Meet the parents
Requested by: ItzMoodieShipper
ship: roceit. patton x remus(what's the ship name for that?)
Tw: abusive parents,transphobic/homophobic behaviour,deadnaming and misgendering.
notes: Human/college au, trans!roman (ftm) his parents don't accept it. All the sides share an apartment.
Roman was startled awake by a scream coming from his brothers room. He quickly leapt out of bed racing to his door. "REMUS WHAT THE HELL?!" Roman shouted as he burst through the door.
Remus looked up at Roman looking absolutely mortified. "what?". "Our parents are coming to visit." He shakingly said, neither of them accepted the boys as who they where.
"When?! Maybe we can get out of town by the time they get here." Remus shook his head at his younger brother's idea. "They'll be here in an hour, we won't even make it down town by then it's rush hour." Roman wanted to cry.He hated his parents.
There was a knock at the door startling the twins, they peeked down the hall to see patton hugging a tall male. "Dad! I'm so happy you could come!" Patton exclaimed. "I wouldn't miss it kiddo!" His father replied cheerfully.
"now I know where he gets it from." Virgil whispered to logan who chuckled and nodded.
The six bedroom apartment was quite big mainly rent was paid by the twins since it was theirs but the others chipped in even though the twins never asked them too.
About ten minutes later another knock at the door. Virgil opened it only to laugh. "Logan! I think this one's for you!!" Logan walked over to the door and smiled." Mother!mom!" He hugged the two women,who returned the hug.
"come in!" He said happily and lead them into the living room. They where quite shocked to see a giant gay pride flag pinned up behind the sofa.
Next was Virgil and Janus' parents the brothers bickered alot but when it came to others messing with them then they where asking for murder.
Janus opened the door. "Mom Dad, come in." He smiled. All the parents where chatting happily to their children and their friends. Turns out Janus and Virgil's mom is close friends with Patton's dad.
Then it was the twins turn. Roman was a shaking mess. When a firm knock sounded from the door. Both twins jumped. Remus turned the handle as he steadied his shaking hands. "Mother.Father." He greeted them. The others in the household where shocked at how formal he was being and he was even dressed in a dress shirt,and black jeans much different to his usual booty shorts and crop tops.
"Remus." A posh,strict female voice came from the door way.
"C-come in..." He stuttered opening the door more.
They where dressed very fancy, as if trying to rub in the fact that they have money to burn in other peoples faces which they where.
"Where is your sister?" Their father asked. Remus tensed and the others looked confused. "R-right here f-father." Roman stuttered as he walked into the room.
"Good heavens! Rosaline WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOUR HAIR?!" their mother exclaimed, Roman tensed at the use of his dead name. " and what are you wearing?!" she shriek at the sight of roman in trousers and a dress shirt. "clothes mother." he stated.
"Where are all those pretty dresses I sent you?" She asked as she examined his hair. "Charity, mother." He stated again.
"You waste our money over this stupid phase of yours?" His father asked, seething. "IT'S NOT A PHASE! I AM YOUR SON!" Roman exclaimed before slapping a hand over his mouth. Remus was about to go protect him when he was held back by his mother. Roman's father walked infront of him. "You are my daughter Rosaline! You where born a girl,you will always be a girl!" He said raising his hand to backhand Roman, Until his wrist was caught.
Roman looked up to see Janus standing infront of him holding his wrist. Logan gently pulled Roman away from his "dad" while virgil and patton pushed his "mom" away. "Leave. You are not welcome here. not now not ever." Janus hissed. Pushing them out the door. "And stay the hell away from my boyfriend ." Patton and Janus shouted as Virgil slammed the door shut.
I thought of something today....Imagine logan playing dress up with roman( like dresses, the lot) to make him feel better cause roman is sad boi......
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