mentally abusive towards the creative side, pushing him down into the dirt everytime he tries to get back on his feet.
Roman was about to rise up into thomas' living room to ask him something about the script. When he heard a voice. "I'm sorry to break this to you kiddo..." patton? " but Roman's actually an e-emotionally abusive,manipulative,asshole...he's abused us all...." roman froze up...n-no he wasn't, was he? NO! He was trying to be better! He's apologised for all his misdeeds and bullying, he's trying to make it up to them! Roman didn't rise up in the end.
Roman roamed the halls of the mind. It was 1am no one should be awake. He was rethinking today's events. How much had he been abused today? Patton had yelled at him for waking up five minutes late, logan tore a script up he worked a month on infront of him, virgil was forced to chime into another arguement with no context again,Thomas was told that roman was an emotionally abusive asshole patton had practically told roman he was fat... He thinks that's all.
Roman didn't notice tears streaming down his face as he made his way to the middle of the living room. His gaze caught the ceiling fan then the kitchen chair that for some reason had been brought out of the kitchen? Oh yeah logan was changing the lightbulb.
Roman smiled slightly muffleing sobs as he summoned a noose. He carefully place the chair under the fan before climbing up. Tying the end of the rope to the fan and making sure it'll hold his weight, which wasn't much to hold.
Roman tied the rope around his neck. He stood up on the chair and looked out at the moon. The glistening sliver light source illuminated the living area. "Just to think it'll all be over soon..." he smiles.
Just before he can kick the chair away he feels someone wrap their arms around his legs his head snapped only to see janus looking at him as though he was crazy. He looked over to see virgil covering his mouth with a hand and remus running into the room.
Remus gently climbed onto the chair careful not to tip it in anyway before removing the rope from Roman's neck,virgil ran over to help him down. "Why...?" They all croaked out in sinc. "I-I've had enough of everything!" He yells "f-from the abuse t-to the lies then t-to the h-hate! A-all I w-want i-is
for them t-to be proud o-of m-me!BUT I'M NEVER ENOUGH!!!" He screamed!!
Remus hugged him tightly "You'll always be enough...." Roman broke. He sobbed into remus' shoulder loudly, the broken boy clung to remus as if, if he let go remus would never come back.
Janus joined the hug rubbing Roman's back. "Never try that again, I love you too much to loose you...". Roman moved his head slightly, looking at him with a genuine smile "I love you too."
Oof I'm sorry it's shit...
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